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Cage of beauty December 2022 Teasers

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Series Finale; Vishakha kills Mayura and Omkar but their incomplete love story continues with their reincarnation. Mayura is born to a rich businessman whiles Omkar is poor. Their path crossed and love blossom but Vishakha re-enters their life, will there be a happy ending? Read Cage of beauty December 2022 Teasers

Cage of Beauty December 2022 Teasers

Thursday 1st December 2022

When Mayura sneaks into Raghav’s house to find proof against him, she finds evidence of Raghav’s obsession with her and decides to tell Omkar about the same.

Friday 2nd December 2022

Omkar is furious to learn about Mayura being held captive by Raghav. Additionally, Raghav calls Omkar and gives an ultimatum in exchange for Mayura’s freedom. Mayura attacks Raghav and attempts to escape from captivity to save Omkar’s life. Moreover, Raghav’s plan to kill Omkar fails, and Mayura rescues him from the situation.

Monday 5th December 2022

Omkar and Mayura get shocked when Vishakha reveals how she planned everything with the help of Raghav. Mayura and Omkar escape from captivity and make a run for it. Unfortunately, Vishakha takes Omkar’s parents hostage and confronts them which leads to their death.

Tuesday 6th December 2022

A leap of 20 years later, Omkar and Mayura’s incomplete love story starts with a new chapter where Omkar and Mayura’s first interaction ends up in a conflict. Omkar and Mayura meet again when the former starts his job as a waiter in a hotel that belongs to Mayura’s father.

Wednesday 7th December 2022

Mayura sings a song during the Karaoke night, but Omkar unplugs the music system when he notices a short circuit, leaving Mayura furious. When Mayura plans to go out on a trip with her friends before the college reopens, she takes Omkar with her as her bodyguard to teach him a lesson.

Thursday 8th December 2022

Things get awkward when Mayura’s father arrives at the hotel and witnesses Omkar carrying Mayura in his arms. Mayura goes against her father’s will and sneaks out of the house.

Friday 9th December 2022

During the academic debate, Mayura and Omkar enter into a volatile argument. Later, Mayura and Ishaan meet head-on with Omkar for a merciless ragging session.

Monday 12th December 2022

Later, when Mayura humiliates Omkar, he vows to seek revenge. Meanwhile, Omkar has very little time to submit his college fees else his admission will get cancelled.

Tuesday 13th December 2022

Omkar saves Naina by trapping Mayura with the same plan that Mayura used to frame Naina in front of everyone. Omkar loses his mind after watching a few goons teasing Mayura.

Wednesday 14th December 2022

Mayura tries to flirt with Omkar using several tactics, but he does not take her seriously. Mayura confesses her love to Omkar and believes that they are destined to be together.

Thursday 15th December 2022

Mayura goes to Omkar’s house to take care of his mother. Unaware of her action, Omkar grows hesitant at college. Mayura does not give up on Omkar and stands outside Omkar’s house until he decides to give her a chance.

Friday 16th December 2022

Later, Mayura gives Omkar an ultimatum and wants to introduce him to her family. Omkar finds Mayura unconscious in the classroom and rushes her to the hospital.

Cage of beauty December 2022 Teasers

Monday 19th December 2022

While Omkar and Mayura share the same birthday, Mayura plans to take revenge on Omkar by insulting him in front of everyone at her birthday party. Mayura sees Vishakha for the first time in her life and the flashes of her memory from her previous life strike her mind.

More Teasers to be added soon…

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