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Guddan on zee world, Wednesday 7th December 2022 update

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Guddan on zee world Wednesday 7th December 2022 update; Antra says your love and trust lost. Guddan says my love doesn’t depend on your tricks. You two get used to jail now. I will send you two there that is my promise. You are new and you think I am just saying, ask durga. My target never misses. The 24 hours I gave you will be over tomorrow. and this time you won’t go respectfully you will be kicked out of the house. Guddan leaves.

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Tuesday 6th December 2022 update

Antra takes out the pen drive. She says how will she expose me when this proof is gone? She burns it. Durga says don’t take her lightly. She has some solution. Antra says don’t worry. I will destroy every proof. Durga says what about your brother? AJ trusts him. We have to be careful.

AJ hits the punching bag. He recalls what happened and what Guddan said. Guddan comes there and says what are you doing. Your fist is bleeding. Why are you hurting yourself? He says this is not more than the one I am going through. Guddan says if you’re mad at me then don’t hit yourself. AJs ays I really love you and there is no room for being mad at you. Guddan says do you trust me? He says yes I do and I know what your heart is going through. Whenever things get better between us, something happens. He says our love lost. We couldn’t be one. I am sorry. Guddan says how can you not hear my side? He says what is left now? AJ leaves. Guddan swipes her tears and says I know you trust me but you trust antra too. I won’t let her play with your emotions anymore.

Scene 2
Antra calls someone and says you destroyed all the proofs right? You always helped me. You will get all the money in your account. Gudan comes there. Antra says bad manners. After that defeat, your heart might break. There are no proofs against me now. Guddan shows her a coin. Guddan says how many lions are there? Antra says three. Guddan says there are four. If you can’t see the fourth doesn’t mean there isn’t any. You can’t destroy all the proofs. Antra says she must be saying all this because of Rawat.

Guddan calls Rawaat. He says I am ashamed. Guddan says we have to expose her. He says I have a way to expose her. I have another copy. He says for one sister, I will expose the other. Antra enters his house. She says you made a copy? You are helping her? You are trying to take my family and husband from me. Rawat says they aren’t your family. If you loved and respected them you won’t have played with their feelings like that. You made fun on relations. Guddan has more respect in my heart than you. She respects people and their emotions. I will tell everyone about your reality. Antra says she turned my brother against me. If want my right then what is wrong? You are exposing me for that Guddan? He says you will see the reality when everyone knows the reality. Antra hugs him and cries. She says for your sister please dont do that. Rawat says you will know on right time why am I doing this. Antra says you won’t be alive for that time. she gives him an injection. Antra says this poison will kill you slowly. Raawaat’s next bleeds. He falls down. Antra says I care for you. You should have been with me. I am your sister not her. Guddan calls. Rawat shoves antra and tries picking the phone. Antra picks the phone and throws it away. Guddan wonders why isn’t he picking the phone. Antra cries and says what did you do. You will have to die now. For this proof I had to kill my brother. She takes the drive and leaves.
Antra says I am taking this proof You couldn’t do anything. Antra leaves.

Guddan comes to Rawat’s house. She is dazed to see him on floor. Guddan sees blood Gudan says rawat are you okay. Nothing can happen to you. Guddan says who did this? He says Antra. Rawat says I can’t live. Guddan says please you can’t die. Rawat says that family and AJ is yours. Forgive me for my mistake. Guddan says it isn’t your mistake. Raawt dies. Guddan screams.

DAdi asks Gudan where are you coming from? What happened? What is this blood? Guddan brings in Rawat’s dead body. Everyone is shocked. Antra asks who killed my brother? My brother what happened to him. Inspector says Guddan informed us and she said she will tell the name in front of the family. Guddan says her sister Antra killed her. He told me that Antra killed him and gave me this rakhi. This sister killed her own brother for her greed. You stooped so low. Durga says stop lying. She lost her brother and you are accusing. Guddan says enough. Antra says enough. You always keep accusing me. But I won’t sit silently anymore. You are making fun of my brother’s death. Antra says you killed your brother. A brother who found the world for you. A brother who waited

for years. Lavmi says why would she kill her brother. Antra says bhai please open your eyes. Please take me from here. Guddan says move away from him. You killed him because he could expose you. AJ holds Guddan’s hand and says stop it. AJ says I am sorry inspector. Please go find the culprit. They leave.
AJ says are you out of your senses? Why would she kill her brother? There was no proof. You keep accusing her. I never questioned you. I thought your pain is doing all this. But you crossed all limits today. I know my antra more than you. She loved Vikram. I spent time with her full of trust. I know she can never kill anyone. At least her brother. Stop it now. AJ consoles Antra. Antra hugs him. Guddan says I know this is hard to believe. That trust was there. But she is far from that goodwill now. AJ says I trust her. She didn’t kill anyone. Not a single more word. If you can’t ease her pain then don’t increase it. Antra says in heart there are no proofs left againt me and AJ doesn’t trust Guddan either. Checkmate.

