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Guddan on zee world, Friday 9th December 2022 update

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Guddan on zee world Friday 9th December 2022 update; Guddan burns the papers and says you won’t get the 51% back. You can’t scare me. I am wise with money. You won’t get it back. She burns the papers. Her dupatta gets stuck in his watch. Guddan cuts it and says please leave. AJ says money made you this.

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Thursday 8th December 2022 update

AJ is angry. Antra says Guddan was so rude to you. I can’t see you being insulted like you. I can’t see anyone insulting my husband to be. I will talk to her. AJ says you won’t say anything. I have right on her hatred. Stay out of it. Antra says in heart I would come between you. I would give this Guddan pain. She calls someone and says come home tomorrow.

Guddan recalls everything that has happened. LAxmi comes to her. Laxmi says I am sorry. I was so wrong. Durga told me everything

she did. I should have trusted you like you always trusted us. Guddan looks at Durga. Durga touches her feet. Guddan says stop. Durga says I am sorry for all that I did. Please accept me as your DIL and give me blessings. Guddan says you won’t ever get that. I dont need this tea. You are a part of the reason of AJ being away from me. don’t do this again. Durga says I won’t give up until you accept me as your DIL.
Antra says to Durga shake hands with me rather. You would be in benefit. Durga twists her hadn and says you fooled me. You tried kicking me out of this house. I won’t let you be MIL here. Guddan would be my MIL. Antra says how dare you. You will see what I do to you and your Guddan.

Scene 2
Pandit comes and says I am here to find the date for AJ’s wedding. Antra says I called him. I did right? AJ says yes you did the best. There should be no delay. Everything in the wedding would be grand. Guddan comes downstairs. Guddan gives him 50k and says you can celebrate in it. You won’t get a penny above. AJ says who are you to tell me what to do with my money. Guddan says it is mine. I have 2% more share in it. You need my permission every time. So you have only 50k. He says there were 50 lacs in locker. Guddan says now they are not there. This is all you have. AJ says where is the rest? Guddan says I got it. Guddan says you can get married in it. Celebrate. Antra says you spent all that money in one day? Are you crazy? Gudan says one hour. AJ says don’t act smart. Tht was my money. Guddan says now it isn’t. You gave my ring to Antra. So I had to buy this ring for myself. My finger bought this ring. AJ says do you wanna show me another face? Guddan says you brought out this face.

Antra comes to Guddan’s room and tries picking the ring. Guddan says the honey was just placed and the flies are here. Antra says this is of my money. Guddan says you got one ring. now you want others too? you took my aJ from me. I would take everything from you. ANtra puts scissor on her. She says I killed my brother imagine what can I do to you. Guddan gives her a cut and says I know I am fighting with a murderer. I won’t let you do this. Antra leaves.

Guddan takes the sample of her blood from her neck. Guddan says I had to do this. Guddan says I won’t let you win.

Guddan gives the sample to doctor and asks him to test it for the pregnancy. Guddan says now you see I how I send you to jail.

Dadi serves food to antra. She says this is good for your health. AJ comes to the table. Guddan comes there with a list. Guddan says eat all you want but things are expensive these days. This is the bill of what you’re eating. AJ says are you crazy? Antra would pay to live here? Guddan says this is for what she eats. AJ says shut up. She won’t pay for anything. Guddan says she isn’t guest here, neither the owner. So she has to pay. I can settle your bill with the jewelry you’re wearing. AJ says why are you doing this. You are insulting her. Guddan says I was insulted. AJ says antra was my wife. Guddan says she was.. But she isn’t now. Your current wife won’t take the burden of your ex. You taught me how to fight for my rights. Antra told

me the importance of money. AJ gives her money and says keep it. I would clear all your bills. Guddan says you can’t give me my money. I am not a kid. This is the bill for Antra. She has to clear it. antra give me the jewelry. Antra says my child is more important than this jewelry. Take it all. she puts it on the table. Antra says my child won’t suffer for your greed. AJ says I thought you would be normal with time, but I saw your new face. Gudan says you’re responsible for all this. I am answering yo. I won’t sit down unless I succeed so get used to. Guddan says in heart forgive me please.
Guddan says I hope you understood I am doing all this for you. I won’t let antra use you. I would protect your money and this jewelry. Laxmi comes and says I know how difficult it must be for you. They love you and you have to hurt them. Gudda says I won’t give up now. They would realize. I would tell everyone she isn’t pregnant. Saru overhears this.

