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Broken Bonds On Zee world, Monday 23rd January 2023 update

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Broken Bonds On Zee world Monday 23rd January 2023 update, Madhura wakes up and says my heart hurts. Aaju says can you see? She says what? He says hitler? No remorse or mercy. Take this medicine you will be fine. He says when did you start drinking? ChaandRani comes there. Madhura says you came to ask how I am right? Aaju says who is she? She says I am Madhura’s bestfriend, ChaandRani. He says now I know where she’s getting bad habits from. She says yeah, not asking a guest about water is also a bad habit. Let us friends talk. He calls Vithal. He goes out.

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Sunday 22nd January 2023 update

ChaandRani says you drank my glass completely. She recalls what she said to him. He says sit. She says your ego is sitting here. Don’t be mad at her. She was worried for Shubhra and she drank by mistake. Kuldeep left kids and Shubhra alone. Aaju is shocked. ChaandRani says he cheated on her and went with another woman. I felt bad, so I made a drink. Kuldeep is my son. So we shared our pain. I never saw my son after marriage. But they are separated now. Things are okay. He says you asked how she is. Now you can go.

Scene 3
Kuldeep calls Rishi. He says you left us right? You left mama. He says no, I love you. Your mama is lying. He says mama didn’t say anything. I called you and Samaira aunty said you left us and mama and never to call you again.

Shubhra’s cousin comes to ChaandRani and tells her how she fought for her pension. ChaandRani recalls how Tripathi gave her cheque and said a girl fought with him. She calls Kuldeep. Kuldeep says even biji found out?

Shubhra can’t find her degree. She says what should I do? Everything is at stake. Sanjana says you have to start it by divorcing him.

Kuldeep comes to the office. Samaira says you’re late for meeting again. Kuldeep says Rishi called. Samaira says yes I told him you’re busy. Kuldeep says no you said I left them. Samaira says no he misbehaved with me. He shouted why did I touch your phone. Kuldeep says rishi can never talk like that. Samaira says you mean I am lying? It’s my mistake I didn’t tell you. Your son misbehaved with me when I came for lunch at your place. I can’t continue like this if I am 100% loyal but for you, your family is first priority. I feel insecure now. He says it’s not like that. You know I love you. Tell me what should I do? She says divorce Shubhra so I know you love me only and will be with me always.

Aaju calls Shubhra. Shubhra is shocked. She says it can’t be him. It must be ai calling from his phone. She picks the phone and says aai you’re calling from baba’s phone? He says it’s me baba. Come home. Shubhra says I will come. He hangs up. Shubhra is shocked.

Scene 2
Shubhra comes to Aaju’s home and recalls how he shouted at them when she came there with Kuldeep. Shubhra says kaka can I come in? Aaju comes and says daughters don’t need permission to come home. Shubhra enters the house and hugs him. Shubhra hugs him. She cries. Aaju says you don’t have to worry about anything. Your baba is alive. He says everything will be fine.

Roli says to Rishi mama didn’t make papa call me. He says she must not have gotten time. Roli says I am his princess. He didn’t video call me. This isn’t fair. I will be mad at mama. Rishi says in his heart can’t tell Roli. Roli says I will be mad at you as well. Papa called today, you didn’t let me speak to him. If I asked him to come home he would. Rishi says I forgot. Roli says stupid. Roli says idea.. We can go to Mumbai to papa. Rishi says what?

Aaju shows divorce papers to Shubhra and says sign them. You will be free of it. Samaira says tell me Kuldeep will you divorce her? Aaju says I know it’s not easy for you. Take them home and sign when you’re ready. Then you can come here with your kids. To your aai and baba. This is your house. You don’t have to live there. Shubhra says thank you baba. He says don’t be emotional like your aai. Be practical like me. Kuldeep says no Samaira, I can’t take such a big decision. If it was about Shubhra only I would but Rishi and Roli, I have to think about them. they’re my kids. I am sorry but I don’t want to take a hasty decision. She says I understand but don’t take too long to decide.

Rishi says how can we go to Mumbai. Aai won’t let us go. Roli says we won’t tell her. Roli says yes we won’t. When we go there we will bring papa with us. Papa will never say no to me. Rishi says let’s go.

Scene 3
The kids come home. Shubhra says what’s in your hands Roli? She says nothing mama. Shubhra says take out your toys and books. We will go to Aaju ba’s place and live there. Roli says okay mama. They are packing things. Shubhra says you like baba’s place so we are going there. Roli says you’re right Rishi. Mama papa are separating, why would we live in Aaju ba’s house. Rishi says we will have fun with Aaju ba. Shubhra says pack your things. Shubhra looks around the house. Roli says can we go downstairs to play? We will pack later. They go downstairs. The kids sneak out of society.

Kuldeep packs things. Samaira says are you going somewhere? He says yes have a meeting with Mr. Varma. Will stay there at night. She says can we have a cup of coffee? He says sure. He goes out to get coffee. Samaira calls Varma and asks him about the meeting. He says there’s no meeting. She says oh I misunderstood. Samaira says what the hell. He is going to Pune to meet Shubhra. Kuldeep brings coffee. Samaira looks at him in anger.

Shubhra looks for Rishi and Roli. She says I told them we have to go. Where are they. Aaji comes. She says I came to help you pack. Shubhra says did you see the kids downstairs? Aaji says no. shubhra says they went to play. I told them to come back. Aaji says they must be around. Where would they go? Shubhra calls all their friends but they are at no one’s place. Shubhra says where did they go? Sanjana says they are not in parking. Her husband says I checked till signal. They are nowhere. Shubhra runs out. Sanjana says they must here don’t worry. Shubhra says but no one has seen them. Aaji looks outside. Sanjana’s husband says let me inform police. Don’t worry. Watchman says they are nowhere.

