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Guddan on zee world, Thursday 10th November 2022 update

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Shantani says where is your DIL? This is what happens when you are so nice to DILs. She doesn’t even know she has to come on time. She must be sleeping.

Shantani asks Vardan where is laxmi? He says I don’t know where she is. Haven’t seen her since morning. SHantani says wow not even MIL, husbands in this house are like this too.

Lacxmi enters the house. Her condition is really bad. She can barely walk. She says good morning. Shantani says you went to the party? I asked you not to leave this house. How dare you. She is about to slap.

Guddan says I gave her permission. No one can insult anyone in this house. AJ made this house. I wont let you him my DIL. Her respect is my respect. My duty is to protect her too. Shantani says you will tell what family respect it? Look at her. Families whose women party all night have no respect. You are responsible for this stain on this family name
Saru gets a video. She says oh God there is Laxmi isn this video. Everyone sees the video. Laxmi is dancing with boys. Shantani says see. She is ruining our family name with men like this. Everyone gets the video. Laxmi is dazed. Vardan says laxmi what is this? I really trusted you and you did this? Shantani says if it was someone else he must have divorced her.

Guddan says I trust her. Laxmi tell everyone this is a lie. AJ comes home. He gets the video too. AJ says laxmi what is this? Laxmi says when I went.. Someone mixed alcohol in my drink. Shantani says she drank alcohol. she pours ganga jal on her. Shantani says our DIL drank? She must have done so much in the party after dancing. Guddan is responsible for this.

She made her DIL friend. Guddan you said you trust her? Guddan says she didn’t drink with her choice. Vardan says I don’t forgive you. WHo knows what you did after drinking. AJ says she is your wife. Vardan says I don’t want to be with you. I want to divorce you. Laxmi says vardan please listen. He says don’t expect anything.

Shantani says AJ Guddan is equally responsible for this. She should be divorced too. AJ says I am upset that my son doesn’t trust his wife. I respect my wife. Our relation isn’t weak. You know I don’t take decisions in impulsion. AJ goes upstairs.
Guddadn says it was all my mistake. I gave her permission.

And Vardahn insulted her so much. I don’t know how this video was made. AJ says it wasn’t your mistake. Guddan says would you let her go? AJ says yes. There is nothing wrong with her going with her friends. You did that for your friend.

Let me do something for my friend now. He says this all happened because of thi video. i will fix everything. I wont let anything happen to your Laxmi.