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Guddan on zee world, Wednesday 21st December 2022 update

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Guddan on zee world Wednesday 21st December 2022 update, Antra says I want to start this new venture, on my wedding day. Honda says great Antra says Guddan be happy. I am getting married to AJ. Guddan says Honda you’re not signing it. Honda syas I will convince her. The deal is one. Saru says I have only 24 hours I will have to tell Antra everything. If antra loses I will have nothing.
Guddan comes to Saru with food. Guddan says you must have seen how your antra is trapped. Have this foodd, you will have to stay here till tomorrow.

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Tuesday 20th December 2022 update

Saru hugs her and says please forgive me. You were right. I was wrong. Please trust me. Guddan says you are so shameless. You can’t even act. You can’t fool me. I am not a mad human, I don’t want to keep you here but I need to get those papers. Eat it, you are my family

memeber at least. Saru has stuck a note on Guddan’s back with her blood. She says in heart, even if I have to shed blood, I won’t let you win Guddan. Guddan leaves. SAru says antra will read it and ruin your life.
Antra says where is this Aj.. Guddan walks past. Antra sees a note on her back. She tries reading it. Guddan turns back. Antra reads.. AJ and Honda are same. Not two people. AJ pulls Guddan to a side. Guddan says what are you doing. He says want to see you close. She says I don’t want to see you. He says I am not mad at you. This isn’t fair. Guddan says I have no interest. You can’t do what you want. You can’t touch me. AJ says no one can stop me from coming close to you. Guddan says step back. He says I would only come close. He holds her hand. He says you can’t stop me, slap me if you want. I wont’ leave you. GUddan shoves him.. AJ sees the note on her back. He says what is this.. AJ sees the chit. He says what is this. Guddan recalls Saru hugged her. Guddan says antra read it. AJ says she knows everything. We have to end Honda game. Gudan says we have to do something. I will save this plan. Let me think.

Antra says AJ and Honda are one? Saru says she read it? Antra says how can I believe a chit? But who would write it? Antra compares their photos. AJ comes there. He says she is my wife to be. stay away from her. He is on call. AJ says you are meeting me this evening. There is a chit on AJ’s back. Antra says stop.. She takes that child. AJ says what.. Durga says someone did this on my saree too. Everyone has that chit. AJ says who did this stupid joke? Guddan calls him as honda. Guddan says act it. AJ says this prank was so bad. Antra wasn’t well. She read all this. What joke is this. It’s not funny. He turns on speaker. Honda says sorry bhabhi. This was for fun only. Antra says it’s okay. AJ says you act like kids.

Dadi says I should have know this must be him only. He is a child at heart. Thank God he didn’t do this joke with Guddan. Antra says it was on Guddan’s back too. Dadi says don’t include that Guddan in our family things. I want her out of this house after your wedding. AJ says relax ma.

Gudadn wonders if Antra is still in doubt.

Sary says what new drama have you done now Guddan. Guddan says you don’t even know what family is. You would never understand. Guddan says I am only doing what an MIIL should do. she puts bandaid on her cut. Gudan says you shed blood for that antra? It would be infected. She says you would lose from Antra.

antra says why would honda joke like this? I have to see AJ and Honda together at once. Problem solved. Guddan wonders how would she bring them together. Saru says what would you do now. Guddan says save my family like always.

Guddan says this is our last chance to prove that Honda and aJ are different. AJ says I would do it if you’re with me. guddan says only for this mission.
AJ acts. He shouts in AJ and honda’s voice. AJ argues with honda about the deal. Antra looks in. She sees AJ coming out of the door. He comes back in and Guddan does his get up as honda fast. Honda says I am leaving. I won’t back out from words. He comes downstairs and says antra he has gone mad. He isn’t listening. Honda leaves. Antra goes upstairs. Guddan pulls AJ from the back window. He dresses back into AJ’s attire. Antra comes in. AJ is there. Antra says how can you talk to Honda like that. AJ says he has lost all limits. How can he do something like that. He fought with me. Why

did you sing the deal? Antra says relax. This deal is good for our family business. I know what am I doing. AJ says if you think this is right then go ahead. I trust you. Antra hugs him. She says at least I got to know AJ and honda are different and God he is such an idiot.
AJ’s hand is bruised. Guddan dresses his hand. HE says I told you if are with me I can do anything. How was my performance? He says my heart hurts. SHe says the bruise is on your hand. AJ says it hurts more when you’re rude to me like this. Guddan says do your dressing yourself. You aren’t getting your chances. I don’t love you. I will say no every time. He says look in my eyes and tell me you don’t love me. Guddan says I don’t love you. AJ holds her face and brings her close. Guddan says I dont love you. He says say again… Guddan tries saying. AJ kisses her. Guddan says why should I say anything. She leaves. AJ says I know you’re hurt. I know you love me. This pain brings me closer to you. I have all the time for you.

