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Jodha akbar on zee world, Thursday 13th October 2022 update

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Jodha Akbar
Jodha Akbar

The soldiers are discussing about jalal that he is doing good for people, he will not be changed, other says that he is being attacked and someone close to him can be jealous. suja listens to this and thinks i have to find who is he.

In harem, jodha ask manger that whether all my orders are fulfilled, she says yes, manager gives her details of jewelry, jodha says i will not take it, i am leaving harem position, give this to new holder of harem, she leaves, moti ask why are you doing this, jodha says i am stressed these days and is not giving time to harem, also what i wanted to change is changed and i have some other things to work on so i left it. jodha says call hamida and all in hall, also call jalal there, she says okay.

jalal comes to hamida, she smiles and says happy to see you, she say i was making sweater but i couldnt, jalal says then leave it, she says your grandmaa used to do it so i am taking it forward, she ask why are you stresses, he says why women are so complicated, if you believe on someone then doesnt it is his responsibility to to keep that believe intact? she says yes its his his duty. jalal says if he doesnt that then? she says belief is very delicate thing, sometime you are bound to not tell things but you have to believe that if that man respects you then he will tell you, you have to give something to take something back, you have to believe to get it in return, she ask about whom you are talking, he says someone who i thought to be very close, i have no option then to wait, moti comes there and tells them that jodha had called you on hall, hamida thinks who it can be, jalal is close to ruks, salima and jodha. all begums come in hall, they thinks why she caaled us all here, ruksaar ask jodha why you seem worried today, jodha says i am going to announce something today, jalal comes there, jodha thanks him for coming, he says what else you want to change in harem, she says i changed what i thought was wrong but i still think that ruks deserve this harem so i am leaving my position, ruks says to maham that i said she will not be able to manage it many days. all begums ask jodha why are you doing this? jodha says she is best for harem so i am quitting, ruks says stop, i tookn your name in voting, many lives are involved with harem, if i had to take duty then why did i took your name, there are many begums here who want to see you working so you do it, jodha says i have some personal problems, jalal says all have problems but that mean you can sabotage your position, you cant waste time of all, anyways if you have decided then i am accepting your resignation. i told you ruks was best for heram.

Jalal accepts Jodha’s resignation saying in disgust that he always maintained that Ruks was always better equipped to deal with the harem… but if Ruqs is reinstated no one will complain in the future.

But Ruqs refuses saying that she wants to be free of Harem woes… Jodha should accept it… Jalal sweetens his tone…. Poor Ruqs falls for it… Jalal announces Ruqs to be Harem in charge… He hands over the Pandora’s box officially… Ruqs thanks him… looks in triumph at Maham who smiles… Jalal leaves.
Maham congrats Ruqs… Ruqs smiles in victory saying that she always said Jalal as well as the Harem will be hers… see… now she had beaten Jodha
Hameeda is sad… wonders why Jodha did it…
Ruqs Taunts Jodha and says she won’t take revenge… Jodha can approach her with any problem
Jodha is silent!
Jodha is leaving the meeting… Salima says she is right… if she is happy with this then why does she appear sad… Jodha says it is nothing… Salima thinks something other than Harem is worrying Jodha

Adham Khan is being praised by Pir Muhammad, for victory in Malwa against Kunwar MP.

Adham is angry at his condescension… he is outside when his minion talks against Pir Muhammad… Adham Khan says he is biding his time…

Pir Muhammad arrives there… Adham Khan invites him for Shikar
Pir Muhammad agrees to go for hunting the next day

Adham Khan says that yes, they will go out on a hunt… but he will be the one doing the hunting… but that too… not of animals
Jalal is in a mehfil where there is music… he is reminiscing about Jodha’s clandestine meetings… Jalal is thinking that he knows Jodha is trustworthy, but y does he feel so angry with her… Jodha arrives saying she wants to talk to him… Jalal rues the fact that he was getting into the mood… Jodha sits… Jalal says he didn’t ask her to sit… Jodha is startled and rises, Jalal says he is joking

Jodha wonders why he didn’t ask about her decision to quit Harem Job… Jalal says when does she ever listen to him…
Jodha tries to explain herself… Jalal says she is expert in lying… Jodha wants to know why he thinks so
Jalal says she always does her Manmaani… Jalal leaves in disappointment and Jodha stays behind looking after him…
Adham and his soldiers meet another spy in the night… Adham Khan gives him the job of killing Pir Muhammad during the hunt…
Jalal is disturbed in his quarters… he is disappointed that Jodha, who he thought was the answer to his loneliness is herself hiding things from him… he tries to find comfort in the fact that a KIng is always lonely.

Maham comes to Jalal she says she won’t ask him what is worrying him as she knows what it is… she tries to know whether he tried asking Jodha…

She says she knows Jodha is innocent, but a wife should not hide things from her husband.

Jalal says he has doubted her before and he was wrong… he won’t make the same mistake again… Maham again sweet talks him… Jalal wonders if the man was Sujamal? Maham says if it was Sujamal, then Jodha is being a traitor… also, the spy said Sujamal is no more in Agra… Jalal tries to convince her and himself… Maham expertlt steers him towards doubting Jodha… without actually showing her hand… Jalal is left thinking… Maham in triumph thinks the seeds of doubt have been successfully planted… and leaves the place…

Jalal thinks why Jodha is hiding things from him… he goes to Jodha’s room… Moti informs him that Jodha wasn’t there… Jalal says he knows where she is… and instructs Moti to not inform Jodha that he was there
Jalal walks out of Jodha’s room again thinking about Jodha’s actions… is she in danger… does she not trust him?