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Guddan on zee world, Tuesday 27th December 2022 update

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Guddan on zee world Tuesday 27th December 2022 update, Everyone is shocked. Laxmi says she can harm Gudadn. We have to call her. Durga calls Guddan but her number is off.

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Monday 26th December 2022 update

Gudadn is breaking things in anger. Bhushan says Guddan go back there. Guddan says I wont go back there. AJ comes thera and says your phone was off. Gudan says what happened? He says Guddan fled. You have to come with me for your safety. She is dangerous. Guddan says don’t lie. I don’t need your safety. I can save myself. My dad is on your side. What do you want? I want to move on in life. What should I do to tell you, you can’t mend my trust. AJ says papa if she doesn’t want to come please don’t force her to come back to me. I can’t see tears in her eyes. Please don’t force her. AJ says I know I have made

a mistake but I love you. I know you will come to me and tell me how you love me. Antr has fled and I am worried for your safety. You are the most important to me. AJ say papa I will send police here. He leaves.
Scene 2
Angat comes to a shed. He says revati why did you call me here? You wanted to talk about Guddan. Antra comes there. She says I called you. Angat says you.. He calls police. Antra hits him on head. She says you will be my pawn.
You will be part of the climax.

Guddan sits down and cries. AJ recalls hi moments with Guddan.
AJ holds Guddan’s hand and cries. They both cry. AJ is imagining her. Antra says AJ.. AJ says how dare you come here. You shouldn’t have etnred this hosue. she says my black hands.. they are working. AJ says entire city’s police is looking for you. AJ calls police. Antra says you think I would be thsi stupid? I have a gift for you. Open it. AJ opens the box.. There is blood and nail in it. AJ screams. He says whose nail is it? What is this? She says angat’s. He is very brave. Aj throttles her and says I will kill you. Antra says if you kill me how would you find angat? Guddan’s love has made you stupid. Angat is alive. Dadi says what do you want. Anntra says please don’t cry. He is alive. AJ says what do you want? She says yes now we are talking. She says if you tell police I can kill Angat. Aj throttles her and says don’t act over smart. If you harm Guddan or Angat I will kill you. Antra says I know they are precious to you. That’s why I use them. If you do as I say he would be alive or you will see Angat’s body.

She leaves. Durga says AJ you can’t be angry. should we tell Guddan? AJ says don’t involve her. Her life can be in trouble. Also she can harm Angat. I have to do something.

Revati keeps calling angat. Guddan says are you okay? She says angat isn’t picking his phone. We had to meet but didn’t decide the place. Can you ask AJ please? Angat never does that. Guddan calls AJ. Dadi says she shouldn’t be worried. Guddan says is everything okay there? She says Revati wants to talk to angat. AJ says he is asleep. There was a lot of work today. He hangs out. Guddan says Angat is asleep. He was tired. Revati says thank God. Guddan says something isn’t right. AJ is lying or something. We can’t go there. I can’t but you can. go and check if Angat is there.

Angat says if AJ gets to know I am here he would kill you. Thugs come in. Angat says who are they? Antra says your brother can never find you. She says I will

bury you in the wall. You will be anarkali. she laughs. Angat says let me go. My brother will kill you.
Bhushan says to Guddan why are you denying his love? You can’t see what your parents can. Your eyes could always tell me what do you want. You are all grown up but your eyes are the same. Eyes never lie. I know you have love for him in your heart. Don’t let that love go away from your life. Guddan cries. Guddan says I don’t know what to do. I don’t know if I can do this. Bhushan says you always said you can’t do this but I always said you can. Guddan says I remember. Bhushan says trust your dad again. Close your eyes and ask your heart. You will have your answer. You can do this.
Angat says let me out. Angat is burried beyond a wall. His face is out. Antra says you are my pawn. Angat says you are crazy. She says you will suffer because of your brother. Now thing game would become more interesting. This oxygen cylinder has less oxygen only. And then I decide when you die. she closes the wall. Antra says good bye.

Revati says angat went to hospital alone? Why didn’t anyone go with him? AJ says he was not that ill. AJ gets a call and goes upstairs. Dadi and Durga go to kitchen and say let us get you something. Revati calls Guddan and says something is wrong here. Everyone looks worried. And there is a box with nail and blood in it. Please come.
AJ says let me talk to angt. antra says you do what I ask. Come here. If you get late, I will cut Angat’s fingers. AJ says I will kill you. Kishor says we should tell police. AJ says no. He rushes out. Revati says what are you hiding? Where is angat? Durga says everything is fine. Daid says yes. Guddan says dadi put hand on my head and tell me there isn’t anything wrong. Durga says noting is right in this house. Guddan says what.

AJ comes to the temple. Antra is there as the bride. She says pandit ji groom is here. We have to get married. AJ says are you crazy? You think I would marry you? Antra says you ave nothing to decide. You choose Guddan over your brother? Let me call my thugs and ask them to behead angat. AJ says you won’t do anything to him.
Antra says come inside then. AJ sits with antra. Antra says start the wedding.

Guddan says did AJ tell anything where is he going? Dadi says Antra called him and he left. Guddan says he never tells anyone. Where would we find him and angat. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.