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Broken Bonds On Zee world, Monday 13th February 2023 update

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Broken Bonds On Zee world, Monday 13th February 2023 update, Kuldeep comes. Shubhra asks where were you all night? I was so worried. Samaira comes in, injured. Shubhra asks what happened to Samaira? Where is Anant? Phirki says didi what happened? They go upstairs. Shubhra is worried she calls Anant. Shubhra says where is he? Shubhra comes upstairs and asks where is Anant? You asked him to come to office and since then he isn’t picking phone.

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Sunday 12th February 2023 update

Kuldeep says don’t take his name. He did all this to her. He saw her alone And tried to rape. Shubhra says what are you saying? He can’t do that. Kuldeep says how well do you know him? Samaira cries. Kuldeep says I saw everything. Shubhra says she lies. I won’t trust anyone until I speak to Anant. Tell me where is he? He says just met him and ao worried? Shubhra says please tell me where is he? He says in jail. Shubhra is shocked. She says you’re doing wrong. Anant is innocent. She trapping an innocent man. She did this because he exposed her. Kuldeep says enough. They leave.

Samaira wakes up. Samaira smirks at Shubhra. Phirki says you’re such an amazing actress. Kuldeep says you’re taking his side? I am trying to console her. Shubhra says she’s doing a drama to get your sympathy. He says no one can do that. Shubhra says she’s the same woman who abandoned her daughter. He says Anant said that. How can you trust him? Shubhra says Anant can’t do that. Kuldeep says I saw Samaira in office. She was crying. Everything was broken. Shubhra says she made you see what she wanted like me witg Rajiv, kuldeep says enough. Same needs me. Shubhra says she’s using you. She is lying. she knew you’re going to resign and to to Pune. Kuldeep stops. He says like a typical insecure wife you used my phone? And you’re supporting that criminal? You can’t see Sam happy. She says you are also believing a lie because of your benefit. If you don’t you might lost this lifestyle and go back to basics. You both are ysing each other in the name of love. Kuldeep shouts Shubhra.. he is about to slap her. She says why did you stop? Slap me. He says I cannot stoop low at your level. Now I saw you much you hate Samaira. Samaira showed you mirror that you aren’t a good wife that’s why your husband needed another woman and to take revenge you planned all this with Samaira. She’s suffering because of him. I am with Samaira and will always be. He will stay in jail and if you mind it, I don’t care.

Rishi hears. He asks Shubhra is Anant in jail? Bad people go there. Why is Anant there, he’s nice. Shubhra says once your teacher marked your right question wrong by mistake. I told you humans make mistakes. Police is also humans. We spoke to your teacher and she corrected your marks. I will speak to police uncle and he will leave Anant. Rishi says but it would take a lot of time. Shubhra says yes. Take care of Vedika till then.

Scene 2
Chandrani decorates the house and says my kids will come home. She puts on welcome board. Chandrani says I have to get sofa cum bed for myself. Shubhra would be so happy to find that I purchased her house. Thank you God. My family is coming back. Shubhra calls her and tells her Anant is in jail. She’s shocked. Shubhra says we lost again. Samaira proved lies as truth. I shouldn’t have sent Anant there. I thought Vedika might get her mother back. She sent Anant to jail. Varun is coming, he’s lawyer he will help getting Anant’s bail. Shubhra comes to meet Anant at the police station.

Scene 3
Vedika is sad. Roli says let’s play. She says this toy is papa 2.0. When he goes to office I feel like he’s with me. They play chor police. Roli says I am police and Anant uncle 2.0 is thief. Phirki says correct. Vedika says my papa isn’t thief. He’s prince. Phirki says why is he in j… kuldeep shouts Phirki. Go and do your work. Roli asks Rishi why did papa shout? He looks angry.