Aaji finds a letter they wrote. Rishi wrote, Dear aai, Roli and I are going to Mumbai to bring papa back. We will fix your relation. We will be fine. Don’t worry. Shubhra is shocked. Shubhra says my kids went to Mumbai? Alone? They don’t know how to cross the roads. Aai.. Where should I look for them?

Shubhra says where do I look for them? ChaandRani comes in and says no need to find them. The kids come in with her.

Kuldeep says I am missing my kids. I never imagined I would have to live so far away from them. If I said the truth, you won’t let me go. Samaira says I won’t let you go to the kids? Blame me for everything. Tell me the truth. He says the truth? I told you already. You don’t trust me, that’s your problem. You will never understand how important kids are for me. This isn’t a business, they are my kids. I want to talk to them. But you never even let me speak to them. So I had to lie to see them. But you won’t understand, you’re a spy. You know what you will never know what kids are to me because you don’t have your own children. She says I am Samaira not Shubhra, if you step out today never come back to me. Everything would be over.

Shubhra says are you both okay? She hugs them. ChaandRani says I went out to get cheese and saw them at the bus stand. I figured they were doing something wrong. Shubhra says you were leaving mama? Never even thought how worried I would be?

Samaira says I never tried to part you from the kids. I know you love them. But if you meet them this way they would be hurt. They should be given enough time to accept that you and Shubhra are separated. Why give them false hope? Rishi says we only wanted you and papa to patch up together. Roli says yes mama, please don’t be mad at papa. Aaju ba’s house is pretty and big but we don’t want to live there. We want to live here in our own house. Rishi says with both mama and papa.

Samaira says I planned a surprise for you and called Mr. Varma to postpone your meeting but I was shocked to know there’s no meeting. Anyway, we are going on a Europe trip. Our flight is the day after tomorrow. He says what? She says yes, you’re so stressed. You need a good vacation. Visa and passport are ready. Kids will also have time to adjust then you can call them to Mumbai. Kuldeep says this is my first international trip. He hugs her and says thank you so much. ChaandRani asks the kids to play downstairs. They say no we don’t want to. Sanjana and her husband take the kids with them. ChaandRani says what are you thinking? Kids are right. You and Kuldeep ran from the homes to stay together not stay away. Go to Mumbai, teach him a lesson, and bring him back. It’s your right. You are his wife and my DIL. Shubhra is shocked. ChaandRani says I never accepted you but you always became my DIL. Madhura is right, my son a donkey. She giggles. ChaandRani makes Shubhra sit and says men have hearts at their palms. They think women are weak. If a woman is a mother, she is a lioness. No one can harm their kids.

Aaju baa comes and says what drama is going on here? He says first your son fooled my daughter and wasted 12 years of her life. I won’t let her waste more of her time with that man. He says don’t fall for their trap again. Sign the divorce papers and end this drama. Take your kids and come with me. Let’s go. Shubhra stands there. He says let’s go. ChaandRani says Shubhra I know your dad is right. I know what a father goes through when their kid is betrayed. My son has blackened my face. I have no right on you. You do what is right for you. Shubhra takes out the papers. Aaju ba gives her a pen. Shubhra says sorry baba. I can’t sign these papers. Everyone is shocked. Shubhra tears them. Aaju baa is angry. Shubhra says I am sorry. You came the first time to my house, to be with me. But you’re talking about breaking my heart. I know you’re worried about me. I am your daughter, the same way I am also worried about kids and their future. Kids need a father along with a mother. I can’t take their right from them. He says okay then stay here, let’s go Madhura. We don’t have anyone here. She says please.. ChaandRani says don’t worry. I am with her, to take care of her. you go. Madhura leaves.

Rishi says Aaju baa left? Shubhra says yes he left. Roli says and she? ChaandRani says who is she? Don’t you know who I am? Roli and Rishi hug her and say dadi. And I will always live with you. Roli says our family would be perfect. but when will papa come back? Rishi says what to do Aai? Shubhra says what to do Biji? ChaandRani says don’t worry.

Scene 2
Kids are locked in the room. Rishi says I want to listen in, what dadi and aai are talking about. Roli says we can listen with this glass. Rishi says but it’s bad manners. Roli tries to listen anyway. Rishi also gets in. ChaandRani says you only have to go to Mumbai. Shubhra says what would I do with Rishi Roli? I can’t take them there. Rishi knocks and says mama you won’t go to Mumbai alone. You are going to bring papa back right? We will also go with you. Shubhra says that can’t happen. ChaandRani says you both are right but mama isn’t wrong either. Let me talk to mama, and don’t listen in. We will tell you what is decided. ChaandRani says I think kids are right. Shubhra says I can’t take the kids there. ChaandRani says you took care of kids when Kuldeep left. You told me Kuldeep loves the kids. Everything is fair in love and war. Make them part of this war. Shubhra says but how can I involve them in all this? ChaandRani says then let him go? let them be fatherless. Kuldeep will see their faces and realizes he’s doing wrong. Take the kids with you. Everything would be okay.

Scene 3
Samaira and Kuldeep are leaving for Mumabi. They check their things. Samaira says Phirki we are going abroad. Will be back in 12 days. Take care of the house.

Kuldeep opens the door, he’s shocked. Samaira is also shocked. Shubhra and the kids are standing at the door. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates..

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