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Bridal material on zee world, Friday 1st July 2022 update

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Tulika is unable to enter house due to Mehandipur balaji’s mehandi imprints on main entrance walls. She acts as falling and tells Prince that Meera has dayan’s shadow on her and it affects unmarried girls, so she does not want this mehandi on walls. Prince says she also can imprint mehandi on walls. Tulika thinks if she enters, she will burn, says she wants him to wipe Meera’s imprints, then she will imprint mehandi on walls.

Bridal material Series
Bridal material Series

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Thursday 30th June 2022 update

Prince wipes mehandi from walls. Tulika enters house. Vivan tells someone that Tulika cannot enter house because of mehandipur Balaji’s mehandi on door. He is shocked to see Tulika in. Prince says he and Tulika shopped a lot for their wedding. Amar enters and says Dolly and Meera are having karva chauth fast for them, they should respect their efforts.

Meera says even Tulika is fasting for Prince even before marriage, Dolly is luck to have such a good bahu. Dolly stands confused. Meera asks Tulika to not fast if she does not want to as she has to fast till night. Tulika thinks tonight she will sacrifice Meera.
Vivan walks down stairs when Tulika purposefully drops water glass on him. Vivan gets injured. Tulika mixes her blood in Vivan’s and thinks will dance like a puppet on her tune. Meera gets worried for Vivan and takes him to room to nurse his injury. He says papaji was telling about fast. Meera says it is women’s day and asks him to go and be with papaji till night. Vivan leaves.

Meera gets ready looking into mirror smilingly when Tulika wearing mask appears as dayan and gets into Meera’s body. Vivan returns. Meera gets romantic and lures him. Vivan nervously says he needs to go to washroom and thinks usually he gets romantic and Meera acts as going to washroom, today it is opposite. He rushes to washroom. Tulika comes out of Meera’s body and says Meera will get intimate with Vivan, but she will enjoy the moments. She gets back into Meera’s body, pulls out god’s locket and throws it away. Vivan returns back. Meera gets romantic again. Inspector calls Vivan and asks to come to police station right now. Vivan excuses Meera and leaves. He reaches police station where inspector says he found some clue in doctor’s murder case and it points at Meera. Vivan is shocked and says Meera cannot murder anyone. Inspector says he is just doubting Meera and it is not proved yet.

Vivan returns home and informs Dolly about inspector’s doubt. Dolly gets tensed. Vivan says Meera is possessed by evil and she walked on ceiling with red eyes, etc. Dolly gets more worried and says Meera is possessed by dayan. Vivan says he is sure Tulika is that dayan. Dolly says even she doubts Tulika. Vivan says his mother wished to send teej gift to Meera, since his mother is no more, if Dolly can give him teej gift. Dolly agrees. Vivan says he feels her as mother. Dolly says even she considers him as son. Their bonding continues.

Tulika starting her black magic thinks she will kill Vivan tonight.

Karvachauth celebrations start at Meera’s house. Everyone wait for moon on terrace. Dolly describes story behind Karvachauth. Tulika spoils Meera’s thali’s water and halwa and thinks Meera will get ill and Vivan will die with this water and halwa. Once moon is sighted, Vivan heads towards thali when Sunny rushes and picks thali. Vivan picks other thali. Meera looks at moon via sieve and then Vivan’s face. Tulika does same with Prince. Vivan feeds water to Meera. Prince extends water mug when Tulika hesitates. Prince says it is a ritual. She drinks water and feels uneasy. Prince brings halwa and feeds it to her. She eagerly waits looking at Vivan and Meera. Vivan feeds halwa to Meera. Meera feeds him back and asks how is it. He acts as collapsing. Tulika gets happy.

