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Twist Of Fate on zee world, Sunday 11th December 2022 update

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Twist Of Fate on zee world Sunday 11th December 2022 update, Prachi coming to Ranbir’s car and sits. He asks if she really wanted to do this. He says he don’t want. Prachi asks him to support her for her peace. Shahana and Aryan sit in the car. Shahana says everyone trust you. Prachi says except Rhea. Ranbir says let her do what she wants. Prachi says Rhea is collecting proofs against us, someone is helping her. She says this DNA test is very important and tells Ranbir that she is grateful to him for trusting her. She says I will not bear if anyone points finger at our baby. Shahana and Aryan say even me. Ranbir asks where did you go? Aryan says I had gone to sort out Mili and her boyfriend’s fight. Ranbir says Mili is your girlfriend.

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Saturday 10th December 2022 update

Aryan says she is not marriage type girlfriend and says she is just for masti. Shahana says I felt that how you can have any girlfriend. Aryan asks what do you mean? Shahana says you will feel bad. Aryan asks what do you mean? Ranbir and Prachi smiles. Rhea thinks I shouldn’t have dragged the matter, everything will be in Prachi’s favor now if DNA test happens. Pallavi calls Mahua and asks her to go to market and buy fresh fruits. Mahua goes. Pallavi asks Rhea if Sid’s story was right.

Rhea says you didn’t ask me in night and supported Prachi. Aaliya hears and asks Pallavi to trust Rhea. Pallavi says what do you think and says there shall be reason for trust. She asks Rhea why she doesn’t do whatever she ask, and then you complain that nobody talks in your favor. Dida hears them and sneezes accidentally. Everyone sees Dida. Pallavi asks do you need anything. Dida says tea. Pallavi says Mahua went out, I will bring tea. She asks Aaliya and Rhea to be careful and says the air is going to the opposite direction. Dida hears them.

Ranbir and Prachi along with Shahana and Aryan reach the hospital. Shahana and Aryan fight with each other. Ranbir says we are already late. Prachi slips and get the sprain in her foot. Ranbir lifts her and says whenever you fall, I will lift you. Shahana gets teary eyes and gets emotional. Aryan asks why is she crying? Shahana says they have gone through a tough times. Aryan says all is well, if ends well. Shahana slips. Aryan says I will help you and lifts her. He says you are very heavy. Shahana says make me get down. He drops her down and asks her not to beat him. He runs. Shahana says I will not leave Aryan.

Vikram talks to someone. Dida is standing outside the room and recalls Pallavi and Aaliya’s conversation. Vikram asks why are you sad? Dida says nothing. He says your face is sad, you are always energetic in morning. Dida says I am fine. He asks her to say. Dida says I heard Pallavi talking to Aaliya and Rhea, and says I am doubtful if she is with Prachi or not. Vikram says it is our heart fear and asks her to trust Pallavi. He says she gets easily manipulated. Dida says Rhea is manipulating her. Vikram says don’t worry, Pallavi will stick to her words and asks her to trust him.

Prachi comes out of doctor’s cabin and says test is done. Ranbir says lets leave. He holds her hand. Shahana and Aryan smile. Aryan is about to call Ranbir. Shahana keeps hand on his mouth and says let them get lost in love. She says we shall wait in car.

Aaliya comes to meet the goons and thinks to get respect from Rhea once the work is done. She asks where is jeeta? She says she is Aaliya. Jeeta asks if you have brought the envelope. Aaliya gives the envelope and shows Sid’s pic, says he is coming from International flight and asks him to kill him, and making his death look like an accident. Jeeta says it will be done.

