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Jodha akbar on zee world, Sunday 8th January 2023 update

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Jodha akbar on zee world Sunday 8th January 2023 update, Farhan is in thought, Salim ask the matter, Farhan ask what are you doing here, you should be in function, Salim says I came here to protect you as bela was meeting you and her father came here so I escort her out, Farhan says it was not Bela but her friend, Salim says the one I met was not your love? Farhan says no, Salim smiles broadly and thank God in heart, he recalls his first meeting with her, how her helped her, Farhan ask why you are smiling? Salim says nothing, Farhan ask to go in function, Salim says don’t worry I am with you, he leaves, Farhan says tomorrow is Bela’s marriage, what to do.

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Saturday 7th January 2023 update

Jagat says to mann that lets meet SAlim, Mann says what if he tease me like he used to in childhood. Murad comes to Qutub and address him as Salim, Qutub ask why you are calling me SAlim? Murad says its Salims order to pretend that you are Salim some princesses greet Qutub as Salim, Qutub says its good to be heir, all princesses are giving attention to me, he sit to eat food, Jagat and Mann comes thetre, Jagat ask is he SAlim? mann says he is wearing crown so he must be Salim,, he is changed a lot, Jagat says he is not so good looking but his crown is precious, Qutub ask Dasies to serve more food, Mann says what has happened to Salim? why he is staring girls, it seem like he want to marry every girl, Jagat says yes once he meet me then he will forget every girl. Anarkali comes there and find Qutub eating, she aslso assume him to be Salim and says that’s why I don’t like princes, they are greedy for everything, fro wealth, for girls and now food too.

Salim comes there and ask Qutub how you are feeling to be Salim? Qutub says I don’t understand why you are pretending to not be prince, Mann ask who is this guy? Jagat says he is wearing a coomon dress but have manners like prince, Anaraklai says that’s why he respect women unlike prince, Jagat says but one fault, he doesn’t have crown on his heart, Anarkali looks at Salim, he also look at her and smile, she recalls how Salim said that friendship is from heart and heart is never wrong.

Amer’s king and queen come there and find mann looking at Salim, king says seem like she also like Salim, queen says you are right, king says I will ask for their marriage now.

Aram bano comes there, Salim sit with her and ask what happened, Aram says all are seeing you, they will cast evil eye on you, Salim says till you are with me nothing will be happen to me, you eat sweets, Aram says if I knew that all will stare you then I wouldn’t have forced you to come here, Salim says I know you are jealous, Aram says why would I be jealous, what all are looking for, he is mine, Salim kisses her forehead, Anarkali see this and smile, Birbal comes there and says Salim is not interested in princesses, I have to do something.

Jalal in room is singing, Jodha comes there and smile seeing him sing, she join him in singing, they smile, Jalal says you were staring me, Jodha says no I was accompanying you in singing, Jalal says I wish to spend whole night with you, Jodha says at least you understand my wishes now, Jalal says that you have given me heart so he beats for you, Jodha says I understand that you are upto, you are naughty, I have to go now, Jalal says please stay here, I want to spend time with you, Jodha says ok, I will stay with you but for sometime, Jalal lies his head in her lap and ask her to sing in her melodious voice, Jodha sings, Jalal hold her had, they smile at each other.

Salim is sitting, Daniyal says all princesses are waiting for you and you are sitting here and thinking about someone, so tell us who is she who is in your thought, Salim says nothing like that, I am not thinking about anyone, Qutub says I have seen you too seeing someone stealthily, who is she, what to hide from brothers, Salim smiles and says I like a girl but I don’t know her, not her name, Daniyal says the one who used to run away from girls is thinking about a girl, not bad, Qutub ask do you anything about her, Salim says she was wearing a simple dress, her beauty doesn’t need good jewelry or royal dress, her simplicity made room in my heart, she was wearing a jewelry on her head (mang tikka) and it had peacock feather, Daniyal says we should see who is she, dasi comes there, she serves them drinks, Murad ask Salim to drink.

