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Twist Of Fate on zee world, Thursday 5th January 2023 update

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Twist Of Fate on zee world Thursday 5th January 2023 update, Pallavi thinking in her room and recalling seeing Ranbir and Prachi hugging each other. Ranbir comes there and asks why she called him. Pallavi asks what did you do when Mr. Bansal betrayed you in business. Ranbir says I had taken all his clients on my side so that he don’t do business. Pallavi says exactly, you had told him that he had to pay a heavy price for betraying you. Ranbir says yes, but why you are telling me.

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Wednesday 4th January 2023 update

Pallavi gives him some papers and asks him to read and say what is it? Ranbir sees it and says you knows it well, why you want me to say. Pallavi asks if your memory is good in business or get weak in personal matters. She asks him to read and tell her. Ranbir says this is Prachi’s reports. Pallavi says this is Prachi’s pregnancy reports. He asks why are you saying this?

Pallavi says I am your mother and can’t see you in pain. She says I can’t see you feigning smile on your face, can’t see you in confused or illusion state. she says if you are blinded and can’t see after whatever happened, then you are foolish and my son can’t be foolish. She says Prachi is pregnant with Sid’s child and you are running behind her blindfolded and says you will fall down with force. She says this is serious family matter and not college romance, asks him to see what Prachi has done with him.

She says Prachi was in relationship with Sid when she was married to you and now when she is marrying Sid, she is romancing you, you both are hugging each other and talking sweet. She says how can anyone be so characterless..Ranbir gets angry, but controls his calm and goes out. He is very hurt and recalls Sid’s words for Prachi.

Ranbir comes out and sees Sid coming there with Shahana and Aryan. Ranbir hits Sid and beats him up blaming him for ruining his life, says you are not my brother, you are not a good human, you don’t have a heart in yours. Prachi asks Ranbir to stop. Aaliya and Rhea smiles, enjoying it. Vikram stops Ranbir. Pallavi tells the guests that Ranbir and Sid used to fight like this since childhood. Shahana takes Sid with her. The guest asks Dida if they were fighting. Dida says no, they both fight like this since their childhood. Rhea and Aaliya enjoy. Aaliya says Ranbir must have initiated the fight, his anger will be burst on Prachi.

Vikram takes Ranbir with him and asks him why did he beat Sid. Ranbir says Sid has ruined my life, why did he do this, I will ruin him. He says we were living happily, but he returned and ruined everything. He says whatever Mummy said for Prachi is not right, she is like not this. He hugs Vikram and says I am dying from within, I am feeling as if someone is taking out his soul. He says I will be fine, if I stay with Prachi, my heart will beat with her. He says Mummy said right. Vikram asks what? Ranbir says Mummy said that Prachi’s baby father is Sid and she is pregnant with Sid’s child. He says Mummy showed me Prachi’s pregnancy report and….he hugs Vikram and cries. Vikram gets angry.

Prachi asks Pallavi, if you saw Ranbir. Pallavi says don’t take his name from your mouth. She asks why you are taking revenge, of which birth. She asks if one birth is not enough to take revenge, that you are taking revenge of last birth too. She asks why don’t you kill us at once. She says I think always that tomorrow will be good, nobody will cry and everyone will be happy, but you can’t see anyone happy. She says I can’t think of bad and you do it. Prachi calls her Mummy. Pallavi says we don’t have any relation, else you would have thought good and spoiled our Diwali also. She says no festival goes well due to you, and you do such things which hurts us, you do this intentionally. Vikram comes there and asks Pallavi to stop it. He asks her to stop blaming Prachi for her mistakes and asks her to take responsibility of her mistakes. Pallavi asks why you are blaming me. Vikram says all the functions gets ruined because of you and not due to Prachi. Prachi asks Vikram not to say anything to mummy. Vikram asks her not to interfere between them. He asks what you are saying to Prachi. Pallavi says how dare you talk to me infront of this girl. Vikram says Prachi is our bahu and is the family member. Pallavi says I don’t know why you are taking out your frustration on me, I don’t want to talk to you. Vikram holds her hand and says I want to talk to you. Pallavi asks Prachi if she is happy now, and says you don’t want any relation to be fine, you have cracked our relation.

Dida comes to Sid and asks if he is in pain. She asks where is Shahana? Sid says she is bringing, I had leg injury so I sat down here. Dida asks Sid not to think Ranbir bad. Sid says I know and that’s why I didn’t reply to him. He says I brought the storm and the bad news in his life and I am blamed for it. Dida says he shouldn’t have raised hand on you. Sid apologizes to Dida and says first my Papa troubled you and now me. Dida asks him not to take Vikrant’s name, as Mihika is also involved, and I see my upbringing flaws in her, I couldn’t be a good mother. Shahana comes to Sid. Sid tells her that Ranbir is very angry on him and has hatred for him. Shahana says you are the root cause of all the problems and asks him to not to show pity on himself. She takes his hand to bandage his hand.

