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The silent thief on adom tv Episode 39

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Brylle remembered all the moment he has seen Jessie and officer laly together with what Reign told him but he pretended as if he was fine. Reign showed Jessie and officer laly’s picture to Ethan and said he’s Jessie’s boyfriend, Ethan didn’t believe her.

Someone accidentally poured water on officer laly so Jessie told him to use her washroom, Brylle visited Jessie and saw that officer laly was using Jessie’s washroom that made him more suspicious of what Reign said. He attacked officer laly then Jessie separated them and asked him to let her explain but he didn’t.

Reign saw Jessie after meeting Brylle and wanted to make fun of her so she told Jessie that Brylle is going to her friend lawyer to make a case of the scandal between Jessie and officer laly . Jessie started beating her for that. Brylle didn’t file a case against Jessie but Jessie file a case against Brylle for legal separation.

Reign bought new books for Ethan and Ethan showed his drawing of him and Amado and asked Reign when he will come , Reign lied saying Amado is a bad person. Ethan cried because he has missed Amado. Two couples saved Amado so Amado is still alive.

Brylle had a letter from the court saying Jessie needs legal separation. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.

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