AJ comes in the house. Guddan does his arti. Antra says you have nothing to do with this house. Don’t do arti here. Guddan says okay you do it. I was doing arti of the idol. Dadi says she will leave this house anyway. Guddand does the arti. Dadi says God always keep my family happy. Antra says soon I will sign the deal. And I and AJ are getting married. what could be happier. Antra says Gudan wanted me not to do this deal. I will be richer and you will be crying. Guddan says in heart, the good time will start but mine not yours.

Scene 2
Saru tries to berak the glass. It cracks. Saru says you will see Guddan how I get out of here. Guddan comes there. Saru hides the crack. Guddan sees it. She takes the hammer. Guddan says you were trying to break it? It can’t be broken. Saru says antra gave me everything that you all never gave me. Guddan says if you stood by this family it won’t have happened.

Anyway have this idol and do the arti Ask what you want. I wont stop you from doing what you want. I am not fighting for myself. I am fighting for my family.

Everyone comes for arti. Dadi says in heart I wish Guddan could do the arti. Dadi gets a call. She says AJ where are you. Honda says give me the phone. Honda says he is stuck in work. He says don’t worry I am here. dadi says yes you are my son.
Dadi says start the arti. Antra stands with him. Dadi says you have to do this arti with your husband. You can’t do it with him. Dadi says he is the son of the house. I can do it with Honda. Honda says come guddan let’s do it. They do the arti.

Saru tries to break the mirror. She says you have to help me God not that Guddan. Saru says if it can’t break it can open at least. She comes out. Saru says Guddan you will fail now.
Dadi does arti. Saru comes downstairs. Guddan sees her. She says

in heart please do something God. This can’t happen. A storm rages on. Everyone is worried. Guddan and AJ save the candle together. AJ sees Saru. He makes everyone busy in the chants. Saru can’t be heard. Guddan throws a peacock fin on her. she faints because she is allergic to it. Laxmi and Durga take saru to a room. Guddan says let’s start the bhog. Antra says this is my right. Guddan says I used to do it. Antra says I am the DIL of this house now. Guddan says you did that deal with honda. I won’t let you sign it. Honda says I gave her my word. I can’t back out. Please understand. Guddan says you can ignore me? Anttra says I will sign this deal. she signs the papers. Antra gives the papers to AJ. She says we are partners now.
Durga says saru you have lost. Antra signed the papers. Saru faints. They see the door open. Laxmi says she broke it. Durga says we have to fix it before antra comes. She almost ruined our plan. Laxmi says we are winning already. Durga says we have to keep her somewhere she can’t run from.
Durga says we have to stop this game now. We have to kick antra out. Durga says don’t be hasty. This isnt the right time. We have to get antra sentenced. she killed Rawat. He was like my brother to me. I have to get him justice. She will confess the crime she did. so we have to keep this Honda drama alive. she should be behind the bars. Guddan says this is about time.

Antra puts money on herself. She says how am I this lucky. Saru would be so happy to know we are getting rich now. I will marry AJ too. So Guddan would lose from all directions. HOnda comes there and says you look so good with these notes. She says I am very happy. she hugs Honda and says we should celebrate.
Honda recalls Guddan asked him to tell her truth. She said in anger, she would say all the sins she did. AJ says to Antra who has time for all this family things. I take all the profit for me. You think I became this rich with honest? I got it with a deciet. You gave me AJ’s money. Thank you. It is all mine now. Antra says we will divide profit right? He says there is no deal. Those papers named everything to me. antra says you are joking right? He says no read the papers. You were reading but you didn’t. You thought I would be your partner? Antra says how dare you.

AJ says you’re greedy too. I am like you only. Antra tears the papers and says the deal is off. AJ says I like your style. You can’t turn it off and on. I knew yu from day one. You think I am a fool. Antra picks a knife. She says I will kill you. AJ recalls guddans aid she would get angry. she would try harming you. AJ said I would die in love. Guddan said don’t say that.

Honda takes the knife and says I have proofs of all the sins you did like killing your brother Rawat. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.