Aryan and Shahana argue standing outside the car. She asks how did Mili meet you? He says she saw what you couldn’t see, I am hot and handsome. Shahana says all guys are hot and handsome, and says she ignores it. He says I am different. Shahana asks him to look in the mirror and says you will see 2-3 guys who are handsome. Aryan says when I leave from here, then you will cry. Ranbir calls Aryan. Shahana stamps on his feet. Ranbir says he is not picking the call. Prachi says Shahana might be fighting with him. Shahana says she hit him as he pulled her closer. Aryan says car was going and that’s why he pulled her closer. Shahana asks what about that SRK’s dialogue. Aryan says he is not interested in her. She calls him chipku. They start fighting. Prachi and Ranbir come there and try to stop their fight. Aryan says she called me chipku and not handsome. Shahana says he said that I am not attractive. Ranbir and Prachi say Aryan is handsome and Shahana is beautiful. They end their fight and sit in the car. Prachi asks how did this fight started? Shahana says he pulled me closer. Ranbir says oh, lets go.

Vikram tells Dida that he wants to lie his head on her lap. Dida asks what happened to you. Vikram says he is worried, and tells that why Pallavi changed suddenly as Prachi is pregnant. He says she loves Ranbir’s baby, now Rhea doubted about her pregnancy. Dida says no need to doubt Prachi, Ranbir is the father of baby. Vikram says you are thinking wrong. Pallavi comes there and asks what happened? Dida asks what is happening, why did you ask Rhea if Sid is baby’s father. She says you blessed Prachi and did her godh bharayi, when you have to ask Rhea, then why did you trust Prachi at first place. She questions her double standards.

Dida asking Pallavi why she is playing double cards, if she wanted to ask Rhea, then why she acted to trust Prachi. Pallavi says you had asked for tea, and asks her to take tea. Dida says this is not the answer to my question. Pallavi asks what do you want to know. I am a human and few things make me doubtful. She says if I ask anything from Rhea, then what is wrong. She says I told Prachi that I trust her, but not like trusting Ranbir. She says I love her, but not like loving you. She says even I can do mistakes and says if I do mistake then I will correct it. She says after seeing so many proofs, didn’t your trust shaken up for once. She says Rhea said so much and showed so many proofs of hotel etc. Dida says then why did you show trust on her? Prachi says she don’t want to give stress to Prachi as her pregnancy is complicated. She says she said that to give her security. She says if Prachi has lied, then I will not support her. She says Prachi will not be stress as whatever happens with her, will be the fruit of her karma. She says I have lied and not proud of it. She says a lie is not lie, if it is said for someone’s betterment, see my intention and not my lie. Vikram says Pallavi is not wrong. Dida thinks matter is something else, which I couldn’t find out.

Shahana asks Aryan to drive the car carefully, and says pregnant lady is sitting on the back seat. Ranbir asks Aryan to continue driving. Prachi tells Ranbir that he drives badly than Aryan. Sheb says he used to offer me lift, but I used to refuse, thinking I will not get my life back if something happens. Ranbir says you are saying this infront of public. Prachi says they are family. Rain starts. Prachi asks Aryan to stop the car and says she will visit the temple. Ranbir says we will go to the temple, where Dida goes. Shahana asks them why are they confusing Aryan. Prachi says I will go. Ranbir gets down holding the umbrella and asks Prachi to get down. He takes Prachi to visit the road side temple. Aryan asks Shahana why did Prachi go, she would have prayed sitting here. Prachi prays to God for the happiness and peace in her house, prays for good life for her baby, and asks to give Ranbir in all her births. He asks what did you ask? Prachi says if I say then my prayers will not be fulfilled. The umbrella flies away. Ranbir goes to get it. Shahana asks Aryan to take out another umbrella. Aryan asks where is it? Shahana says leave it, Prachi is enjoying the rain after a long time. Ranbir and Prachi enjoy the rain together. They have a hug. Ranbir lifts her in his arms and swirls. Aryan and Shahana look at them. Aryan says they are kids. Shahana laughs. Ranbir and Prachi splash water on each other. He holds her closer. They strike a romantic pose. Ranbir holds her face. She hugs him.