Salim says this is wine and I don’t drink, Murad ask dasi to give him juice, Birbal listen all this amd mix something in Salim’s drink, he brings juice for Salim, all greet him, Salim ask why did you bring juice, Birbal says I met dasi and asked her to give juice to him and he will serve Salim, he gives him juice, Salim thanks him and drinks juice, Birbal leaves from there, Salim drinks juice and starts coughing, he starts feeling Dizzy.

Jodha comes there and ask him to come, she takes him from there and makes him sit, Birbal is there too, Jodha says to Salim that I have selected some girls for your marriage, she shows him their pictures and ask him to choose one so that she will make him marry her, Salim says I don’t want to marry, they all want to marry me as they want to marry a king only, Jodha says so what, you are king only and doesn’t king marry? I will select a girl for you and you will have to marry her only, I am your mother.

Salim says mother? that mother who made a 9 year son away from her and sent him in battle field, Birbal thinks that plan is going to flop, I should call Jalal, he leaves, Salim says that mother who made her son work like a servant in others house, that mother who complained to King every time and made him bear punishment, that mother who made her son kidnapped and didn’t even come to save him, Jalal comes there and take Salim from there.

Salim is all dizzy, Jalal ask SAlim that you are drunk? Salim says yes I drank but not deliberately. Jalal says ok I accept that someone spiked your drink but is this the way to talk to your mother? Salim says she doesn’t love me, she is only marium Zamani, she doesn’t care for me, and you? you are feeling bad that I am drunk but you know what a ate in 7 years, you both want me to become king, you are forcing me to marry but why don’t you understand that I have identity, I am Salim only, you all want to me to be king Salim but nobody cares for me, all want to see a king.

Jalal says you don’t know how much we love you but we made you away from us so that you can become a great warrior, great king and great person and about your marriage, we just gave you some options but if you don’t like them then its not a problem, you will marry whenever you want, you will marry whom you want, just tell us and we will make your wedding great, I will pacify your mother but you just be happy my son, Salim smiles and hugs him.

We continue with, Salim hugging Jalal, Jalal ask him to sit with him, they sit together, Jalal ask Salim do you like someone? Salim nods yes and says I like one girl a lot, Jalal says wow, tell her name, Salim says I don’t know her name but I have seen her in function, she was wearing a jewelry on head which had peacock feather, Jalal ask should I talk to her? Salim says no, she doesn’t like me, she hates me, Jalal says that’s interesting, you know your mother used to hate me even after marriage but I changed it into love, I will tell you meaning you love, I am with you, I will tell you how to change her hatred in love for you.

Salim smiles, Jalal ask him to rest, he makes him lie on bed, Salim says don’t tell Jodha that I drank, she will get angry, Jalal says I promise I wont tell Jodha anything, don’t worry, just sleep, Salim sleeps, Jalal smiles and covers him with blanket, he sleep in his room too.

Next day, Salim wakes up, he calls for servant to give him water, Jalal comes with Water, Salim is shocked to see him and says king you, Jalal ask him to drink water first, Salim is afraid, Jalal ask Salim do you know what you did last night? you drank wine, Jalal shows him pictures of princesses and says now your punishment is that you will marry a girl who jodha will choose, Salim says you know its not my fault, I told you that someone spiked your drink, Jalal says but who will pacify your mother, Salim says you told that you will handle everything, Jalal says I am king, I forgot what I said in night, I can do anything.

Jodha comes and says Salim you decided whom you will marry, Jodha tells Jalal that you said you will handle Salim, Salim whispers in Jalal’s ears to not tell Jodha about his drinking, Jalal says to Jodha that I have decided that we will not force Salim for marriage, its his life and he will choose whom to marry and nobody will force him, Jodha says ok, if you have said that I wont force him also who can challenge you too, Jodha comes to Salim and says Salim, today you got saved but soon you will have to marry, you drank wine? smell is coming from you, Jalal says no it was me who drank wine not him, Jodha says ok, I just want Salim to not drink ever, she leaves.

