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Broken Bonds On Zee world, Sunday 22nd January 2023 update

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Broken Bonds On Zee world Sunday 22nd January 2023 update, Shubhra is home next morning. Sanjana says I am very sorry. I shouldn’t have left the kids at night. Shubhra says it’s okay. It happens with kids. Shubhra says Rishi have warm water, the dice would come out. Roli faints and says such bad smell. Shubhra says get up don’t do this drama. Rishi says the dice is out. Sanjana says thank God. Was everything okay there yesterday? Shubhra ignores and asks kids to get ready for the school.

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Saturday 21st January 2023 update

Kuldeep does push ups and says she didn’t even tell me if she reached home or not. I don’t know what did she tell the kids. What would they be thinkging about me? He falls. Samaira saysa re you okay? He says neither Shubhra nor kids, no one called. I am not there to defend myself. Kids must be thinking I left them and hurt their mom. Samaira says get up. Have this juice. Kuldeep says I don’t feel like it. Samaira says it isn’t your fault. She acted like a daily soap’s heroin. She broke the marriage not you.

Sanjana says was everything okay? Rishi says how is papa? Roli says he must be so happy to see you. Shubhra says yeah I had never seen him that happy. Then we went to restaurant and had food and spoke. Roli says but.. Shubha says no more questions. They go to school. Sanjana says now tell me the truth. What happened there? I don’t see your mangalsutra for the first time.

Samaira says I love you. That’s why I was ready to share you with Shubhra. I got a slap in return of my kindness. I am so worried about her still. She left alone. Kuldeep says you are still worried about her? Samaira says if she isn’t happy kids won’t be happy and that would upset you. Kuldeep hugs her. Kuldeep says you didn’t do right Shubhra.

Scene 2
Sanjana says shout and cry Shubhra. Don’t act like a robot or stone. Shubhra says the woman inside me wants to cry but the mother inside me can’t see my kids hurt. Madhura comes in and says I also can’t see my daughter hurt. Shubhra is shocked to see her. Sanjana says I called her. I knew only your mother can heal you. Shubhra says I know you will say Kuldeep is a bad choice, I don’t wanna hear all that. Madhua extends her arms to hug her. Shubhra hugs her. Madhura cries. Shubhra cries as well. Sanjana leaves. Shubhra sobs. Shubhra screams and cries. Madhura says calm down, please. She makes her sit. Shubhra sobs. Madhura gives her water. She cries as well. Madhura wipes her tears and gives her water. Shubhra sobs.

Shubhra says why did you come here? Baba asked you not to come here. She says you’re my daughter. When a child needs their mother no one can come between them. Shubhra hugs her.

Scene 3

ChandRaani’s friends are there to play cards. She says wait for my friend Madhura. She had to come. ChaandRani calls Madhura. Shubhra falls asleep in Madhura’s lap. ChaandRani calls Madhura. ChaandRani says where are you? She says I am my daughter’s place. Can’t come. ChaandRani says what happened to your voice? Are you okay? She says my daughter.. Her husband left her. He cheated on her. He left her and the kids. What will she do? How will she live alone? ChaandRani says don’t worry I am coming right now. I am there for her and you.

Scene 4
Rishi is sitting alone in school. Roli says to kids papa will bring me toys. Roli asks Rishi what happened? He says aai isn’t looking like she did. There’s something wrong. She didn’t make emoji on my cake. Roli says yeah she didn’t even say no naughty behavior Roli. Maybe she’s missing papa.

Madhura makes Shubhra eat. She says I don’t feel like. Madhura says you have to be strong for the kids. Bell rings. ChaandRani reads Chaddha house. Madhura opens the door. ChaandRani says am I at right place? Madhura says come in. ChaandRani says I will make her very happy. Shubhra comes out. ChaandRani and Shubhra are shocked to see each other. ChaandRani says who is she? Madhura says she’s my daughter. She says Shubhra she’s my best friend ChaandRani. ChaandRani says I couldn’t even get it from the door. Shubhra touches her feet and says mummy ji.. ChaandRani steps back and says stay away.

ChaandRani asks Shubhra to stay away. She says I only care for my people not strangers. You broke a family, this had to happen to you. A mother’s curse never goes in vain. Madhura says what are you saying? What happened? I prayed every day to make you punish for what you did and keep me alive to see it. You took my son from me and he left you for me. Madhura realizes she is Kuldeep’s mom. Madhura says don’t blame my daughter. She can never hurt anyone. ChaandRani says all parents think their kids are innocent. She also broke your heart and left the house. She could unite the family but she only cared about herself and her kids. She didn’t think about others. You are served with Karma. Madhura says you can’t curse her like this. Rishi comes in and says aai what happened? Why are you crying? And who is she scolding you? Roli says what happened Aai? ChaandRani leaves.

Roli stops her and says stop. You made my mama cry. ChaandRani says you’re Kuldeep’s daughter? She says yes but why did you make my mama cry. You are old it’s a bad thing. ChaandRani says you scold when someone does wrong. Roli says no my mama doesn’t scold, she makes your realize your mistake. My mama is very nice. She’s not rude like you. Shubhra says is that how you talk to elders? Go and say sorry. Roli says but she scolded you. Shubhra says it’s her right. She’s my biji and your dadi maa. Kids are shocked. Shubhra says go and touch her feet. They go and touch her feet.

