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Jodha akbar on zee world, Monday 9th January 2023 update

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Jodha akbar on zee world Monday 9th January 2023 update, Salim comes to Anarkali and says i want to apologise for salim’s behavior. Anarkali says its his mistake why you came to apologise? He says No his brothers did that fun with you and he really scolded at them when he got to know.

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Sunday 8th January 2023 update

She says i wont forgive him unless he comes here. Would he come here and help me like you? will he ever help a common person. He is a heir how would he know that a common man also has a heart. He says he’s my pal but he’s heir to throne as well. We can’t say anything to him. She says i hate him. He says you hate him? Anarkali says i hate all kings and prince they’re all same.

Salim wonders how can he rectify his image. Anarkali asks have you ever loved someone? Anarkali says farhan loves bella. What kind of pal are you? you don’t know it. he says why didn’t farhan tell me all this.

Anarkali says i told you i hate loyal people they’re all same. salim says i wont let this happen. I will get farhan his love. I will do anything for them i promise. Anarkali says its a royal wedding what can we do? Weddings are for deals and benefits here.

Salim says a relationship is between two hearts. Anarkali says never love a princess she’ll break your heart for some king. I will always stay away from prince. They’re all same. He’ll break my heart for some princess. He says you’re saying this because you’ve never met any prince. She’s about to fall salim holds her. They have an eye look………music plays……………..

Anarkali says I am sorry, I destroyed your dress, I will wash it, Salim says no need, I have to go, Anarkali says you want to go to Salim so that you can tell him that I didn’t accept his apology, Salim says no first I have to go to Farhan, he needs me more.

Anraklai says your thoughts are good, if you need me in this thing then call me, Salim says of course and I promise I will make Bela and Farhan one, even if I have to do anything for them, he greets her and leaves.

Anarkali says he is a Goodman and not a prince but a common soldier.

Jodha gives Jalal gold gifts so that he can give to the bride, Jalal says they already have rich gold mines, Jodha says its not about gold but intentions that matters behind gifts, Jalal ask where is Salim? Jodha says don’t know, he run away from marriage, he doesn’t want go to any wedding ceremony.

Jalal says I got married at 9 years, I didn’t know about marriage, when you came in my life, I got to know about relations, that’s why I want to talk to Salim so that he can see how marriage happens, people celebrate but two people get linked, Jodha says leave it, you have many wives, Jalal says this is problem, all think that king’s life is awesome as he has many wives but ask me how to handle so much wives, Jodha pushes him and says you.. Jalal says see the king who beat enemies is getting beaten up by his wife, Jodha laughs.

Salim is riding his horse, he comes to Farhan and says what do you think of yourself, why you didn’t tell me that Bela is getting married, if you told me then we would have gone to Bela, Farhan says that’s why I didn’t tell you as you would have left the function, also I have lost hope over my love, Salim says wow, she is a girl and showing guts, waiting for you and your love is gone?

Farhan says I love her but she is a princess and I am commoner, we cant become one, Salim says then why you didn’t think of it before loving? Farhan says love doesn’t see anything, it happens, Salim says then you have to protect your love, you have to win in your love, she is waiting for you, you will have to go to her and I will make sure that you get your love, I am heir, I rule every state of country, Farhan says they live in jungle, they don’t follow Mughal rules, Jalal cant go against them, Salim says but I can, message of love is greater than everything, I have promise to someone that a princess can love a commoner, I will not let her down, your marriage will happen for sure with Bela.

Jalal tells Jodha that I will give blessing to marrying couple but where is Salim? dasi comes and says Salim is not in his room? Jodha says maybe he doesn’t want to go, you don’t worry and go, Jalal says if Salim is not here, I will give blessing to this marriage, other side Salim tells Farhan that this marriage will not happen at any cost.

At the wedding venue, Bela’s father order his soldiers to do good arrangements as Jalal is coming for the marriage.

At night, Salim, Anarkali and Farhan are going there in boat, Farhan tells Salim that your life is precious, leave all this, Salim says you know I like to play with danger and this time its about my friend’s life so I will do everything, Farhan says thank you prince Salim, Anarkali says he is Qutub, Salim is tensed, Farhan says oh yes he is Qutub, I just remembered Salim, Anarkali says thank God he is not here else I would have jumped from boat, Farhan says he is not that bad but he is prince, Salim says you are right, he is heir so be have attitude, Anarkali says that Salim could have come with you guys but he didn’t, and Qutub came to help his friend, that’s why I like common people not royal, Salim says me too.

Salim ask Farhan to take rest, he sleep, Salim looks at Anarkali, Anarkali ask why you took risk of your life for making Bela meet her love, Salim says that even if I lose my life in all this then I will be happy that I got killed for love, the love for which I lived, I died for it, the death which comes for love is better than heaven, Anarkali says you have great thought, the girl whom you will love will be so lucky, the one who can do so much for other’s love, what will he do for his love, Salim says everything, my love would be my world, Anrakali says royal people cant think like that.

Salim says I think that prince and beggar both should get love, she says that keep your heart safe, its belongs to some girl, Salim says I have already given my heart to someone, they look at each other and smile, Anarkali is about to fall from boat but Salim holds her in time, they share an eye lock…….. Music plays………

Salim wakes Farhan up, Farhan says I don’t know how I will pay your debt, Salim says you can by getting your love.

Salim helps Anarakali comes out of boat, he ask her to go to Bela and bring her out of palace, then you come here at river side, if you don’t come here then I will keep thinking that your life is in danger and I wont be able to concentrate, just give her message and come back here, they leave to meet Bela.

Jalal, Bahgwan das come for marriage, they greet Bela’s father, Jalal gives him gifts, father says that we want to give a respect to you, he makes Jalal wear their tribal turban, Jashn (celebration) Starts, Anarkali comes to Bela and ask her to not cry anymore, your lover Farhan has come to take you, be ready to go to him, Bela says that good he came else I would have died in this marriage.

Outside Jalal mets the groom and blesses him.
Bela is taken by girls for her marriage, Anarkali is tensed, Salim sees Bela coming in function, he ask Farhan to go to her and he will keep eye on them, Anarkali is shocked to see Jalal there and says that if he sees Farhan and Qutab ( Salim ) here then it will be a problem, I have to inform them, Farhan comes in function and lifts Bela on his shoulders and starts running from there, everyone is shocked, girls shouts that Mughal have kidnapped Bela, Bela’s father ask soldiers to follow him.

Jalal ask who dared to do this, father ask soldiers to hit them with arrow, they hit Salim, Salim takes out arrow from his back and fights them with his sword, he ask Farhan to run from there, Jalal comes there, Salim tells Farhan that we are surrounded but we will not leave Bela here, Salim starts hitting them with arrows, Farhan tells Salim that your life is more important than my love, lets leave from here, Bela ask them to go away, they sit on their horses and runs from there, Jalal says he is Shaikhu baba, the groom is running behind Salim but Salim hits him and leaves from there, groom falls on stone and dies, all are shocked, Jalal prays for his soul, his dead body is taken from there, Jalal says that what happened shouldn’t have happened, the worst part is my son Salim was there too, Bela’s father says that because of groom death, he was taking side of a Mughal who kidnapped my daughter, Salim helped a soldier who trapped my daughter, that soldier is taking advantage of Salim’s friendship, I lost our son in law.

Salim is a criminal, Jalal says if Salim have done it then there must be reason behind it, he cant kill someone like this, father says that he is criminal for our tribe, we want justice, we want blood in return of blood, I want Salim to be killed too, Jalal takes out his sword and says enough. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.