Scene 2
AJ does Rawat’s rituals. He gives his asthiyan to Antra. Antra cries. AJ swipes her tears. aJ looks at Gudddan and leaves. AJ recalls his moments with Guddan. He recalls all that Guddan did. Guddan thinks what AJ said. she cries. Inspector comes to the house. He says we have found the murderer. Rawat was investigating against a gang. They must have done it. Antra says in heart, my master stroke made you shocked Guddan? AJ says Guddan you heard truth? Vikram had enemies due to his work. Antra didn’t kill him. You have to apologize to her for these baseless accusations. Guddan says I can die for you. But I won’t let his death be compromised. I will show you truth one day. AJ says your truth is stories and I don’t wanna hear them. Guddan puts her hand on candle and says you would have to trust. If you dont’ trust me I wont move my hand. Aj moves her and says you can’t win my trust like this. Guddan says I didn’t lose your love. He says I love you but I can’t trust these stories anymore. He leaves. Guddan says in heart I only wanted to see if you trust me or not. I wont’ let Rawat’s sacrifice go in vain.

An electrician fixes the socket. Guddan says I will call you back. She puts wire in the socket. Guddan says now fear of death will spill truth out. Only I know this socket isn’t working.

DAdi says eat something for your child Antra. Durga says she won’t eat. Dadi says you come with me, we will make juice for her. Guddan says you have to do so much of drama. You are a demon. You killed your brother. Antra says yes these fake tears are so difficult. Antra says go expose me in front fo everyone. No one trusts you here.. Antra says to do something big. Guddan says I came to give you one last warning but you don’t deserve it. You have to tell everyone or what happened to Rawat can happen to you too. Antra says are you threatening me of killing me? Guddan brings the wire. Gudadn says if you die, you won’t have any wealth. I will kill you if you don’t tell everyone truth. Dadi comes and says Guddan what are you doing. Leave it. Durga says are

you in your senses. Guddan says if anyone comes, I will kill her. Guddan says Antra says tell us truth Antra. AJ says what are you doing Guddan. Guddan says I will kill her, move back. AJ says no one would come forward please leave her. Guddan says now Antra will speak the truth. Antra says to kill me, end these accusations forever. Kill me. You want to kill me. Guddan says tell us the truth.
Antra takes the wires from Guddan. There is current in them. She gets shock. Guddan is dazed. AJ shuts ths socket. AJ says are you in your senses. Guddan wonders where did this power come from? Antra saw her with the fake socket and replaced it with a real one. DAdi says Guddan you want to kill her? Durga says you wanted to kill someone? Antra says let me die AJ please. I am tired. Guddan says there was no current in that socket. AJ says enough. I told you it was all my mistake but you wanted to punish her. You wanted to kill her? You are doing this because of this marriage? I don’t have any other option. You won’t be able to stop this marriage even if you want to. He takes off the engagement ring from her finger. AJ says Antra has right on this ring not you. He makes Antra wear the ring. AJ says Antra would be my wife now. Guddan says you gave my wedding ring to Antra? AJ says you lied so many times. You tried killing her so many times. You were killing two lives. You listen now, I am marrying her with my will now. And if you harm or accuse my wife to be, I won’t take it. Don’t you dare. AJ leaves.

Scene 2
Guddan comes to AJ and says you’re a man after all. You decided on your wife’s future without even asking her. You decided everything for her. There are gifts you gave me. Give them to antra. Whatever I did, you can’t give my right to anyone else. When we made this relationship as two, how can you decide the future as one? You showed me you are a normal man, not Ram. You could be mad at me, but you gave my right to another woman. You won’t ever have my pardon. Guddan leaves.
Antra hugs AJ and says thank you for trusting me. AJ says what Guddan did was wrong. But what I did was also wrong. I won’t be able to love you, I will marry you. But I can’t give her place to anyone. Antra says I understand you. How can I expect you to forget her? I understand.

Durga and Saru come to Antra and touch her feet. Laxmi comes too. She touches Antra’s feet. Durga says we are so happy. Saru says AJ decided right. That Guddan doesn’t deserve to be the MIL of this house. Durga says I am so happy for you. Antra says Laxmi aren’t you happy? Or you still trust Guddan? Laxmi says I want to believe that she is not wrong but she is. She tried killing you and this child. That can’t be forgiven. They leave.
Durga says to Antra you gave yourself a shock? just to prove Guddan wrong. There isn’t any like you. My years of struggle has finally come to result. Congratulations. Durga leaves.

Antra says everyone who wants to come between me and my property would leave. You three and everyone will have to leave. Only I have right on this money.

AJ recalls what Guddan said. HE says how can you hate somone so much. I did something I shouldn’t have. I won’t forgive you.

I will punish myself for life.
Guddaan rings the bell in temple. She says why are you punishing me? Will my truth never be seen? Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.

READ NEXT: Guddan, Thursday 8th December 2022 update