Vikram asks Pallavi to stop it and says see what you say or do, before telling others. He says don’t know what you said to Ranbir, that he got mad and started beating Sid infront of everyone. Pallavi says I just said. Vikram asks why did you say today, didn’t you think that the festival will be spoilt. He says we might lose our son, he is very sensitive, if I see him crying then it won’t be good for you or me. He asks her to go and console him. He says you can be a bad wife, but don’t become bad mother infront of him, he can’t bear this and will break down. He then apologizes to Prachi and asks her to talk to him, he will feel good. He goes. Prachi is going. Pallavi shouts at Prachi asking her to stop. Prachi looks on worried.

Pallavi shouting at Prachi asking her to stop. Prachi stops and turns to her. Pallavi recalls Vikram’s words and goes to Prachi. She asks if she got peace today, many relations are fighting because of you, husband and wife are fighting, two brothers are fighting, and asks if you want Aaliya and Rhea to fight now. She requests her to stop humiliating her and says now you are insulting us in front of the guests. Prachi tries to say. Pallvi says no drama now, you will do as I say. She asks her to go and talk to Ranbir and tell the guests that the fight between brothers was a joke and that they are ideal family. She says I don’t want to mourn on Diwali day, so go and do exactly as I say. She goes. Rhea hears her and comes to Prachi. She asks when you will listen to me, this house is not yours, nobody loves you here and you should have left here long back. She asks her to stay away from Ranbir and remember that she is marrying Sid. Prachi says enough and says I heard Mummy as I love and respect her, that doesn’t mean that anyone will say. Rhea asks what you will do, will you beat me like Ranbir had beaten up Sid. Ranbir hears and asks Rhea not to talk to Prachi this way. Prachi goes. Ranbir goes behind her. Aaliya comes to Rhea. Rhea tells Aaliya that they have to change the dupatta fast, as she can’t bear Prachi even for a moment with her Ranbir. She says she loves Ranbir and can’t do anything to him hearing his rejection, but she can do so much with Prachi.

Prachi recalls pallavi’s words and walking thinking about it. Ranbir calls her and asks why is she crying? Prachi nods no. Ranbir holds her face. Prachi recalls Pallavi’s harsh words. She cries. Song plays..Maanjha ishq se..He keeps her hand on his cheeks. Prachi says Ranbir. Ranbir signs her not to say anything. He holds her face and wipes her tears. She says I hurt mummy and she is very upset with me. She says she asked me to make everything fine. She asks will you give me, if I ask you anything. He nods yes. Prachi asks him to make everything fine, celebrate Diwali happy and we all will be happy. She says make everything fine like Mummy wants. Ranbir says I will not refuse you, as you are doing this for Mummy. He says I will make everything fine.

Aryan gets a call. Shahana comes there. Aryan ends the call and tells Shahana that they will talk later. Dida comes there and asks for Prachi. Sid comes there. Aryan says Shahana’s favorite has come. Shahana asks what is your problem with Sid. Aryan asks what is your drama with him. Dida asks why are you jealous? Pallavi comes there and thinks of Vikram’s words. Aaliya asks Rhea to support Pallavi and it will be good for her own. Rhea goes to her and gives her water. Pallavi thanks her. Rhea asks her not to think about Prachi, and says she is habitual to do drama in every function. Pallavi says I am thinking of Vikram, as he is angry with her due to Prachi. She says she was telling Ranbir how he shall live his life and was telling him about right and wrong. Rhea asks why? Pallavi says Vikram thinks that the drama happened due to me. Rhea says it is not his mistake, Prachi is filling his ears against you. Ranbir comes there and apologizes to everyone for fighting with Sid. He says they used to fight like this since their childhood, he learnt boxing and Sid didn’t. He asks guests to carry on , and then apologizes to Sid. He says you shall learn boxing and then we will beat each other. Prachi smiles. Ranbir says sorry to Sid and says I didn’t want to hurt you. He says it is enough of boring talks, I have surprise for you all. He holds Prachi’s hand and takes her to dance with him. Ranbir lifts Prachi and dances. Everyone claps for them. Ranbir thanks Prachi. Prachi says you are welcome forever.

Rhea asks Aaliya why she took so much time. She says we have to bring Prachi out and then do the blast. Aaliya asks her to bring chain of crackers. Rhea smiles. Shahana recalls their accident happen and realizes something. She comes to Prachi and says Aaliya buji want to kill Sid. Sid hears her. Shahana says Sid threatened Aaliya to meet Mihika and that’s why she got angry. She says she had said that her man will meet him meet mihika, but he excused himself. She says Aryan went with them and then Aaliya called him again and again. She says when Aryan apologized to her as she is possessive about her car, she asked about Sid. Ranbir comes there.

Sid diverts the topic. Ranbir asks if they were talking about him. Rhea comes there and takes Prachi with her. Ranbir says why they are behaving strangely. Sid says what is happening? Shahana says she understands well. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.