Salim says I am sorry you had to lie for me, Jalal says I can do anything for you my child, I promise you, you will marry a girl of your choice, nobody will point it out, you be happy always, they hug, Salim smiles.

Anarkali is going from palace, Murad and Daniyal see her and says she is same who Salim likes, she is wearing same jewelry, Salim’s choice is very beautiful, Murad ask dasi to bring a paper and pen, Dnaiyal ask what you are up to? Murad says just little fun.

Mann ask Anarkali to accompany her in Maan singh’s ceremony, she says how can I come, dasi comes there and gives letter to Anarkali, she reads letter that I am dead by your beauty, you are unique and I have started loving you, I will wait for you in my camp, from king Salim, Mann ask Anarkali to come in function, else she will complain to queen, Anarkali says I will come, she thinks to first tight Salim.

Qutub ask Salim till when I have to wear your crown, today is Maan’s function, I cant wear it now, Qutubn ask him to take his crown, Salim says ok don’t worry, give it, he is about to take but Anarkali comes there and says Prince Salim, they are stunned to see her, she stare them, she comes to them and tells Qutub that you are heir but that doesn’t mean you can do anything, how dare you call me, I don’t know and I don’t want to know then how dare you call me, why you are silent, you are Salim? Salim pushes Qutub, Qutub says yes I am Salim, Anarkali says understand one thing I don’t like royal people, specially you Salim, you are stone hearted, the one who will take place in my heart will be very kind hearted person.

Salim looks at her, she says unlike you spoiled brat, never try to this again, she gives letter to him and angrily leaves from there, Salim keep looking at her and says that what happened today, I like you more, he smiles, Qutub says and I had to bear her wrath, I didn’t write letter, Salim looks at letter and says I know who wrote this letter.

Maan kingship ceremony starts, Maan greets Jalal, Jalal keep looking at princesses, Jodha says its weird that its Salim’s age to marry but he runs away from girls and his father, he is staring at girls, Jalal ask all are from royal families here? Jodha says yes but why you are so interested, Jalal says I am looking at them for Salim, he told me that he likes a girl, Jodha says why you didn’t tell me earlier, who is she.

Jalal says Salim told me that girl was wearing a jewelry who had a peacock feather design in it.
Meanwhile, Anarkali with Jagat and Mann is coming there, Mann’s head jewelry breaks, she says how can i go in front of SAlim like this, Anarkali says don’t worry, take my jewelry, she gives her head jewelry to mann, Mann says you are so nice, Anarkali says now I should leave, Mann says ok but come tomorrow, they leave, Anarkali leaves too.

Jagat and Mann comes in function. Jalal looks at Mann and tells Jodha that look Mann is wearing that jewelry which Salim told me, so its Mann bai who Salim like, congrats Jodha says you too.

Salim comes in function, Salim thinks that thank God she(anarkali) is not here, but why she hates Salim so much, Mann says to Jagat that he is Salim? Jagat smirks. Maan’s aarti is done, Bhagwan das make Maan wear crown of Amer, all chant for Maan, he takes sword in his hand, all smile, Jalal comes to Maan and hugs him, he sys congrats, Jalal ask Salim to come, Salim comes to them, Jalal says that you both are mughal’s warrior, I want to gift you both, Jalal gifts them two states as gift, they accept it.

Jodha tells birbal that your work was good, there rift is getting less, they are talking to each other and are agreeing with each other these days, yesterday Salim told Jalal that he likes a girl, Birbal says I knew that Salim would pour his heart in inebriated state, sorry but I made Salim drink wine, Jodha says but Jalal told me that he drank wine so he was saving Salim, why did you make him drink it, Birbal says I had to do this to achieve the right thing, see because of wine, Salim talked to Jalal, because of wine, Jalal took care of him, because of wine Jalal lied to you for him, because of wine you get to know that Salim likes a princess, Jodha ask how do you know that its princess, Birbal says that prince will like princess only, do you know her name.