Rhea thinks she made hotel story, and didn’t think about DNA and hospital stuff. She thinks what to do, as her plan is backfiring. She thinks my lie will come infront of all and then I will be caught. She says everyone comes to know that I bribed the hotel staff Priya to lie. She plucks the flower petals and says I will be saved, and nothing will be known to anyone. She finds she will be caught as she plucks the last petal.

Shahana, Aryan, Prachi and Ranbir come home drenched in water. Dida asks them to go and change their clothes. Ranbir says please hug me once. Dida refuses and says she will slap him. Aryan says I am not drenched, hug me. Dida says she will slap them both. Aryan and Shahana refuse to change as they are not drenched. Ranbir goes to change. Prachi thanks Dida for stopping her, and says if you haven’t stopped me then I wouldn’t have got so much love today. She is thankful to Dida and hugs her. Dida says I didn’t stop you, but your happiness stopped you. She prays for her happiness and asks her to go and change. Prachi hugs her and goes. She thinks of Pallavi’s words and asks God to make sure that Prachi gets real happiness.

Ranbir covers Prachi with towel as she sneezes and takes her to room. Shaina looks at them. Ranbir wipes Prachi’s hair with towel, and then uses hair dry to dry her hair. Shaina thinks why Rhea is between them, why she is behind Ranbir, says Ranbir is drown in Prachi’s love fully, loves her madly. She wishes to get such mad lover, and thinks to tell Aaliya about their romance. She goes. Prachi says my hair is dry. Ranbir asks her to go and change. Prachi says first you should have told me to change, why did you make me sit to dry my hair and says buddhu. He asks her to say it again. He says next time, I will ask you to change and then I will dry your hair. She says buddhu and takes saree from the cupboard. Ranbir says nice choice. She goes to change. Shaina comes to Aaliya and hears her talking to goon, asking him to first do the work and then get the money. She asks him to send Sid’s dead body’s pic to her, and then he will get the full amount. Shaina hears her and gets shocked. Aaliya sees her and says you didn’t hear me. She says I am talking to you as you are Rhea’s friend. She says we have to support Rhea, and didn’t have to see right or not. She says if Sid comes here, and says he has nothing to do with Prachi, and the baby is of Ranbir, then Rhea’s future will be over. She asks her to understand and says you shall not tell anyone that I have hired a killer to kill Sid. She asks her not to tell Rhea also. Shaina says ok.

Ranbir bringing tea for Prachi. He says he wanted to bring pakodas, but he don’t know how to make it, and that’s why brought hot tea. He asks her not to judge it. She sips the tea and says it is good to keep the body warm. He says he has added so much love in love. Prachi says it will look like I am saying it forcibly. She tastes tea and says milk, tea and sugar are in equal quantity. He says even I got drenched in water, you can’t praise me. She offers him tea. He sips the tea and gives to her. She sips it and says not bad at all. He sips it and says not bad at all. He is about to kiss the lipstick mark on the tea cup. Shahana comes there and says someone is calling you. Ranbir asks why did she come like a housefly. He says he wanted to do something. Prachi takes Shahana out. Everyone is waiting in the hall. Rhea comes there and asks what happened? Pallavi says there was call from hospital and they have sent the report, it is on its way. Door bell rings. Pallavi says may be report came. Ranbir asks Prachi to be careful. Prachi opens the door and takes the report. She asks Rhea to take the report. Aaliya asks why you are giving this report to Rhea. Prachi says this is not report, but my answer. She says Rhea is having many doubts which needs to be answered.

