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The Silent Theif Episode 1 – Adom Tv

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The episode started with a boy saying “In the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit Amen, Amen.papa Jesus, thank you for all the blessings.please take care of mummy and daddy Amen, Amen.In the name of the father the son, the holy spirit Amen! My baby’s so good in praying! Son, say ‘goodbye’ now to Papa Jesus. Good bye, Papa Jesus. Let’s go. We might be late to your class. Mummy, there’s balloon! Do you want one? Yes please! Okay? Let’s bye. Sir, may we buy one? We want the color blue. How much is it. Twenty.Thank you, Sir! Are you happy now? Yes! Oh, very good. Mummy I’ll just replace my balloon. Sure, but make it quick. Good afternoon, father! How are you doing? I’m good. May you have God’s mercy. Won’t you be attending the mass? It will start very soon. My son has a swimming class. I’m sorry. Okay. The mass will start now. I’ll start now. I’ll go ahead. Alright father. Thank you again. Okay. The woman started shouting out his son’s name “Ethan”? for many times. My son and shouted “Ethan”? again. Her son shouted “mummy”!?

Ethan’s mummy runs to save her son from some armed robberies but unfortunately they took him away. “Ethan!?”shouted his mom but it was a dream. Her husband asked her what was happening to her and she explained it all to him and he said it’s all a dream but she said they should go and check on him. When they went there Ethan was deeply asleep and didn’t notice his parents. His mom perked his forehead. He later woke up saying “Mummy,”Daddy “? What is wrong? It’s nothing saids his father. We woke you up because you might be late for school. Baby you have a class today. Wake up now. Wake up sleepy head. So sweet says Ethan . How about five minutes more? That’s enough. No!

His father took him so that he could brush his teeth and prepare him for his class. On their way out of the house Ethan’s father advice him not to talk to strangers,he said ok, I love u then bye. Ethan’s mother said the same to his dad and they hugged saying goodbye to themselves. A lady from his car went to the restaurant, reading book while Ethan’s father approach her of how the book is good . The book was about love and she said I’m surprised you are reading books of this kind. “Let’s just say I’m a man who reads any kind of books. And books do have sexual orientation, do they? said Ethan’s father. Without replying he moved forward to the man and ordered hot mocha for both. He then said goodbye and went. When he went out he called the guard saying a car has blocked his. The guard said he will call the owner. The woman he met came out of the restaurant saying “sorry the car is mine”. She moved her car and said bye again.

Ethan’s mother went to the shopping mall at there she heard that there a bus which has been robbed. In the bus the man was threatening the children to keep quiet if they want to see their parents again. Ethan’s mother soon noticed that the bus robbed was his son’s school bus. She tried to call her husband but wasn’t picking up. The reporters also reported that they didn’t know the motive behind the robbery. And also all the children in the bus are crying and most of them are from six to eight years old. Ethan’s dad wasn’t answering the call. Soldiers were also surrounded by the car. Ethan’s Mom arrived at there wanting to go into the car but was stop so she cried out that her son is among of the students. She suddenly saw her son and shouted ” Ethan” repeatedly. Trying to convince the officer but the officer wasn’t convinced.

Ethan’s father remembered that his phone wasn’t with him because he needed ICU. So he left for his phone,on the other hand the thief was threatening the soldiers that if they come forward he will shoot the madam together with the kids. The soldiers now moved back and he asked for foods,water and cell phone. One of the police said they are bringing it and the thief replying that they should bring someone unarmed. At the hospital the woman Ethan’s father came for visit of his nanny,on her way out of the door she saw Ethan’s father and stirring at him and Ethan’s father was busy saving someone life.

Ethan’s father ask to leave. Back to the bus Ethan was having asthma and wasn’t able to breathe well, his mom saw his condition and wanted to go inside the car but was stopped. she asked a person standing beside her for a phone to make a call because her was off but the man wasn’t having phone on him. At the hospital they also meet again , Ethan’s dad and the girl talking about her nanny suffering for cancer but later they separated. The police brought the food,water and cell. The thief ordered a child to take the polythene for him , the child did as told and went back into the car. The soldiers sat in the car eating and one of the police called him and said he understand the reason for the robbery. It’s because he lost his position and his job, while talking the thief hung up. From there the girl Ethan’s father met went to her sister and started talking about her new crush,her though the man was married but she said no. So her sister told her to go for him.