Kuldeep gives soup to Samaira. He says I know you don’t wanna talk about it. But if we punish Anant, what will happen to Vedika? She’s so young. We should keep her here. Phirki will take care of her. If you can accept my kids, I can accept your daughter. I will take her responsibility, Samaira coughs. She says in heart I did all this drama to kick Anant out of my life. And now his daughter will become a part of my life? Never.

Shubhra asks Anant are you okay? He says is Vedika okay? Did you tell her? Please don’t. She will get an asthma attack. Shubhra says she’s fine. You will meet Vedika soon. I won’t let you stay here for long.

Samaira says in heart never. I can’t let Anant’s daughter become a permanent part of my life. She says you didn’t understand me. I don’t have a stone heart. If I was in condition to keep Vedika I won’t have left her. I know it isn’t Vedika’s fault. But her face keeps reminding me of Anant’s sin. She is memory of the worst incident of my life. If she’s around I can’t breathe. That’s why I left my own daughter. He says I understand but it isn’t Vedika’s fault. She’s a kid. If you stay with her you will get used to her your mind will change. You will start forgeting that incident. You aren’t alone in this. I am with you. With kids, your heart heals. Trust me. This about it. Just once. Samaira says thanks for everything. He says have your soup now. Kuldeep makes her drink soup.

Scene 2
Varun comes to the police station. He says bail can’t be done. Shubhra says he didn’t do anything. He says in women protection there are very strict laws to reduce these crimes. Shubhra says because of women like Samaira women who actually are victims suffer. He says there’s only one way. shubhra says what? He says if Samaira withdraws her complaint.

Shubhra comes to Samaira and says I want to talk to her in person. Kuldeep says say it in front of me. I can’t leave her alone in this condition. Samaira says it’s okay. Kuldeep leaves. Shubhra says take Anant’s complaint back. Samaira says didn’t your kids tell you, say please if you want to take help. Shubhra says you are trapping an innocent person. VEdika has no one but her father. Have some mercy on your own daughter. Samaira says really worried for them? Shubhra says please take your complaint back. She says you can’t play this emotional game with me. I only look at my prize. You lost your husband and I got my love because I am not an emotional fool. Shubhra says I don’t win by breaking other people. What do you want to get your complaint back? She says now you came to the point. SAmaira says in her heart I will get rid of Vedika. Samaira says I will take the case back if you leave from here today with kids and never be seen in my house. You said you can do anything. Would you agree?

Scene 2
Madhura says she won’t agree. Chandrani says she will put forward some conditions. Chandrani looks at the idol and says you took my husband early. Now I got my family and you parted them as well? She screams and says let me be united with my family. Chandrani cries and says I sent Anant there and he’s in jail. Shubhra was coming back. They are all suffering because of me. She cries. Madhura hugs her. Chandrani takes the welcome board off. Madhura says this won’t fix anything. Chandrani cries. Madhura says you Are their strength. You can’t shatter like this. Chandrani says I won’t let their house break like this.

Scene 3
Shubhra says you won and I lost. I accept it, just take the complaint back. I will go back, you can take your complaint back. Samaira says good for you. Your life won’t be that hopeless. Kuldeep comes in. He says done? Samaira says yes. I have decided I am taking this case back. Kuldeep says but why? Shubhra what did you say that she wants to save that guy now? Samaira says that’s my decision. I realized Anant would be in jail and Vedika would be punished. He’s a good father no matter how bad of a human he is. He says I wish everyone could think like you. He hugs Samaira. Shubhra looks at them.

Scene 4
Shubhra comes to jail with Vedika. Vedika says papa.. She runs to him. Vedika hugs him. She says how did you get this bruise? He says I.. Shubhra says it’s a funny story. Your papa was out to get the gift for you. The gift he got a man stole it and your papa sent the thief to the police station. She says my papa is a hero. Where is my gift? Anant says I..

Kuldeep and Samaira come to police station and take the complaint back. Samaira looks at Anant and Shubhra. Anant holds Vedika’s hand. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.

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