Pallavi says there was call from hospital and they have sent the report, it is on its way. Door bell rings. Pallavi says may be report came. Ranbir asks Prachi to be careful. Prachi opens the door and takes the report. She asks Rhea to take the report. Aaliya asks why you are giving this report to Rhea. Prachi says this is not report, but my answer. She says Rhea is having many doubts which needs to be answered. She says I am not fighting, I just want to clear Rhea’s misunderstanding, as she related Sid’s name with my name. She says Sid is not just the son of the house, but was also Rhea’s husband. She says I want Rhea to read the report, so that she comes to know that the baby is of her husband Ranbir. Rhea says I wish this happens and says I wish all the misunderstandings get cleared between us. Shaina thinks Rhea is talking nicely thinking she might proved wrong. Rhea says if I proved wrong then I will touch your feet and apologize to you. Prachi says no need, read the reports now. Rhea opens the report and reads it, shockingly. Aaliya asks what happened, what is in the report. Rhea gives report to Aaliya. Pallavi asks what is in the report. Prachi says I know it is difficult to read the report. She tells Rhea, that she is her real sister and her own blood and that’s why she forgives her always, and says I am forgiving you once again. She says I can’t forgive you again, as there is no relation than mother and child. Pallavi reads the report. Dida asks what is in the report. Pallavi says it is written that Prachi’s baby DNA is not matching with Ranbir. Everyone is shocked. Aaliya smiles. Rhea smiles too. Pallavi says baby is not of Ranbir. Ranbir takes the report and tears it. Rhea is shocked. Ranbir throws the torn report and says just like you trust this paper, I trust my love and says I will always trust Prachi and will listen to my heart. He says I am becoming Bau ji and Prachi is my baby’s mother. Rhea asks what is wrong and says this baby is not yours, as if his mind went in his knees and says DNA report shows all. Ranbir asks her to be quiet and holds Prachi’s hand. He says Prachi’s trust, I have earned after a lot of time. He says nobody shall speak until Sid comes, and till then we all will wait. He asks Prachi to come and takes her to room. Rhea is upset.

The goons are waiting for Sid. The goon says flight get cancelled sometimes. The other goon says we will get money after we kill him, and will get money to keep mouth shut. They see Sid coming out of airport. The goon says we will hit him where there is no CCTV cam. They see him leaving in car and follow the car. The car driver looks at the car following them.

Ranbir asks Prachi not to take stress and says I will bring water. Prachi asks do you believe me? Ranbir says no, I don’t. He says you can’t hurt me by asking this question. He says leave the past, now you are with me. He says you are the best thing that has happened to me. He says let the people ask, I will answer everyone. Prachi says you shall not fight with anyone because of me, they are our own family. Ranbir says if anyone says anything then I will not be quiet. Prachi says I am angry on myself for troubling you, upset with you, fighting with you, making you cry and hurting you. She says I have hurt you a lot and says I am really bad. He opens his arms wide. Prachi runs to him and hugs him. Ranbir says I used to yearn to talk to you, and now you hugged me. He says I just want your love and says I will bring water. Prachi says you are the best thing that has happened to me. Ranbir says it will happen again and again.

Rhea gets happy and says if my destiny can be so good, thinks it is miracle. Aaliya comes there. Rhea says report was changed, and says I was worried that I will get caught. She says everything turned down in my favor. She thanks God. Shaina comes we have given you this gift. Sid thinks to call Vikram and tell him that he reached. He thinks he asked him to keep his phone off and wonders what might have happen there.

The driver sees the goons following his car. He asks Sid, what work you do? Sid says I do business. Driver asks if he is having cash with him, as someone is following them. Sid is about to turn. Driver asks him not to turn else they will know that we came to know. Sid asks what we shall do now. Driver says we shall fool them. Shaina tells that she reached hospital. A fb is shown, she meets technician and asks him to change the report. She gives him money and asks him to do the work. She asks him to think what he can do for his family and gives him greed.

He takes the money from her, and says report was about to be sent. He says he will change the report. Fb ends. Rhea says I know that Buji will handle the situation and I also know that you will do something to save your friend. Aaliya says if this plan haven’t worked then we would have made some other plan.

Rhea asks how much money, you have given to change the DNA report. Pallavi comes there and looks shocked. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.