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Guddan on zee world, Thursday 5th January 2023 update

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Guddan on zee world Thursday 5th January 2023 update, Today’s episode starts with Guddan ask AJ to have food. AJ asks Guddan not to show fake concern. Guddan asks AJ to tell the truth. Revti comes from behind and says to AJ not to hide the truth. AJ stares at Revti and further shouts at Guddan and asks her to leave, as he hates her. Guddan goes away and Revti praises Akshat for his acting. Revti says to AJ that he is in jail and now anything can happen to Guddan. AJ threatens Revti and says he will kill her if anything happens to Guddan.

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Wednesday 4th January 2023 update

Revti goes back to home and ask Perv why he didn’t tell her about the recording and slits his hand with the knife when Perv has given a befitted reply to her. She further threatens Perv and reveals to him that she killed Antra. Perv stands shocked.

Guddan comes back home and Aj’s mother questions Guddan about the AJ act. Guddan vows in front of her mother-in-law that within 24hrs she will find out the truth and will bring Akshat back.

In the morning Aj’s mother gets a call and gets shocked. Durga takes the call and tells to everyone that Antra is saved. Revti stands shocked hearing the news. There, Guddan reveals her plan to AJ and says today she will expose the real culprit. AJ worries about Guddan’s safety and thinks of a plan to stop Guddan.

Here, Revti gets happy thinking now she will kill Antra by her own hands. Perv comes from behind and puts Revti on gunpoint. He tries to threaten Revti but she beats Perv back.

AJ worries for Guddan’s safety and decides to tell Revti the truth but he gets shocked learning that Revti and Guddan both are not at home. AJ calls Guddan and asks her to back off but Guddan gets adamant to find the truth at any cost. AJ thinks Guddan has gone very far in search of the truth.

AJ says please let me talk to Guddan inspector. Inspector says return my phone. AJ snatches hi gun and says open the door. I don’t have another option. He comes out and grasps the inspector. AJ says if you come near me I will shoot him. Take me to the car. AJ takes a police van and rushes to the hospital. The maske person is there and about to stab the patient. AJ shoves the masked person out and says you are such an idiot. It wasn’t Antra. It was Guddan. This was all Guddan’s plan. You were going to kill your sister Revati. I told you Guddan shouldn’t be in any trouble. The masked person takes off the mask. It’s Guddan. AJ is shocked. Guddan says what.. Revati is behind all this. You’re trying to save her? Tell me the truth. You can’t

run away now. Guddan cries. Guddan says my sister can’t do this. she can’t be behind all this. You have to tell me the truth. AJ is silent. Guddan says I will speak to Revati. Truth has to come out.
Guddan holds AJ’s hand and comes out.
Scene 2
Perv comes to Revati and puts a gun on her. He says I have filled the bullets myself. I want to kill you right now. I told you not to but you killed Antra. Revati says I can’t understand if you’re angry or sad. He says neither. Antra is no more. So I am free. You killed Antra and invited your death. Revati says relax, I didn’t kill her. Didn’t need to. Perv says what? She says news of her being alive was fake. Guddan says Revati come downstairs Revati. Perv says what happened now. Revati says let’s go see.

Revati says di what happened? What is AJ doing here? Don’t forget, he shot you. He is a traitor. Guddan slaps Revati. She says you are a traitor. Why did you do all this? Why did you force him to kill me and hate me? Dadi says what are you saying? Guddan says AJ lied all that time to save Revati. Tell me why? AJ says she didn’t do anything. Guddan says stop lying. You’re trying to save her. I have the right to know the reality. Guddan says Revati please tell me. Why you did all this? Please. You were my pride. Revati says yes, I did all this. I forced AJ to hate you and love Antra. I wanted you to go through the pain I went through. The pain of broke heart and broken dreams. I was the one who stood by and had faith in you. I respected and loved you. For your love, you sacrificed my love. Angad isn’t alive because of you. AJ says stop it. Guddan, don’t listen to her. She isn’t in her senses. It is all my fault. Revati says come out of the character. She knows the reality. Guddan says I thought you were my sister. A small misunderstanding and you ended all relationships with me? Revati says misunderstanding? Angad isn’t alive and with me, because of you. What if AJ died that day? Guddan says shut up. Revati says imagine what I went through. Guddan says I tried, I saved Angad. He asked me to go from here. I saved him. This was all Antra’s plan to break our family. Revati says you never went there. Antra gave me proof. His dead body was inside. That wall wasn’t even broken. If you went there it would have. Now you have to suffer for every breath Angad didn’t take. Guddan says please.. This is Antra’s poison.

Revati shoves her. AJ says enough Revati. I did all that you asked. I hid your truth from everyone. AJ says sorry Guddan, I had to hide all this from you and everyone. I want to bring her on the right path. I knew her reality would break you. Please forgive me. Revati says yous till care about romance? You people don’t care about anyone else. I got you killed once, but you came back. Want to know why did he shoot you? AJ says no, please. AJ says don’t say a single world more. AJ says no please, Guddan come with me. Revati says my hate is a lot more than your love. there is a truth that will break your heart. He took my sin on him. The truth is I shot you not him. Guddan is dazed.

Revati tells her how she called AJ. Guddan came out and said AJ why are you here? He said in heart, how do I tell you that Revati hates you and wants to kill you. Detective I hired for Antra, told me that she is coming to kill you here. But I will tell you everything to save you. AJ said Guddan, let me tell you something. Revati came there to shoot Guddan. AJ took out his gun and pretended that he shot her.

Everyone is shocked. Dadi says hate has burned my house. Revati says Guddan has to pay for Angad’s death. He was your son. Dadi says this revenge is burning everything. Revati says I lost everything. I lost my love. How can I let them live with love and peace? And to hurt this Guddan, I married Guddan and forced AJ to acknowledge my marriage or I would tell police about my crimes. He said he couldn’t see his Guddan in pain. Until I ruin your life, I won’t sit in peace. AJ says enough. What have you become?

Dadi says she is your sister. Revati says she is my step sister and she proved it. She let my love die to save her husband. I won’t let you live Guddan. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.