Scene 2
Client says this presentation is not up to the mark. I am disappointed. Shubhra says give him one more chance. He leaves. Samaira says I know you’re disturbed but we can’t ruin our clients. You are upset for Shubhra who didn’t even bother contacting you? He says you’re right. If she comes in front of me once.. But if she comes in front of me once..

Kuldeep calls Shubhra. He says she’s so egoistic. Kuldeep calls Sanjana. He says Shubhra is not picking my call, can you take phone to her. Sanjana says after all that you did, you broke her heart. Never dare to call me again. I want no contact with people like you. Kuldeep says Shubhra has made everyone go against me.

Scene 3
ChaandRani drinks. She says I thought I would be happy seeing her house break. But I am not happy. It felt bad. Madhura comes in. ChaandRani says you came to break the friendship? Madhura says friendship isn’t done to break it. I am here to fix it. I know you’re upset. You made me your friend and now stepping back? I hate your son the way you hate my daughter. We understand each other’s pain but my Shubhra isn’t bad. You have not seen them but I have seen how Kuldeep had been to them. She compromised on everything. She’s a very good wife and mother. Your son was useless. I hate him a lot more than you hate my daughter. I raised her with so much love and she suffered for everything. She always compromised. She fasted and when to Mumbai to see him. And he saw him with another man. He locked the door at her face. Even if you feel bad, I will say truth. Your son cheated on her. He’s the bad person here. Madhura coughs. She goes to restroom. ChaandRani drinks and thinks about what she said. ChaadRani sees the glass, it was her drink that Madhura had instead of water. She says oh God, Madhura sister.

Sanjana says I asked the kids to play in compound. Shubhra says kids waited for him that day to take him out. When he came I slept. This photo was when we went for dinner. We were happy.. Then he said he doesn’t want to do this job. So we argued. She looks at the old photos and says we always argued. She gets teary. Shubhra says I never understood him. He left me.. It was my mistake? Biji was right. We hurt our parents. I don’t deserve to be happy. I don’t deserve. Sanjana slaps and hugs her. Sanjana says don’t blame yourself. It is all husband’s mistake. How can anyone blame you? He’s the one who cheated. Why blame his wife? The world blames women but we can’t blame ourselves. It isn’t your fault at all.

Rishi looks at her and says aai is very upset. Something is wrong. Aaji also came and dadi came as well. Radhika asks Rishi did your papa come back? Wanna call him? She says you can speak from my phone. Rishi calls. He says papa didn’t pick. She calls again on speaker. Samaira picks. He says I am Rishi, I want to talk to papa. She says why? Your mama didn’t tell you? She left your dad. Now there’s no relationship between them.

Varsha comes in with Rishi and says he fought with me and hit me. He hit my son. Shubhra says my Rishi can’t misbehave with anyone. Roli says Rishi hit aunty with a stone but Aunty also pulled his ear. Varsha says is that the kind of kids we want in this society? He’s dangerous. Shubhra says what is she saying? Rishi says she said bad things about you and papa. She said papa ran away and you wanted money so you let him go. Shubhra says come here, if you get angry, don’t react. We can’t hit anyone.

What aunty said was wrong but you did was worse. Say sorry. Rishi says Sorry. He asks kids to go inside. Varsha says you trusted your husband and see he ran and now son is a goon. Shubhra says enough. Don’t dare to be near my kids or say a word against them. It was your mistake not his. She says yeah as if your kids are innocent. Sanjana says well done Shubhra. I am impressed. Shubhra says Rishi found out about me and Kuldeep. He would never react this way otherwise. I have to speak to him.

Madhura says to her husband you are like Hitler. How can you be so stone hearted? You will never understand a wife is also a daughter. I go to meet my daughter and that isn’t a sin. She cries. He says what happened to you? She’s so alone. We aren’t with her either. She’s my daughter. She made one mistake, she can’t be punished for life. You’re old. Please use your brain. As if you never made a mistake. Don’t you miss your daughter? Don’t you want to hug her? She made a mistake so what.. You will regret. I went to meet Shubhra and I will. He says Madhura.. She’s sleeping. He says what are you saying in sleeping? He realizes she’s drunk. He says who made her drink? I have to find out.

Shubhra asks Roli to go out and watch cartoons. She says I have to talk to Rishi. He says why did Varsha aunty say papa ran? Dadi was also angry and Samaira said papa has left you. Shubhra says I never knew when you grow up so much that I could share anything with you. I should have told you before. Sometimes even papa mama get mad at each other. Not everyone’s the same in the world. No one likes to fight. So when fights increase, you can stay away from each other. That doesn’t mean we won’t be together again. Papa loves Rishi and Roli. Rishi says when will he come back? Shubhra says I don’t know that either.

But he loves you. Don’t tell Roli anything. She’s too young. Shubhra says in heart why are you doing this to our kids Kuldeep? Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.

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