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Twist Of Fate on zee world, Tuesday 8th November 2022 update

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Twist Of Fate
Twist Of Fate

Episode starts with Rhea telling that Prachi wants to kill her and demands Inspector to arrest her. Aaliya says Rhea is attacked and there is a danger to her life.

Ranbir says Prachi didn’t want to kill Rhea, she had fight with me and that’s why opened the railing so that I can fall. He says he don’t want to file any complain. Inspector asks do you want to save her. Ranbir says no, I am saying truth. Prachi says don’t do that, and says she don’t want any help or statement. She says I am not guilty and trusts the law. She says I didn’t do this crime as I was not at home that time. Rhea says how to believe you that you was not at home. Inspector says let me solve the case, and tells that they can’t arrest her on the basis of doubt, but as the tool box is found in her room, we can give her benefit of doubt.

She has to prove that she is innocent else we have to arrest her. Prachi signs on the papers. Ranbir asks how can Prachi prove her innocence? Inspector says she shall tell the timeline where was she at that time. Shahana thinks of her conversation with Prachi, that she can’t tell that she had gone to her gynaec for check up.

They all come out of the PS. Ranbir looks at Prachi and signs her to sit in the car. Rhea looks at them and hurries up to sit in the car with Ranbir. Song plays….Le ja mujhe. Prachi, Shahana and Aaliya sit on the back seat. Ranbir looks at Prachi. He drives off.

They reach home. Pallavi gives medicines to Dida and asks what happened there, did Inspector arrest Prachi? She sees Prachi and asks what is she doing here, she shall be there. Prachi says I am here, where I shall be. Ranbir says you can’t talk to Mummy like that. Prachi says I gave the right reply. Pallavi says leave it, she shall be ashamed to be caught, but she is shameful to talk to us looking in our eyes. Rhea says she is showing attitude rather than apologizing. Ranbir tells that Police gave 5 days to Prachi to prove her innocence and says until Police tells that she is culprit, we will not call her culprit. He asks them to be silent atleast for him, as he needs peace in the house. Pallavi asks Rhea about her bandage. Rhea says it was done in the PS. Ranbir looks at Prachi as he goes.

He recalls Inspector and Prachi’s words. He calls an investigator and says an innocent person is going to be jailed, and I don’t want that. He says I will meet you. Prachi comes there and asks do you really think that I have done wrong. Ranbir says I am sure that you have done wrong.

Aaliya says everyone is ignoring what is happening here and says nobody can be wrong or good always. Pallavi asks what she wants to say. Aaliya says nobody can live here peacefully, as there is no peace here. Dida says there is a family in the house, have fights etc. Aaliya tells Pallavi that the son and daughter in law can’t live here peacefully and says Ranbir is stressed and nobody could see his irritation. She says the stress of two women is not letting him live. She says now he is doubtful that Prachi wants to kill Rhea and this is the reason that Prachi didn’t get arrested, and Prachi also said that she is innocent. She asks Pallavi when she will give a chance to Ranbir and says he is in stress and not mentally fine.

Prachi asks do you think that I can do wrong. He says yes. He asks if you are done. Prachi says what do you mean? Ranbir says it is simple thing, says if I had told you that I want to support you, then you would have said that you don’t need my help. He says when two persons relation get stronger, they say I love you, but in our relation, things gets worse.He says he don’t want to burn the memories with hatred, and says today we couldn’t look in each other eyes. He says if we stopped talking then also it will not effect you. He says you had said that you wants to go away from me. Prachi says I remember and you had said that you wants to be with Rhea. She says you used to hug her, save her and brings doctor for her. He says don’t waste your energy, you don’t want my help. He says nothing happens with my thoughts, and says court decision matters. Prachi asks who has kept tools in my room. Ranbir asks if you are doubting me? Prachi says we shall not talk.

Shahana is standing out. Ranbir asks her to come. Shahana tells him that Prachi is innocent and asks him to save her, else she will go to jail. He goes out.

Prachi comes to her room and sees Rhea sitting on the bed. She asks what is she doing here? Rhea says she is doing her work and strikes two dates on the calendar. She says 5 days left for you to be out. She asks her to prove her innocent or go to jail. She suggest her to pack her bags and leave from here today itself. She says she wants time to decorate the room and says she don’t want to miss her. she asks what did you think about going to jail, will you prove your innocence or give up, it is good then Police will arrest you and I will not get peace to kick you out. She says I am having pain and needs rest. She says you shall cut the dates on the calendar. She says whatever you want to snatch my everything is your illusion, and I will not let you take anything is my reality, and asks her to come out of illusion and face the reality, as Ranbir, this house and family are all mine. She asks why are you acting helpless and asks her to say something. She says 5 days and goes. Prachi sits on the bed and recalls her words.

