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Lost in love on starlife, Wednesday 22nd February 2023 update

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Lost in love on starlife Wednesday 22nd February 2023 update, Savi packs food for Vinayak and his baba/Virat and tgells Sai that she will call Vinayak and ask him where his father took him and why he did that. Sai gets emotional and hugs her. Savi says Vinayak’s baba is good, don’t know what happened to him today. She asks Usha to give her phone. Sai stops Usha and says she shouldn’t. Savi asks why.

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Tuesday 21st February 2023 update

Vinayak thinks whether he should call Savi or not, he will call mamma and inform her about baba’s weird behavior first. He calls Pakhi and finds her number busy. Sai feels disheartened thinking Virat didn’t even try once to find her and when he saw her today, he didn’t even speak to her and has moved on in life.

Virat thinks Sai is alive, he tried to search for her everywhere but failed. He goes into flashback where he breaks down and becomes alcoholic failing to search Sai. Ashwini tries to comfort him. He cries that Sai took away Vinayak with her. Ashwini curses Sai and says if Sai was alive, she would have confronted Sai and asks what right she had to take their child away. Out of flashback, Virat thinks if Vinayak is not with Sai, then who is Savi. He recalls doctor saying that Sai cannot sustain pregnancy till delivery even if she gets pregnant. Sai thinks Virat didn’t even question who Savi is. She recalls going through of pain of loneliness when Savi was born.

Pakhi returns home after a business meeting and describes how she tackled a troubling client. Ashwini says Pakhi can go on a honeymoon trip once Virat returns. Sonali taunts her that she is blushing as if she is married just now. Back to Sai’s house, Sai tries to calm down Savi, but she continues her anger. Savi insists to call Vinayak. Usha says Sai cannot interfere between Savi and Vinayak’s friendship. Vinayak calls Savi just then. Savi happily says that is their friendship. She picks call. Vinayak apologizes her on Viirat’s belf and says he doesn’t know what happened to baba, he didn’t even stop the car when Savi was running behind it. He hopes is mother would have handled the issue if she as present here. Sai hears that and thinks Virat married someone already, to whom?

Pakhi calls Vinayak and finds his phone busy. She then calls Virat who lost in thoughts doesn’t pick her phone first but then picks it. She asks where is he, why didn’t he pick her call, if they reached, if the doctor started Vinu’s treatment. Virat says no, Sai. Pakhi asks why did he take Sai’s name. Virat says they will start Vinu’s treatment in a sahi/right way and its not started today. Pakhi asks why is sounding tensed. He says he is fine. She asks where is Virat as he is not reachable. Virat closes Vinayak’s door and thinks Vinayak will reveal everything to Pakhi if he speaks to her, says Vinu slept already. Pakhi says Vinu doesn’t sleep without speaking to her. Virat says they both are tired, even he is going to sleep and will call her tomorrow. Ashwini asks Pakhi if Vinu’s treatment started. Pakhi says not yet. Ashwini asks her not bother about Vinayak and Virat as they will take care of each other, she can go and freshen up while she serves dinner.

Sai’s neighbor Sheetal tells Sai that everyone wants to take study leave today as they saw Sai tensed after a policeman took his son away angrily, asks if that policeman is her relative. Sai says he is a known one and she met him after a long time. Usha sends Sheetal away and asks Sai why didn’t she tell Sheetal that Virat is her husband. Sai says she doesn’t want anyone to interfere between her and Savi, not even Virat. At night, Jagtap visits Sai and asks why she looks tensed, he will punish Gulab if he has troubled her again. Sai warns him not to interfere in her life, she doesn’t need his help. Jagtap says he can do anything for her and walks away. Usha tells Sai that Jagtap ruined her live but has completely reformed himself and is worried for her, on the other side Virat is not even bothered about her.

Sai asks how can she compare Virat and Jagtap, she doesn’t want to listen about either of them; she is worried just about Vinayak right now and wants to treat him. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.

READ NEXT: Lost in love, Thursday 23rd February 2023 update