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Twist Of Fate on zee world, Friday 9th December 2022 update

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Twist Of Fate on zee world, Friday 9th December 2022 update; Rhea throwing the divorce papers on Prachi and asks her to celebrate happiness, but this happiness will not last long, as I will return very soon. Pallavi says this will happen, when you get out of jail. She says I will make sure Rhea that you will be rotten in jail all life. She holds her hand and takes her out. She then pushes her on the floor and asks her to get out.

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Thursday 8th December 2022 update

Rhea says I will not away from here. She wakes up shouting she will not leave, how dare she to push her. She thinks thank god, it is a dream, she will not go out even in dreams. She comes out of the room and sees Ranbir and prachi sleeping on the bed, holding each other hands. She gets angry and throws the vase kept on the side tables in the corridor.

Prachi wakes up hearing the noise and sees Ranbir on the bed. Ranbir gets up and says sorry, I had slept while sitting. He says I was holding your hand and slept. He says we had pillows between us and I didn’t take advantage of you. Prachi smiles a bit. He asks if you are smiling. She nods no and asks him to sleep on the bed from now onwards. He asks if pillows shall be there or not. He says ok, will be there. Prachi sets up the bedsheet and the comforter on the bed properly. Ranbir also helps her. Aryan looks at them and sings atak gaya yeh mann atak gaya hai. Prachi says I will go and freshen up. Ranbir scolds Aryan and asks what is atak gaya, let me see her. Aryan asks for the boxing gloves. Prachi comes out after changing her clothes and gets dizzy. She is about to faint. Ranbir holds her and asks if she is ok. Prachi hugs him and smiles. Aryan thinks they love each other so much, I wish their children keep them close always. Shahana comes there and sees Aryan praying. She says she came to call them for breakfast. She says you might not look at breakfast because of your wife. Ranbir says yes, I will concentrate on my wife, rather than breakfast and says she has pregnancy glow on her face. He holds her hand and goes. Shahana tells Aryan that she saw him praying. He says someone came in his life and changed him. He gives the credit to Mili, and says just like Stanley changed you. Shahana says you are bad and goes. Aryan laughs.

Rhea comes to Aaliya’s room and asks her to get up. Shaina gets up and asks what happened? Rhea asks her to sleep. Aaliya says let me sleep. Rhea asks her to wake up and tells that Pallavi was throwing her out of the house, and Prachi asked Ranbir to divorce her. She says I can just feel that something bad is going to happen. She says I know that divorce papers are getting ready and today they will make me sign. Aaliya says let the papers come. Shaina asks her to think positive and says Ranbir will accept you and will throw Prachi out. Rhea says I don’t like people flattering me. Shaina says I was telling as it was dream. Rhea says it was my morning dream. Aaliya says morning dream will come true. Rhea says she has a plan, but it can backfire. Aaliya says either we will win or will be out. Rhea says we are stuck in middle, we have to play this gamble.

Pallavi talks to lawyer on phone about divorce papers. Vikram comes there and asks her. Pallavi says she is getting Rhea divorce Ranbir so that Prachi can stay here without any problem. She asks him to trust her. Vikram says he trusts her. Shaina asks Mahua to give tea. Mahua says after opening the door, I will give you tea. Rhea asks Mahua to give tea and she goes to open the door. The courier guy tells that there is a courier on Pallavi Kohli’s name. He says he will give it to Pallavi only. Rhea is going to call Pallavi, when Aaliya stop her and tells that Pallavi must be hiding something from them. She pretends to be Pallavi and receives the courier. They open the envelope and read the divorce papers. Dida asks Rhea who had come. Rhea hides the papers. Dida asks what is she hiding?

Vikram tells good morning to Ranbir and Prachi. Prachi says good morning. Pallavi says I hope Ranbir is taking good care of yours. Vikram asks her to tell. Prachi says yes, he is taking good care of me. Vikram says how you will react hearing the good news. He asks Pallavi if I shall tell you. Ranbir says we know, Dida had told us. Prachi says Dida informed us. Pallavi asks are you okay with it. Prachi says I am happy. Ranbir says everyone is happy and Dida made everyone have sweets. Vikram says Prachi reacted positively and it is good. Ranbir says Kalyani gave birth to the calf. Pallavi says Kalyani. She asks when did Mummy hear me saying this? Prachi says wendy dadi told Dida. Pallavi says our good news is different.

Dida asks Rhea what is she hiding. Pallavi asks Rhea to tell what Mummy ji is asking. Rhea says I am in complete shock as you got the papers ready. Vikram asks Pallavi if these are the same papers. Pallavi says yes.

Rhea tells Aaliya that she was right. Dida asks what is happening. Rhea tears the papers and says you have made your decision and I have made my decision. She throws the papers on Pallavi. Pallavi raises her hand to slap Rhea, but Aaliya holds her hand.