It was getting evening when the thief said for the rest of the items but didn’t get,he later heard some noise at the back of the car and shot girl. The soldiers got angry and started shooting,he also started shooting and shot Gigi, Ethan’s friend. The thief died and they went into the car . They get off the car and went to the hospital , Ethan’s father was also busy calling her wife but she wasn’t picking,he remembered that he’s married so he put on his ring and later heard that he is needed at the emergency room . Gigi and Ethan was also brought to the hospital,at there Ethan explained how Gigi was shot to his mom that the thief shot many times and he was supposed to be short but Gigi saved him by collecting the bullet, unfortunately Gigi said was listening and heard everything.

Brylle , Ethan’s dad saw her family and assisted them first and Gigi’s father called him for help so he asked them to the theater for surgery. Gigi’s father went to Ethan and ask if what he was saying was true, Ethan said it’s all true so Ethan’s mother thanks Gigi’s father and told him every thing will be ok,he replied I hope so and left. Ethan’s mother said Ethan if he’s not hungry but he said he wanted to wait for the results of the operation. Gigi’s father went to Brylle and told him that his daughter have saved Ethan so he should also save his daughter, I will do everything to save her said Brylle. Amado, Gigi’s father went to the church to pray and said God to save his daughter because he didn’t got angry when his wife died and Gigi was the reason why she alive. Ethan and his mom also prayed for Gigi. Brylle came out of the theater and asked Amado to come with him but he refused asking how his daughter is ? So Brylle told him she had sudden cardiac arrest during the operation so she dead. Amado grabbed Brylle and said you promised me to save my child and went into the theater ,when he saw Gigi he cried out louder and louder and later went out to Brylle saying ” your son is supposed to be dead not Gigi. My daughter saved your son and you didn’t save my daughter ” ,so he started beating Brylle . The nurses hold him up and he started saying Brylle is responsible for his daughter’s dead and they are not yet done with it , so they took him away . Ethan asked his father if Gigi is already dead but his father didn’t answer.

And said he wish Ethan didn’t witnesses this case and his wife explained to him wy the were the. Brylle said I’m not God, I’m only a doctor and told Ethan that Gigi dying was not because of him but he told his father that Gigi saved his life . Ethan’s mother tried to convince Ethan but he was still saying the same so Brylle told him that Gigi is in the heaven and with God so he has to pray for her.b. Brylle asked to change and told Ethan’s mother and Ethan to go home. On the other hand Gigi’s father was with Gigi’s dead body at the theater crying and remember the bracelet Gigi gave to him when leaving for school. At night Brylle and his wife were listening to news and heard the reason why the thief attacked and his purpose also people who got injured and died, suddenly he turned off the television because Ethan came in. Ethan told them he doesn’t want to sleep alone or else he will see the ghost of Gigi and his teachers. Brylle told him there’s no ghost and they will protect him as far as they are there. When Ethan was asleep they had a conversation of what happened while Ethan’s mother asked wy Brylle wasn’t there and thankful of what God did by not taking Ethan away from her. Brylle said everything will be fine but she replied that what of Amado’s threat and if he comes back for revenge . Brylle told her to stop thinking about that and it’s because he’s hurt that’s wy he’s saying those words so she shouldn’t worry. In the morning a Brylle mother came to his house. She perked saying how is your appointment with the psychologist? She later told Ethan to go inside she wants to have a conversation with his parents. Ethan wanted his mom’s accompany but his mom told the nanny to escort him, I feel sorry for Ethan , because of the hostage situation he has become more fearful said by Marmitar. She gave an envelope to Brylle saying it’s from fiscal’s office and he’s facing a lawsuit.

