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Twist Of Fate on zee world, Monday 7th November 2022 update

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Twist Of Fate
Twist Of Fate

Pallavi asking vikram if he can’t see Prachi’s real face really. She says until I expose her, I won’t sit in peace. Shahana says let Rhea be your bahu, you really deserve her. Aaliya asks Pallavi not to talk to small people. Inspector tells that if Prachi is guilty then they will get proofs against her in the room.

The lady constable finds the tools in the bag. Aaliya smiles and looks at Rhea. She recalls pretending to cough and then taking the tools bag and hiding in Prachi’s cupboard. Fb ends. She smirks. Inspector says screws were loosened with it. Shahana asks are you joking? Inspector asks what the tools box is doing in a girl’s room. Rhea says now everyone must have understood that Prachi had loosened the screws and then went out, so that she acts to be innocent. She blames Prachi.

Prachi asks her not to blame her, and says she can’t bear anymore. Rhea says I can’t bear you now, you tried to kill me twice. She says problems increased on Maha Shivratri night, as she couldn’t bear to see Ranbir and I moving in our relation, and her hatred increased, and thought to kill me. She tells Inspector that Prachi tried to kill me through Nick and now through Balcony, and says I have made up my mind and wants to file case against Prachi. She asks him to file case against Prachi and arrest her. Ranbir tells Inspector that he can do the legal formalities, but don’t do this as Rhea said.

He says Prachi can never harm anyone, though she can get angry and fight. He says if I tell that she loosened the screws for me, as I stay there. Prachi asks do you think that I can do this for you. Ranbir says no, and says nothing happens with my thoughts, I used to think we have much between us, but it is not like that. Rhea says I have fallen down and wants to file the case. Ranbir asks Inspector not to file the case. Inspector asks Ranbir, Prachi and Rhea to come to the PS. Pallavi says you can’t take my son. Vikram asks shall I call the lawyer. Inspector says no, he wants to get the paper work done, he is not arresting anyone now.

Ranbir, Prachi and Rhea come to the PS. Ranbir sits with Prachi. Rhea gets upset and sits between them. She says my hand is paining, it seems I have to show my hand to doctor. Ranbir says I will do something. He goes. Rhea says I didn’t complain about you, I just said that my hand is paining as I fell down from first floor. She asks if she is feeling strange, and says she is feeling strange for coming there for first time, and tells Prachi that she is habitual to come here. Prachi asks her to be quiet. Rhea asks her to shut up and says if I stay quiet then how Ranbir will see my pain. Prachi says how can you shed fake tears, when you are not hurt. Rhea says she is hurt. Prachi says how she can shed fake tears when she is not hurt and asks her to wake up from her illusion. She says we shall stay away from illusion and says reality is that you are coming between Ranbir and me, and says even if we are not together then also you can’t break our relation. Ranbir comes back and says come with me. Prachi gets up. Ranbir asks Rhea to come. Rhea gets up. Prachi gives her hand to help her, and also Ranbir gives his hand. Rhea holds his hand and looks at Prachi and him. She hugs him to make Prachi jealous and smiles. Ranbir is uncomfortable and looks at Prachi. Prachi looks on with teary eyes. Ali Maula plays……..

Ranbir takes Rhea from there. Shahana comes to the PS and asks where is Ranbir? Aaliya also comes there. Shahana asks where is Rhea and Ranbir, and why are you crying? Prachi says she is sad. Aaliya asks where is Rhea? Inspector says Ranbir took Rhea to the doctor of the PS.

Rhea thinks she asked Ranbir to call the doctor to gain his sympathy, but he brought her to real doctor. She thinks what to do. Aaliya comes there and asks Ranbir to go out, as she is with Rhea. Ranbir says if there is anything serious, then we will show her to our family doctor. Rhea says she is fine. Aaliya asks him to go out and handle Prachi, as she is crying. Rhea thanks Aaliya for being the life saver. Doctor says I have checked you, but there is no sign of any injury, you are mentally and physically fine. Rhea says when I move my hand, then I feel pain. Doctor says you are fine. Rhea asks him to bandage her hand. Aaliya offers him money.

Prachi tells Shahana that she was not at home, when Rhea had fallen down. She says I had gone through back door, and nobody saw me going and returning. She says she can’t tell Ranbir that she has gone to the gynaec. She says whenever I see them together, I don’t want to tell anything to him. Ranbir says I know everything, what did you think that you will hide from me. Dida thinks there is a mattress on the floor so Rhea has fallen on it. Pallavi comes there and asks Dida to tell Vikram that she has overreacted the situation. Dida says you have gone with Aaliya. Pallavi says I have come to change my slipper, but Vikram told that we shouldn’t support Rhea. She says she will not give benefit of doubt to Prachi and says none of us will feel safe if she is here. She says she wants Police to arrest Prachi and keep her in jail for years, so that we stay safe in our house. She says I am going there, to make sure that Inspector don’t leave her. Dida thinks if Pallavi goes there, then Inspector might come in her talks and will arrest Prachi. She acts to be hurt, and asks Pallavi to take her to her room.

Prachi asks what do you know? Ranbir asks what happened if I come to know anything. He asks why are you so scared, and asks her to relax and says I don’t know what you are hiding, but knows that you are hiding something and that’s why scared. He tells Shahana that he will not ask her, as Prachi might have swear you not to tell me, and says I will know it and is 110 percent sure that it is related to me. He says if you plan to hide this, then hide this properly and if I come to know about this, and feel that I shall know it before, then I can’t forgive you, and I can’t forgive anyone. Aaliya brings Rhea out and asks Ranbir to ask Inspector to do the formalities before, and tells that she is feeling pain. Prachi asks what are we waiting for? Inspector says we are waiting for Rhea. He says we searched in Prachi’s room and found the tools box. He says Rhea said that Prachi wants to harm her.

Rhea shouts and says she wants to kill me. Inspector asks her to calm down, and says if Prachi really wants to kill Rhea, then she would have planned big, nobody dies from first floor. Rhea demands him to arrest her. Aaliya says arrest her now.