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Barrister Babu Joyprime, Friday 9th December 2022 update

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Bondita recalling Anirudh’s words. Anirudh says Bondita and I had a marriage by this bad custom, Bondita’s consent is imp, because she is a woman, she has come leaving her Maayka, a woman who sacrifices a lot before coming to Sasural, that’s why, a woman’s opinion matters more than a husband. Trilochan thinks I m sure that Bondita will not let her relation end.

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Thursday 8th December 2022 update

The sarpanch says woman’s opinion doesn’t matter to us, but law is new, we will listen to her. Panch member asks Bondita to keep her views in front of the panch, what is her decision. Anirudh asks Bondita to tell her decision, no one will put any pressure on her. He asks her to say.

Trilochan says she is silent, it means she isn’t with Anirudh in his decision, their relation and marriage will be same. Binoy says right, our bahu will not give her sacrifice to fix the society, its done. Anirudh says wait, I want to hear her out once. He asks Bondita to say if she doesn’t agree. She says your word will be Lord’s word for me, I will believe whatever you say as truth, your decision is my final decision. Trilochan cries. Bondita says if child marriage is a bad custom, then we will raise a voice against this bad custom, if it nullifies our relation, then I accept it. Anirudh looks at her. Sampoorna smiles.

Bondita says I agree with your decision, we will not be husband and wife from now, our relation breaks from today, he won’t be my husband. The panch member says we also call this relation void now. Sarpanch says this relation didn’t happen on papers, they took seven rounds by keeping fire as witness, we have to make them take opposite rounds now. Anirudh asks what. They are made to take the rounds in an opposite way/walking backwards. They recall their marriage. The man says you aren’t husband and wife from now, you will not take responsibility of your happiness and sorrow. Anirudh shouts no, Bondita was my responsibility and will always be. Bondita cries.

Anirudh says she will stay in our haveli with us, not as a wife, but as a family member, I will take care of her, nobody can stop me from fulfilling my responsibility. Sampoorna’s aide asks how is this possible, by what right can she stay here when your relation is over, what responsibility is left then. The man says a woman can stay as a daughter, bahu or wife, you have no right on Bondita now. He breaks their gathbandhan. Anirudh says yes, we don’t have husband and wife’s relation, we don’t have any such relation accepted by the society, but we believe the relation made by heart, nobody can understand it here, no one can stop me from fulfilling my promise, did everyone hear that.

He asks Bondita to come. He gives his hand. Sampoorna’s aide shouts to stop them. He says if you stay together without any relation, then we will not tolerate it, the outcome will be bad, Bondita said big things and refused to marriage, she didn’t think that woman has to face dire consequences, people insult such women and blacken face, if you hold Anirudh’s hand today, then you will regret a lot. Sampoorna smiles. Bondita wipes her tears. She holds Anirudh’s hands. She says you are saying that I will regret, wrong, I will be tortured for being a girl, wrong, I will be stained to stop a bad custom, wrong, you will be killing me, wrong, I will leave Anirudh by this fear, wrong, I will not hold his hand, wrong. Trilochan cries. Bondita says I didn’t think before taking the rounds, wrong, the right is that I know when he is holding my hand, nothing bad can happen with me, until he is my shield, nothing can harm me, our relation is broken, but we will always be together, our relation is much above the society rules and customs, its unbreakable. Anirudh and Bondita hold hands.

Bondita thinking I have no right on these adornment when my marriage has turned void. She removes the jewellery and sindoor. She applies some bindi and cries. Trilochan comes. He cries seeing her in plain clothes. She turns away. He says I never imagined that I would see this day in my life, forgive me, trust me, my joy has faded down, everything is spoiled, I never thought that this would happen. Bondita asks why are you saying this, I m not going anywhere, I will stay with you all in this haveli. He says no, its bitter thing but true, a woman has no identity without a relation, you are young, you won’t be able to understand. He goes. Bondita sits there and cries. She recalls everything. Anirudh thinks I have to do something for securing Bondita. He goes to see her. Rishta tera mera….plays…

Bondita stops and doesn’t call him Pati babu. She says Barrister babu… He smiles. She says you here… He says Bondita, you said that relation should be made by heart, its still there, let the society say anything, we don’t need to give a name to our relation, because our relation is connected by heart, will there be any change in our relation, no, we will still be the same. Sampoorna’s aide provokes the villagers. Anirudh says I will always protect you, I have thought of something, I will drop you to the hostel tomorrow morning, pack your bags. He goes. She gets sad.

She stops him and asks will you send me away. She cries. He says not away from myself, just away from the society, if you stay here, then they will get angry and do anything, men think that women are weak, its time that women show the mirror to the men, men get hurt when a woman does this. Sampoorna’s aide asks will you tolerate if your daughter goes against you. The man says no. He says we have to tackle them. Anirudh says I know you would be thinking why am I scared, this time I feel scared, because I have seen that society hurts you always in my fight, I can’t see you in pain, I want to see you happy. He asks her to smile. She smiles.

He says just like that, you will go there and work hard, study well and make your future bright, I will fight the society myself. Sampoorna’s aide says we have to punish them, we should kill that Bondita. The men agree. Anirudh says I can’t let anything happen to you, what does it matter, we won’t be close but our relation is connected by our hearts, you write letters to me, I will reply, we will talk on telephone every day, will you go there, I don’t want the society to bound you again, trust me. Bondita says I trust you a lot, if I can break relation for you, can’t I leave Tulsipur. She goes. He cries.

Its morning, Bondita talks to Durga maa and prays for Anirudh’s happiness. Sampoorna asks Koyli where is everyone. Koyli says they all went out. Sampoorna says Bondita isn’t the owner of the house, worry about my anger. She thinks my work will be easy when Bondita is alone here, I can send her far forever. The men are on the way to the haveli. Bondita arranges the books in Anirudh’s room. Anirudh is on the way. He says I hope Bondita likes this sweater. Bihari is hurt. He runs to Anirudh and says save Bondita, the villagers have kept Trilochan captive, they want to kill her, they said she has no right to stay alive, save her.

Anirudh gets shocked and runs to home. The angry villagers come home. They look for Bondita. She hears them talking. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.