He has been sued Amado for negligence and medical malpractice for his daughter’s death. The woman told Brylle that it seems he’s angry at him and he will not stop until he is able to retaliate at you, that’s wy he’s pestering you . After there Ethan was playing with his dad ,they later stopped and sit to eat. They went to where they swim for the competition of Ethan ,he won the competition . After there they asked Ethan if he wants any reward and Ethan said that he wants to sleep in a friends house but they refuse and told him to remember what happened the last time , Brylle told him he will buy tablet for him but his wife said it’s too expensive and asked for Amado’s case that when will it end he replied as saying it will end soon, I’m not guilty anyway. His child arrived at the hospital in a critical condition and I tried to save her but didn’t work says Brylle. Ethan said his father that if he died instead will Amado sued him? His Mom told him to stop what’s he saying and Brylle continue to say”probably not because his daughter is alive “. Ethan said he feels sorry for his daddy for pestering Amado. Brylle told Ethan not to be sorry for him because he will not avoid Amado’s complaint but for now, they will not talk about it because they don’t want to lose him. At home, Marmitar asked how the case was and if there was any decision already from the fiscal. Brylle told his mom it was any day this week but he was nervous, His mom told him not to worry because Mrs. Gascon assured her that her husband will not bring the case to the court so he has nothing to worry about. Brylle’s wife asked his mom if what she was doing is illegal but brylle’s Mom told her she was just making sure the case won’t go to court and that they will call all of them to face problems in court. Brylle’s wife told his mom that she just doesn’t want Brylle to be further jeopardized, besides he’s not guilty and they don’t have to use any connections. But brylle’s Mom got angry with her in-law and wanted to do nothing for her son. Brylle stopped them from arguing, Brylle’s mother left saying he should advise his wife. Jessie Ethan’s Mom advised Brylle that is not guilty so he will pass the test. In the morning Ethan was riding his bicycle while Jessie recording him, a man came with a report from the fiscal office so she told the nanny to take Ethan inside and call for Brylle, when Brylle with his mom came she handed the envelope to him, he was afraid so his mom opened the envelope and the letter was saying there’s no sufficient evidence to bring this case to court. So they got happy hugging themselves because the case was dismissed.

His father took him so that he could brush his teeth and prepare him for his class. On their way out of the house Ethan’s father advised him not to talk to strangers, he said ok, I love u then bye. Ethan’s mother said the same to his dad and they hugged saying goodbye to themselves. A lady from his car went to the restaurant, reading book while Ethan’s father approach her about how the book is good. The book was about love and she said I’m surprised you are reading books of this kind. “Let’s just say I’m a man who reads any kind of book. And books do have a sexual orientation, do they? said Ethan’s father. Without replying he moved forward to the man and ordered a hot mocha for both. He then said goodbye and went. When he went out he called the guard saying a car has blocked his. The guard said he will call the owner. The woman he met came out of the restaurant saying “sorry the car is mine”. She moved her car and said bye again.

He has been sued Amado for negligence and medical malpractice for his daughter’s death. The woman told Brylle that it seems he’s angry at him and he will not stop until he is able to retaliate at you, that’s wy he’s pestering you . After there Ethan was playing with his dad ,they later stopped and sit to eat. They went to where they swim for the competition of Ethan ,he won the competition . After there they asked Ethan if he wants any reward and Ethan said that he wants to sleep in a friends house but they refuse and told him to remember what happened the last time , Brylle told him he will buy tablet for him but his wife said it’s too expensive and asked for Amado’s case that when will it end he replied as saying it will end soon , I’m not guilty anyway. His child arrived at the hospital in a critical condition and I tried to save her but didn’t work says Brylle . Ethan said his father that if he died instead will Amado sued him? He’s Mom told him to stop what’s he saying and Brylle continue say”probably not because his daughter is alive “. Ethan said he feels sorry for his daddy for the pestering of Amado. Brylle told Ethan not to be sorry for him because he will not avoid Amado’s compliant but for now they will not talk about it because they don’t want to lose him. At home Marmitar asked how the case was and is there any decision already from the fiscal ? Brylle told his mom it’s any day this week but he’s actually nervous , His mom told him not to worry because Mrs Gascon assured her that her husband will not bring the case to the court so he has nothing to worry about . Brylle’s wife asked his mom if what’s she’s doing is illegal but brylle’s Mom told her she’s just making sure the case won’t go to court they will call all of them to face problems in the court . Brylle’s wife told his mom that she just don’t want Brylle to be further jeopardized, besides he’s not guilty and they don’t have to use any connections . But brylle’s Mom got angry for her in-law wanting to do nothing for her son .

Brylle stopped them from arguing , Brylle mother left saying he should advice his wife. Jessie Ethan Mom advice Brylle that his not guilty so he will pass the test . In the morning Ethan was riding bicycle while Jessie recording him ,a man came with a report from the fiscal office so she told the nanny to take Ethan inside and call for Brylle , when Brylle with his mom came she handed the envelope to him,he was afraid so his mom opened the envelope and the letter was saying there’s no sufficient evidence to bring this case to court . So they got happy hugging themselves because the case was dismissed.