Ranbir coming to Pallavi and asks what is she doing here? Pallavi asks why are you so surprised, I had gone to drop Mummy ji to room and thought to came here. Ranbir says definitely you came to talk to me and asks what is the matter? Pallavi asks why you have become irritated and heartless. Ranbir says if I don’t know myself or my mother don’t know me. He says I have so much love in my heart for a person and that person don’t love me. He says it has so much pain and you are calling me heartless. Pallavi asks why you talk about Prachi. He says everything is related to Prachi. He hugs Pallavi, and tells that he wants to go away from Prachi, but can’t. He says he is not heartless, but helpless. Pallavi says Prachi has thrown Rhea’s stuff two days back and like the stuff, she will throw Rhea too. Ranbir says Prachi can’t do this. Pallavi says I was there and saw everything, she misbehaved with me. She says Rhea was worried about my BP, but Prachi didn’t care for me or you. She asks him to bear her words like a bitter medicines and says I don’t want to see Prachi in this house. Ranbir says no Mom, Prachi can stay here, until she wants, this house is of Prachi as well. He turns and finds Pallavi gone already.

Later in the night, Ranbir goes out of the house. Prachi looks at him and thinks he is doing something secretly. He comes out of the house and meets someone. Prachi thinks why did he come out? Ranbir gives the money and says it has money and all the info which you need. The detective says ok. Prachi doubts him and thinks Ranbir don’t want anyone to see him. The detective leaves. Ranbir calls Prachi and asks her to come out, says he knows that she is hiding. Prachi comes out and asks who is he? Ranbir says he is private detective Bijoy whom I have hired. Prachi says to investigate the accident happened in the house and says you had said that you will not help me as you don’t care. Ranbir says you don’t care for anyone or their feelings and have broken my heart many times..

Rhea thinks where is Prachi and Ranbir, where did they go? Prachi says I am not done yet. She says she don’t need his help. Ranbir asks her not to give importance to herself. Prachi says why did you hire him? Ranbir says so that I get rid of this case at the earliest. Rhea smiles hearing them fighting. Pallavi asks what is happening? Prachi asks her to ask her son. She says whatever happens here, I have 25 percent contribution here. Pallavi says I didn’t see mannerless girl like you. Prachi says if truthfulness is bad manners, then I am mannerless. Pallavi says I asked you not to fight. Prachi says I might try to stop, but it will happen. Pallavi says this woman is toxic. Rhea comes downstairs calling Pallavi and asks her not to say anything infront of Ranbir, as he couldn’t see anything beyond Prachi. Ranbir asks her not to say anything. Rhea says why, I am your wife, why did you marry me then? She asks him to take another vow, that she shall not speak when he talks. She says you have supported me in PS, and says he had said that Prachi wanted to kill him and that’s why compromised with the nuts and bolts of the balcony, but he don’t want to file any case against her. She asks if Prachi didn’t do anything when the attack was done on me. She says how can anyone can take anyone’s side. Ranbir says ask Prachi once, if I have taken her side. Prachi says finally you agreed. She says you got married to Rhea. He says yes, I married you as you left me. Prachi says yes, I left as you had not left any option for me, you had said that all our relations are over. She says I entered this house holding your hand, and I had only one way. He says you are still in the house, which you had left. Prachi holds her mangalsutra and says until it is with me, I will stay here.

Pallavi says there is no reason that this mangalsutra shall be with you. Prachi says you don’t have any rights to ask me. She says when I was leaving the house, you didn’t stop me once, you didn’t tell that I shall calm down and everything will be fine. She says when you didn’t say then, why you are saying now. She says that day everyone was angry, but you should have come to me after 1-2 days, rather than that you got your son married Rhea. She asks why Rhea is having mangalsutra. Rhea says your sins don’t get lessened when you count on other’s mistakes. She pretends to be dizzy. Ranbir makes her sit. Prachi says you used to do good acting even in college, now you have become professional. Pallavi says I will slap you now. Shahana asks Prachi to come with her. Vikram asks what was it? He says if you have raised hand on Prachi, and if Shahana had held it, then you will get your own insult. He asks her to maintain her dignity. Ranbir asks Pallavi to raise hand as a mother and not as mother in law. He says if you do, then I can’t give you respect which I shall give you. He says Prachi is my…and says you knows well.

Rhea thinks what shall I do, when the fight happens, and thinks to be loving towards Ranbir, so that he finds difference between Prachi and her. Pallavi thinks Prachi is spoiling relations between mother and son. Ranbir thinks of Prachi’s words. Vikram comes to Ranbir and gives him suitcase. He says don’t be surprised, that I am saying you this. He asks him to take his important papers of his start up and leave from here. He says I know that your happiness is with Prachi, hold her hand and take her away from here. He says this house has become like a war zone, and is not her sasural. He says I am the first sasur who is asking his son to elope with his daughter in law. He says I will get peace thinking that I have done a good thing in my life. Ranbir smiles and asks if you have a doubt that I am not your son. Vikram asks what are you saying? Ranbir says Pragya aunty had strong rules, and that’s why Prachi is like her. He says I asked Prachi to come with me, but she said that she don’t want to separate him from his family. He returns the suitcase and says Prachi will come back to me, and will ask me to take her away from here. He says once everything is sorted, and when Prachi trusts me then I will take her from here. He says I will send you the address and asks him not to share this with anyone.

Shahana tells Prachi that she will go, but will take her with her. Prachi asks what is in her mind? Shahana says there is tension in the house which can’t be solved easily. She says she is worried about her baby and says everyone scolds you. She says nothing is good between Ranbir and you, due to the misunderstandings.

Prachi says now she has no misunderstanding. She always thought that he loved her, but it is not true. Shahana says Ranbir is a good guy and wants to help you. Prachi looks on.