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Twist Of Fate on zee world, Friday 6th January 2023 update

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Twist Of Fate on zee world Friday 6th January 2023 update, Prachi asks Rhea what is going on but then stops her questioning what is she trying to prove as neither the right to be a sister or be the second girl connect, Rhea replies but their stars meet as whenever something happens to her Prachi is always there and this is the same for her, Rhea sees Aaliya who is walking towards her with the thali containing the Diya.

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Thursday 5th January 2023 update

Aaliya recalls when she informed Rhea they must make sure their plan fulfills and she has to take care of the situation, Aaliya then purposefully stumbles causing Prachi to fall while giving Rhea the opportunity to change her dupatta, they both were glad as now there is going to be a blast. Rhea is anxiously waiting for the blast, but Prachi is taken away by Neha, Aaliya and Rhea try to follow her but are stopped by some guests.

Neha apologizes to Prachi if she felt anything bad explaining she and Ranbir were just acting to tease her, Prachi with a smile explains that Neha doesnot have to feel sorry because if she thinks that Prachi is unaware of the entire situation because she knows her husband and is aware he cannot do anything wrong, Neha asks if she knew the entire truth then why was she not angry, Prachi replies she was really angry and even felt really jealous but did not suspect him, explaining both of these things are different so she must relax. Prachi goes to the Mandir where she starts praying while standing in front of the Diya, she recalls how Sahana informed that rhea and Aaliya desire to have Sid killed. Prachi starts wondering where Sahana went as she was talking about informing about his accident. Aaliya and Rhea are searching for the crackers when Aaliya explains they are just on the floor and if they light it then it will end the life of Prachi.

Sid is standing when Aryan comes asking if he has gotten the tickets, Sid replies Ranbir said Aaryan is going to book the tickets and leave with Prachi once and for all, Sid requests Aryan to at least try and understand his situation, Aaryan replies he must not even think like this since he tried to harm Ranbir so is also his enemy.
Prachi rushes seeing the Diya is about to go off, Rhea exclaims she cannot wait any longer and so rushes to light the crackers, Prachi is stunned but not able to leave, she screams which causes Ranbir to rush towards her, Rhea sees him coming so gest tensed thinking he would die but Aaliya pulls her closer before throwing another cracker in the lawn causing Rhea to be trapped however Ranbir rushes to protect Prachi, he immediately covers her in a cloth while Aryan manages to pull Rhea aside but she once again rushes inside, Ranbir seeing the dupatta throws it in the air which causes a blast leaving everyone stunned, they are left shocked thinking what might have happened. Aaliya and Rhea are saddened as their plan failed.

Ranbir questions why are they looking at her as they must know what has happened to her, Prachi assures there is nothing wrong with her as she is fine, Ranbir replies she must stop talking, Vikram also gets worried when Ranbir exclaims they cannot tell him what to speak as he knows what happened was wrong but how can a dupatta blast, they do not reply when he vows to burn all of the dupatta in the house. Aryan stops Ranbir asking what he is doing, Ranbir mentions he is doing it because no one in this house is doing anything while even Prachi is not worried at all, he asks if they all really think it was an accident, they all remain quiet when he decides to take the help of the police but throws the mobile as it doesnot have any battery. Prachi questions what he is doing as she is still alive, Ranbir goes to slap her and he hugging her exclaims she should never say it until he is alive, they both remember the time they were together. Prachi apologizes but Ranbir asks who gave her the dupatta, Vikram recalls when Pallavi mentioned she accidentally gave the dupatta of Rhea to Prachi and vice versa. Ranbir asks his mom if she brought it, she doesnot know what to do so wonders where Aaliya is.

Aaliya is walking when Rhea follows her questioning why did the dupatta caught fire so late as it should have happened early, Aaliya angrily replies she doesnot know about it, Rhea not being able to control herself starts banging her head against the wall, Aaliya requests her to calm down when Rhea exclaims she would kill herself, Aaliya explains she cannot control everything, Rhea asks then why does she take so much things in her hands explaining she is a lot more clever then Prachi and even beautiful but Ranbir always gets near her, no matter how hard she tries she is not able to get close to him. Aaliya yells at her saying she must not act like such a helpless person, rhea explains she doesnot have any other choice since Ranbir would try his best to find out who gave Prachi the dupatta. Pallavi comes asking Aaliya, who doesnot know what happened when Pallavi exclaims that some questions were raised which they must answer, and everyone needs the answer to these questions. Pallavi asks why Rhea is crying, Aaliya reveals that she is worried for Prachi as she is her sister and is worried even when she doesnot show her feelings, Pallavi mentions no one is blaming her but they just need to answer the questions.

Ranbir is anxiously waiting when Dadi brings the first aid box asking him to apply the medicine, Ranbir asks Aryan to give Prachi his mobile, she replies she doesnot know about it when Ranbir exclaims she has to call the cops, she replies she is fine and there is no need to answer it, Ranbir exclaims she had already called the cops once before and can do it again but he is done pretending he doesnot care about her as he actually does, Prachi starts crying, Ranbir mentions she should not cry as it makes him furious.