Antra says she took everything from. I have to do something. Saru says would you eat papaya? Antra says I am pregnant. She says wow you never forget to lie. Guddan would expose you and no one is trusting her. I am on your side. I am here to tell you Guddan is planning to expose you. Antra eats the papaya. Antra says so now if you know you are with me. Whats your gain? She says we are in same boat. I hate Guddan and love money. i have nothing here. And durga laxmi, they are on her side now. Who would be with me now? This paper says when you get all this wealth, I would be 40$ partner. sign it and make me your partner. Either give Guddan all of it or 40% to me. I wont’ leave you like Durga. Antra signs the paper and says in heart, I would take you to your right place. You won’t even get a penny. She signs the paper and gives it to her.

AJ thinks about it all. He cuts his hand. Guddan says what did you do.. He says what do you care? Guddan says our problems aside, you would do the same. I learned to heal not to give pain. AJ says why are you doing all this then? you can punish me but why antra and this child? Guddan says yo would know why am I doing this. Guddan says in heart I would expose Antra.

Antra says to Guddan I am here to tell you you’re immature. Guddan says you haven’t updated with time. Guddan says I like you in stress. Antra says I will ruin your life. Guddan shoves her hand. Guddan I won’t tolerate anything. Guddan gets a call. He says madam it is ready. Guddan says in heart, you would be exosed now.

Guddan looks at the reports. The doctor says you were right. She isn’t pregnant. Guddan says I would tell everyone. Antra is keeping an eye on her. Antra comes to the house. guddan comes with the reports. Saru collides with her and changes the papers. Antra comes and says give me these papers. Guddan says to leave it. I would expose you in front of everyone. Antra shoves herself from stairs to make it look like Guddan exposed her. Guddan runs towards her. Guddan says she is doing drama. I was about to expose her that she isn’t pregnant. These reports have all the truth. Dadi picks the reports. Guddan says she has been lying. Do you trust me. Daddi slaps Guddan. Everyone is dazed. Dadi says these reports say antra is pregnant. You have always been lying to us. Antra

says in heart Guddan you are such a loser. Antra put a tracking divide in her bag. She asked saru to replace the papers. Dadi says we all saw you shoving antra. If anything happens to AJ’s child I won’t’ forgive you. ENough. No one is more important than this child to me. Saru calls the doctor. Saru says she is Antra’s doctor. AJ says let’s go to the hospital. The doctor says we don’t’ have time. They take her to the room. The doctor says AJ you wait outside. AJs ays but she.. doctor says you should have cared for her before all this happened.
Laxmi says she isn’t even pregnant. Durga says only we know that. FOr AJ Guddan tried to kill Antra’s child/. AJ takes Guddan to room. AJ takes her in front of her mother’s picture. AJ says I was wrong that I thought you can’t do any mistakes and removed that board. I considered you friend in front of your mom’s picture. You broke my trust. You crossed every limit today. AJ says but I made a bigger mistake by not trusting you. So I would write my mistakes first. He writes, hiding your mistakes was my mistake. Removing these mistakes, trusting you, considering you friend and family, not seeing your greed, not seeing your cunning side, my love it was all my mistake. You wanted to kill two lives. I couldn’t see your hatred. I won’t’ tolerate this anymore. I will make sure you pay for your sin. Guddan says please try to understand. AJ says if anything happens to Antra or her child., I would do something you won’t be able to tolerate. Guddan looks at the chits. She says ma.. AJ thinks it was a mistake loving me. I thought he is the only one who trusts me. It was my mistake. I lost everything today. I lost my husband, my family, because of Antra. I couldn’t stop it.

Doctor checks Antra. Antra laughs. The doctor says you have bruises. You’re in pain and laughing? Antra says go and tell them the news they don’t want to hear. The doctor comes outside. AJ says is antra okay? The doctor says because of the fall, the child died. Antra says what.. My child.. My child died before coming to the world. Antra says Guddan you crossed every limit. Throttle me and kill me. I don’t want to live. Kill me. Guddan says stop lying. Antra says you said I wasn’t pregnant, now I am not. You took mu child from me. AJ hugs Antra. AJ says all of this would end today. I told you Guddan I won’t forgive you.

AJ comes with papers and says this is what you wanted right? You have all my money from today. Everything is yours. I would take antra from here. You can live in this big house. We can’t live under a roof with a child’s murderer. I won’t live here. Saru says in heart, Antra isn’t getting anything. Dadi says I would also go with you.

I can’t trust anyone here. Guddan says you can’t leave this house. guddan says please try to understand. I am not lying. AJ Antra and Dadi are leaving. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.