Jodha says no but I feel she is Mann bai, Birbal says you should be happy that Jalal and Salim are happy, Jodha says I saw them talking like father and son not as king and heir.

In a different scene, Murad says that now Maan is king, we should go on hunting, Daniyal says I don’t want to go, I want to eat only, Salim comes there, Murad says I was thinking to go on hunting, Salim says first tell me who fired with gun by putting it on my shoulder, Daniyal ask what happened, Salim shows them letter which they wrote to Anarkali, Salim ask this is way of joking? I know very well that one of you did that, tell me the truth who wrote that letter, he ask Daniyal that you can do that as you can only think of food, Murad smirks, Salim asks Murad that tell me why you did that, Daniyal says I told him that you will get angry but he didn’t listen to me.

Salim says so you did that, he beats him, Murad says I thought to help you, Salim says I will tell you how to move ahead, he beats him, Salim says you will get punishment, Murad says I will ask forgiveness if you want, Salim says not do anything now, Murad whispers to Daniyal that how much he cares for her, Salim ask did you say anything? Murad says no, Salim says afterwards, if you both do this then It will not be better for you, Salim smiles and leaves from there, Daniyal says to Murad that you got saved else heir can do anything, Murad says Salim is elder so I took his beating, do you want get beaten too? Daniyal says no, Murad says I don’t think Salim will go on hunting as his eyes are on someone else.

Jodha comes to Mann bai, she greets Jodha, she tells Jodha to order her, Jodha says I didn’t come to order you but to do your make over, Mann ask why? Jodha says cant I get you ready? been years that I didn’t spend time with you, when I came to Amer last time, you were so small and now see you are grown up and beautiful, my rajvanshi princess, Mann says but nobody can reach the beauty of yours, Jodha smiles and sees a same peacock jewelry, she ask Mann did you meet Salim, he is grown up too, Mann says actually……I was afraid, he used to tease me a lot in childhood so I thought if he will do it again.

Jodha says he was kid then but grown up, he will not do that now, if he do that then tell me I will teach him a lesson, so how did you find him? is he handsome? Mann says he is handsome from childhood, Jodha says I am talking about now not childhood, how you like him now? Mann gets shy and says I will come in a minute, she runs from there, Jodha smiles seeing peacock jewelry.

Mann comes outside and sees Salim practicing bare body.

she smiles seeing him, Salim tells Qutub that I have to meet that girl, I will have to ask forgiveness from her, she must be hurt, he recalls his meeting with her and smiles.

Jagat comes there and ask Mann what are you looking at? Jagat sees Salim there and says that oh this sight is worth to watch, he is handsome and warior, Aram comes there and says uff these girls will definitely cast eye on Salim.

Jodha comes to Jalal, she ask him where you are going? Jalal says I have been called in tribal wedding, its their king’s daughter wedding (Bela), I will go there, Jodha says this is your goodness, you are king of india and giving so much respect to a tribe, Jalal says they live in jungle but they protect our country with their bravery, they give us but I have issued a statement that they can run their tribe with their rules, our rules will not be forced on them, you come with me too, Jodha says no I want to spend time with bhabhi, you go and when will you come? Jalal says without you, I will not be interested there, I will soon comeback to you, Jodha says why didn’t they send invitation in Agra, Jalal says marriage is happening suddenly.

Jodha ask to take Salim there, your relation with him is getting fine and also you will get to know I likes Mann or not, Aram comes there, Jalal ask what happened, why you are tensed, Aram says what I can see, you can’t see, Jodha says tell us, Aram says I am afraid that Salim will be casted eye, I have seen two princesses casting eye on him, one is good but other is bad, Mann bai is good, she talks to me very nicely, Jalal smiles. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.