Pallavi comes explaining they wanted to know who brought the dupatta, she reveals it was Aaliya who brought it from the Mandir and there were two dupatta with the blessings, Ranbir explains this means someone placed the material after the dupatta was already made, he asks Aaliya from where did she bought it in the Mandir, Rhea falls on Aaliya as if she is unconscious, Aaliya immediately asks Aryan for his help to take Rhea inside, Prachi and Ranbir both are worried.

Aryan and Aaliya bringing Rhea to room, while Sid is standing there. Aryan is about to call doctor, but Aaliya stops him and says don’t call doctor, you have already stressed me, first took the car and now this. Aryan says I thought you will scold me for phone and asks why she is over reacting, shall focus and take care of her. Aaliya shouts asking him to go. She makes him leave. Sid says I want to meet Mihika. Aaliya asks him to leave. She closes the door. Rhea gets up. Aaliya thanks her for saving her. Rhea says I got this idea as I am pregnant in everyone sight. Aaliya says but question came in everyone’s mind from where that dupatta came. Rhea says we will tell that ladi/crackers might have got stuck with her dupatta. Pallavi comes there and sees Rhea standing. Aaliya says just now she gained consciousness. Rhea says she was drowsy and fell unconscious, may be baby got scared. She says sorry. Pallavi says this is your first baby and says her focus was on Prachi all the time. She asks Rhea to come. Aaliya thinks what to say.

Prachi comes behind Ranbir and says I want to talk to you. Ranbir says I don’t want to talk to you and asks her to go. Prachi says when I don’t stop you from following me, and talking to me, then you can’t stop me. Ranbir says don’t talk to me like this. He asks what do you want to do? Prachi says she wants to say, what she feels for him and them. He says say it later and he is about to go, but Prachi holds his hand and keeps her head on his shoulder. He asks what is it? Prachi says it is the way to say thanks. Ranbir asks why you are doing this? Prachi says thank you. He says welcome and asks why you are doing this? Prachi asks what? Ranbir says don’t talk to me. Prachi asks why? Ranbir says you are not in my destiny, but I can take care of you, and says to take care of yours, I have to fight with destiny and you. Prachi smiles. Ranbir asks if she is smiling. Prachi says you might get angry if I say. She says you are getting angry. Prachi laughs and says you look cute. He says Police is about to come and you are saying that I am cute. He says I asked you to take care of yourself. He asks why you was dancing near the crackers.

Pallavi comes outside with Rhea and says she is fine. She asks everyone not to worry and tells that she is fine. Vikram says we were talking something else. Dida says Aryan said that Aaliya is reacting differently. Vikram says Aaliya reacted as the incident happened with Prachi. Aryan says she is scolding me unnecessarily and there is a difference in her behavior. Rhea asks how can you talk about Buji behind her back. Aryan says I am talking about my Mom. Rhea says Buji had thrown you out and asked you not to come inside, as I was unconscious. Sid asks how do you know, as you are unconscious. Rhea says Buji told me, and she was scared about my baby and took out her anger on you. Ranbir comes there while Prachi asks him to listen. He asks Aaliya from where she got the dupatta. Aaliya says Prachi didn’t wear the dupatta brought by me. She shows the dupatta and says that dupatta is this one. She says I don’t know from where her dupatta came and I don’t know who wants to take revenge from her. She smiles and looks at Rhea. A fb is shown, Aaliya thinks what to say and runs her mind to think. She sees a dupatta in her wardrobe and takes it out. She thinks color is same, nobody will see it carefully. Ranbir calls Police and asks him to come fast. He says Police is coming.

Constable says Diwali is blackened by them. Lady constable tells about the importance of Diwali. Lady Inspector comes there and says this is a big house, lets go inside and see circus. Ranbir waits for Police to come. Aaliya thinks what to do, how to alert the tailor. Dida asks what happened, it seems you are worried. Pallavi sees Rhea tensed and asks her to relax. She says we will answer the Police. Ranbir asks Rhea to go and relax, says you are pregnant. He then asks Pallavi why you didn’t ask Prachi to rest, as she is also pregnant. Prachi says Ranbir. Ranbir asks her not to say anything. Prachi says dad. Ranbir asks her not to take Dad’s name. Rhea says you cares for everyone and including me. She asks him to behave well with Prachi and says he has taken care of me nicely, held me, taken good care of me and applied medicine. Shahana asks what do you mean that Ranbir behaves same with everyone. Rhea says yes. They argue. Ranbir asks them to stop it.

Lady Inspector Yamini Singh comes there with lady constable and constable. She says someone called from here and asks them to co operate. She asks who has called me, who is Ranbir? Ranbir introduces himself and his family. He calls he has called Police as Prachi’s dupatta caught fire. Yamini Singh says such incidents happen during Diwali. Ranbir says it was not normal, I want to know who has done this. yamini singh says it was attempt to murder. She asks about the guests. Ranbir says they have gone. Aryan says they can give the list. Yamini asks him not to tell her how to investigate. She says she will question the family members also privately. Aaliya asks why private.

Yamini says I want to find out who hates whom and who is the enemy, and tells that the family is dangerous than the outsiders. She says first she will ask with Vikram and Dida. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.