Vivan says he was joking. Tulika stands shocked and thinks why he is did not die, reminiscing mixing black magic done poison in halwa. Vivan says he had mixed salt instead of sugar in halwa, so he exchanged it with sweet shop halwa. Tulika stands fuming.
Tulika returns to her room and starts black magic and thinks Vivan will die and celebrate karvachauth with her sister from next year. She hears door knock and opens door, finds Prince standing shying and says everyone are calling her down for mehandi. She walks down with him. Vivan and Meera dance on mehandi hai rachne wali song…Prince dances with Tulika shyingly. Daadi asks him to stop and asks Meera to apply mehandi now. Meera says she will apply mehandi to Tulika and asks her to sit. Tulika sits on chair. Meera says she brought mehandipur Balaji’s oil for mehandi, it will give her bright red color, asks to extend her feet. Tulika thinks she will vomit and her real face will come out, so she has to do something. She says she will not apply oil from Meera’s hand as she is elder to her. Meera gets impressed and asks to extend her hand then and applies oil. Tulika runs to kitchen.

Vivan and Prince run behind Tulika. Tulika thinks she has to bear a small pain to win big. She washes her hand writhing in pain. Vivan asks what happened to her and sees acid bottle in kitchen. Tulika says someone is trying to harm her. Prince asks who mixed mehandi. Tulika says Meera and acts saying Meera cannot harm her, then says solution for this problem is mehandipur Balaji, howmuch ever big dayan has possessed Meera, it will ward off, if they take her to mehandipur. Meera hears that and stands shocked.

Tulika suggests Vivan to take Meera to Mehandipur Balaji temple as even a biggest dayan will ward off once holy water falls on Meera. Meera hears that and walks away shattered. She hears Vivan telling even he feels Meera is possessed by dayan. Vivan tells Tulika that he will get Meera treated at home in front of family and will not take her anywhere. Tulika smirks. At night, Meera stands in dark. Vivan walks to her and asks why she is standing in dark, he will switch on light. She stops him and says she is fine. He says he knows she does not like darkness. Vivan says if something happens to anyone of them, they should do something beforehand. Vivan asks what does she mean. She says she heard his and Tulika’s discussion and is ready to go to Mehandipur balaji for the sake of their love.

Vivan says he cannot send her there as she will be brutually tortured. Meera says Tulika is a good girl and not dayan, else she would not have entered after mehandipur balaji’s mehandi on entrance walls. She hugs him emotionally and aks him to bring Tulika’s mother for Tulika’s wedding tomorrow.
Next day, pandit makes wedding arrangements. Dolly tells him to do special pooja as she feels bride is dayan. Pandit says if it is so, it is a disaster. Amar asks her not to start again. Pandit asks to sprinkle holy water all around house. Meera takes water and sprinkles it all around house and even enters Tulika’s room and sprinkles water on black magic box in which Paromita’s skeleton is. Box starts burning. Tulika returns from washroom and seeing box burning tries to set off fire, even she comes into her real form, then uses black magical water and sets off fire.

Meera while sprinkling water calls Vivan and asks where is he. He says he just reached Tulika’s house and asks if they also should marry again. She shies and asks to bring Tulika’s mother soon. He enters house and sees blood on floor. He then calls Meera, but she does not pick call. He then calls Prince who picks call and says he cannot hear anyone, come home soon as wedding muhurath is nearing. He calls again. Meera picks calls and asks him to come home soon, disconnecting call. She then walks into Tulika’s room and is shocked to see her doing black magic holding Paromita’s skeleton and doing black magic on Meera shouts she will not spare her for killing her sister. She reveals that Paromita was her sister and Vivan will marry Paromita. She then walks down with Meera and getting to dayan avatar hypnotizes family and starts pheras with Prince. Vivan with Gurumaa rushes home and opens door. Black magic wards off and they all come into their senses.

Vivan walks in with Guru maa. Meera gets happy seeing him. Pandit says wedding is complete. Prince says let us take parent’s blessings. Tulika says she will take Vivan’s belessings first and touches his feet. He stops her and asks Prince to break marriage as Tulika is dayan. Meera thinks Vivan started again. Prince says enough now, Tulika is not Dayan, Meeera is behind all this instead. Vivan asks Tulika where is her mother, she killed her mother right? Tulika says she does not know anything. Prince says he trusts Tulika and she does not need to explain anything.

Vivan asks if Tulika is not dayan, then why things changed for worse once she entered house. Prince says he does not want Tulika insulted. Vivan asks Tulika to light temple lamp if she is not dayan. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.

READ NEXT: Bridal Material, Saturday 2nd July 2022 update

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