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Light of love on adom tv, Monday 20th February 2023 update

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Light of love on adom tv Monday 20th February 2023 update, Raghav finds Lion is no one else but Ved, he is here to kill me, which is his only motto but Pallavi is alone with him, Raghav picks his gun and runs out and sees Ved pointing Gun on Pallavi’s head, Pallavi says Abhijeet stop it what are you doing, Ved says The Raghav Rao, I am impressed you are still smart you recognised me, Ved removes his fake moustache and beard, Pallavi in shock, Ved says Pallavi you talk a lot shut up now.

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Friday 17th February 2023 update

Raghav says leave her alone she is not part of all this, Ved says she is I couldn’t come here without her, Raghav says I will shoot you, Ved says I have gun too, if you shoot me I will shoot her.

Ved asks Raghav to drop his gun and slide it away, Raghav does it, and asks him to leave Pallavi, Ved says no, and your time is finished you sent me jail, spoiled my life wasted my 6 years and now it is your turn, Raghav steps back, Ved Pallavi follow him and reach dining, Raghav sees colors on dining table, Raghav signs Pallavi, and picks color, Pallavi steps on Veda foot, Raghav throws color on him and both run away.

Ved blindly starts shooting, Veds man switches off light and locks the door, Raghav and Pallavi trying to escape, Ved says your security is unconscious, and all doors and windows are locked, this is your last night and also Pallavi, Pallavi scared, Raghav holds her, Ved trying to look for Raghav, Raghav under the table beside Ved, Raghav asks Pallavi to stay and hits Ved, Pallavi hides behind a column, Raghav and Ved start fighting, Raghav starts hitting his weak leg and says you started illegal business and you used my Jayanti Jewel business name for that the name is my Amma and Appa. Harish walks in with police, Ved confused, Raghav says you thought I will never get you, I knew your leg scratching habit and had sent my man police station and if I dont call every year he has to come, Ved says I will come back for sure, Raghav says next time attack man to man and not from behind get out.

Raghav makes him self a drink, Pallavi says tell me truth dont you have any other work, you have so much action in your life always planning plotting, Raghav asks her about Ved and says be careful, Pallavi says I have my competition but he and his life, I am going, Raghav says okay, Pallavi says who will Thank me, Raghav says today I saved you, Pallavi says I am going to lose tomorrow because of you, Raghav says driver will leave you, Pallavi says my favour still stands and leaves.

Harish tells Raghav that Amma and Kirti are safe, Farhad will stay another day with them and come back, staff is fine too. Raghav asks and Pallavi, Harish asks is she family too, Raghav says shut up.
Raghav thinking about Pallavi, and says she is not my family nor staff, she supported me today and saved me too and calls driver and asks did he drop Pallavi safe, Harish walks to Raghav with saree and says found it beneath Sofa, Raghav says keep and go. Raghav says if she is not worried why will I call her.

Pallavi reaches home sees Sharda home. Sharda says to Pallavi that her mom had made this pickle and no one knew it would be last and she always said always be happy who knows when will life end, now I understand that and will always be happy and cherish memories and this journey will begin with Mansi’s wedding, and how are you, Pallavi says very good, but I missed you, Sharda asks did you go to doctor, Pallavi says I didn’t but consulted on video call.
Pallavi asks Sharda is Vijay alright or is he still angry, Sharda says you two and your drama’s, you show you are angry but care a lot for each other, he used to make me call you, 50 times a day, Vijay walks in,. Pallavi says you didn’t talk to me once how are you, Vijay says why did you come so late from shop, Pallavi says I wasn’t at shop actually I have to complete 5 sarees zari work by tomorrow, Pallavi checks timing finds it 11 PM and says oh god I will talk to you tomorrow now I have to complete sarees.
Sulochana hears them talk and says Pallavi didnt tell them what she did past 13 days but I will and then all will be quite.

Raghav about to speep sees Pallavi’s saree, and says what kind of business woman she is doens’t even know her saree is here and anyways its 2 am she must be asleep, Raghav looks at saree again and says may be awake let me call her. Pallavi asleep while making zari work and starts sleep talking, Raghav calls her and instead of disconnecting she receives call, Pallavi keeps sleep talking says I will win this competition and challenge, Raghav says you left saree here, Pallavi says this house is mine and shop too, no one can throwe out of it, Raghav keep trying to talk to her and says she is so irritating wants to win but is sleeping, Raghav thinks about Pallavi’s words that she wants to win.

Pallavi at shop, says only 3 sarees are ready, Krishna says try this 2 sarees, Pallavi says I cant do anything with out you, Krishna says so you let unknown person in, Pallavi says sorry.

Pallavi reaches competition venue and registers, Tina sees Pallavi is very nervous and gives her water and asks her to calm down.
Farhad visits Pallavi’s house, Vijay asks.who is he, Farhad says he is from Raghav’s house, Pallavi had forgotten saree yesterday there, hands saree to Vijay, Vijay thinks what was Pallavi doing at Raghav’s house.

Vijay angry, asks Sharda, Sharda says Pallavi will tell us, Sulochana says Pallavi never told us what she did behind you, once she got arrested, Milind says it was misunderstanding and Sulochana stop this nonsense, Sulochana says I am sure this is all relates to Raghav Rao, Vijay gets angry and leaves.

Tina asks Pallavi does she know Raghav Rao, Pallavi sees Raghav Rao and walks to him, and asks what are you doing here, Raghav says are you crack and I don’t talk to crack people especially you and leaves.

Contestants are told judges are here and will announce winners soon after review. Sharda asks Vijay to calm down and not believe Sulochana, Vijay says you stop taking her side, Raghav Rao is not good person and I don’t understand why she has to meet her, Milind calls Vijay says Pallavi is here.

Pallavi happy calls everyone, Pallavi takes Vijay and Sharda blessings and hands them Trophy and 60,000₹ cheque and says we won in saree competition and will now open shop in mall, Vijay asks were you at Raghav’s house yesterday night, Pallavi asks why are you asking this way what’s wrong, Vijay says you left saree at his place, Pallavi says you are taking things wrong, and tells whole scenario, Vijay says all nonsense, why did you go to Raghav’s place, tell me one thing are you two having any relation. Tina walks in and says yes they do.

Raghav and Farhad reach home, Farhad says here is special sweet for Amma, Raghav says in Pallavi’s house only one thing was good Amma was accepting me and so I wore traditional dress, Farhad says wear now and come meet her. Raghav says good idea, Raghav sees Kirti locking door and asks why has she locked door and where is Amma, Kirti says she doesn’t want to see you, Raghav says all was going good then why now, Kirti says it was so embarassing to move because of your criminal record, so what was the reason to move to safe house, Farhad telling truth, Raghav says stop I don’t care what people think and goes sit in car.

Tina says there is surely something between Raghav and Pallavi I can prove that. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.