Pallavi raising her hand on Rhea. Aaliya holds her hand. Pallavi asks Aaliya to leave her hand. Aaliya says then don’t raise your hand. Pallavi says I have to give reply to her misbehavior. Aaliya says Rhea has raised her voice against injustice and it is courageous thing to do. Pallavi says you have given her much liberty. Aaliya says someone has to say, else in the name of right, restrictions happens. Pallavi says if we have restricted, then you wouldn’t have been here. Aaliya says I will not bend my head as I am staying here and asks her not to do this again. Pallavi asks what will you do, will you slap me? Aaliya says she will file domestic violence case against you. Pallavi is shocked. Rhea says no girl will give divorce happily. Pallavi says you have to just sign. Aaliya says just as Prachi picked the boy toy, Pallavi is thinking that she will have a boy. Pallavi says my thinking is not narrow minded. She says Rhea knows what I want. Rhea says she will not give divorce. Ranbir says I want divorce. He collides with Aryan. Shahana asks what are you saying? Ranbir says I am searching the divorce papers, on which I have taken Rhea’s signs. He says I didn’t show it to anyone, as Rhea was pregnant. Shahana asks him to show. Rhea asks Prachi to laugh on her face. Prachi asks if I am laughing. Rhea says you wanted this from day 1 and says it was coincidence or conspiracy. She says you brought Police and NGO, and now I will not leave any chance to.. She pushes her. Ranbir comes there and tells Prachi that the crying phase was over, now new phase will start where you and I will be there. He says I have taken divorce from Rhea. He shows the divorce papers. Rhea says how is this possible, I haven’t signed the divorce papers. Ranbir says you have signed long back and shows her signs. He says our relation is over and now you have to leave from here. He holds Prachi’s hand and takes her to the dining table. Rhea looks on revengeful. Shaina keeps her hand on her shoulder.

Aaliya comes to meet someone in her car. A guy comes and gives her something. Aaliya gives him money. Rhea shouts and says I will not leave this house. She says this is not my sign and asks when did I sign, as I don’t know it. Ranbir asks did you remember merger party, and says after 12, it was Prachi and our anniversary. He says I had apologized to Prachi already. He says I spiked your drink like you had spiked Prachi’s drink and took your signs. Rhea asks did you teach him this? Ranbir says prachi didn’t teach me, this is your karma. He says I knew that you will not sign it and that’s why took this way, I know this was wrong, but I have no option. He says I came to know about your pregnancy late, and I thought to let it go. She says if I had told Prachi then she would have forced me to stay with you. Rhea scolds Prachi and says whatever she do, she will do infront of everyone. She burns the divorce papers. Ranbir asks her to leave it. Rhea smiles and asks Prachi to take it. She says your desires last rights is done. Ranbir says stay away from Prachi, she was not aware of it. He says you can’t talk to my wife like that. She says if she is your wife then who am I? She says even I am pregnant.

Ranbir says I can’t fight with you and can’t make you understand more. He says you know that I don’t love you and how you we have got married. She says if I haven’t burnt these papers, then you would have…She asks if you have taken these papers in court, then people would have laughed at you. She says there is no value of this paper. She says if it is Xerox then it has no value too. Aaliya comes there. Dida asks Rhea how she can stay with a person, who doesn’t love her. She says when Ranbir haven’t divorced Prachi, then how Ranbir is your husband. Aaliya appreciates Dida for taking Prachi’s name, and says everyone gets energetic just as they take Prachi’s name. She says if a person remarries then all the family will be jailed for betraying the second wife.

Prachi says why did she marry Ranbir when she had known that we are married. Rhea says marriage means kumkum to me, values which is right. She asks Dida if divorce used to happen in her times, no. She says if you play divorce game then I have to take a harsh step. Vikram says we shall sit and talk. Pallavi asks them to calm down. She asks Rhea to calm down and asks Rhea to come with her, says I want to talk to you alone. Aaliya says Rhea will not go anywhere.

Pallavi says don’t do drama here. Aaliya asks her to talk infront of everyone. Pallavi says Prachi is pregnant and we have to take her extra care. Rhea says I know, as I am pregnant. Pallavi says I have no choice and has to tell infront of everyone. She says Prachi’s pregnancy is complicated. She says she had talked to her Doctor and she told her everything. A fb is shown. Pallavi says I am so sorry Prachi, I am feeling pity and also anger on you. She asks why did you hide? She says doctor said that if we give her stress then her complication can increase.

Aaliya says I am sorry and asks Rhea to tell her secret too. Rhea tells Prachi that I tried to save you, but can’t save you by making you sit on my shoulder. She says I told you many times to go from here, but you didn’t go.

She says I know that her pregnancy is complicated, and I want her to stay with the real father of her baby and not with my husband. Prachi is shocked. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.