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Anupama on starlife, Thursday 21st July 2022 update

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Pakhi walks away distressed when Vanraj scolds her supporting Kavya. Anu tries to calm her down in vain. Vanraj yells look at Pakhi’s attitude, she will misbehave with even her father now. Pakhi walks to her room reminiscing she insulting Anu, Vanraj scolding her repeatedly, etc. Kavya asks V if he saw how that girl.. Anu says Pakhi, her daughter’s name is Pakhi. She tells Vanraj that he always considered Toshu and Pakhi as their children and Samar as her child; if a mother child does good thing, father is praised, and if bad, mother is blamed; if a child wins medal, father is praised, but when a child fails, mother is blamed; why medal goes to father’s share and mitake to mother’s share;

anupama series
anupama series

Vanraj knows Pakhi more than Kavya, he understands her and he is her superhero; a mother is everything for a child, but Vanraj is everything for her and he scolded her. Kavya says he scolded Pakhi for a mistake. Anu warns her not to interfere when she is speaking to her children’s father; if not a mother, Kavya is Pakhi’s friend and friends ingore each other’s big mistake, this is a small one. Pakhi panics in her room and throws stuff around.

Anu continues that children don’t bother if mother scolds them, but father does, children shiver in fear; he should have spoke to her alone; he without thinking told Pakhi is her daughter, it hurt Pakhi a lot; elder’s anger comes out as tears and children as anger; children of Pakhi’s age try to understand themselves, and if parents don’t understand then, then who will; Pakhi never misbehaved with him and other family members, though she misbehaves with her sometimes; she never misbehaved even with neighbors or Kavya in 8 years, then why did she today; everything is happening in her suddenly that she is unable to handle it, etc. She asks Dolly and Kinjal to serve food and goes to meet Pakhi.

Baa walks to Kavya. Rakhi smirks thinking Anu just confronted Kavya, Baa may slap her. Baa tells Kavya that she never likes her, but since her son’s happiness is linked to her, she wanted to give her a chance; when Anu invited her, she thought she is not that bad and should be given a chance, but now she lost a chance of acceptance; if we love a person, we love only their goodness but also their shortfalls; for people like Kavya, celebrating valentine’s day with gifts, flowers, and choc is love, but love is an ocean in which they have to immerse and forget themselves; there is no word me in love. Mamaji jokes with Bapuji. Baa continues that if Kavya wants love, she needs to learn how to follow it from Anu.

Anu walks to Pakhi’s room and sees stuff shattered on floor. She closes door and consoles crying Pakhi. Pakhi cries hugging her. Vanraj in his room reminisces Anu’s words. Pakhi tells Anu that she hates Kavya as she is trying to separate her from her papa. Anu pampers her and says in childhood, she used to fight with Samar. Pakhi says he used to pull her hair. Anu says even she used to break his pencil, they remember only other’s mistakes and not their mistake; same is happening with Kavya and her, they both are pointing at each other’s mistakes and not themselves; her papa didn’t like her and found happiness in Kavya, so its not Kavya’s mistake. Pakhi aggressively says Kavya wrongly alleged her. Anu says she should think of papa’s happiness and ignore Kavya. Pakhi says papa shouted at her in front of everyone. Anu says papa scolded her for her mistake and she should remember that even right words spoke at a wrong time becomes wrong. Pakhi says she knows, but she hates Kavya and wishes she gets out of even papa’s life. Anu asks her to stop. Vanraj walks in corridor reminscing Anu’s words that he is a superman for Pakhi.

Anu tells Pakhi that she is angry doesn’t mean she can tell anything; her baba used to tell injury on a tongue is more better than an injury due to tongue; her papa is not her toy to use him like whatever he wants, he has right to live the life he wants; why is she becoming like Kavya. Pakhi asks why she thinks so. Anu says Kavya wants to bind Vanraj only for herself, even Pakhi is thinking same; she is angry on Kavya that she doesn’t know to cook, even her papa doesn’t know to cook. Pakhi says cooking is not papa’s job. Anu asks if cooking is only a woman’s job, then even she should know to cook and should handle kitchen instead of studies; she should know that a woman would be already fight a battle of work, think herself, and of being a woman; even Pakhi has to fight the same battle and even she will be questioned like Kavya; she should remember that woman’s fight is with society and their thinking and not with another woman; she is angry that Kavya doesn’t know to cook, but she was angry on me that I know only to cook and even used to feel ashamed of me and wanted me to be modern like Kavya; she has to live on Kavya’s terms if she wants to stay with her or else not; love increases with sharing; if she gets happy with her papa’s happines and accept Kavya, then she or Kavya won’t be sad; she should think calmly and come for dinner after sometime.

Kavya cleans her sari yelling. Rakhi taunts that she must be thinking of slapping Pakhi, should stop acting as good, and must be thinking of strangulating Pakhi if she gets a chance. Kavya wishes if she could and says she is tired of adjusting with Pakhi, Pakhi acts as if she is her servant, she wanted to slap Pakhi but controlled as she didn’t want to be in V’s bad books, Pakhi pinches her wrong nerves always, she is tolerating her just to marry V and once she marries him, she will take revenge from Anupama, Samar, Baa, Bapuji, and whole family. Rakhi wishes her all the best. They both get tensed seeing Anu standing. Anu leaves when Baa calls her. Kavya asks if Anu heard their conversation. Rakhi says she thinks so.

Anu walks into kitchen where Dolly asks how is Pakhi’s mood. She says she explained her, what else can a mother do. Dolly says children does mistakes and mother can only explain. Anu hopes today passes on peacefully. Baa calls Anu to serve food. Dolly and Kinjal take food to serve. Anu continues cooking. Vanraj walks to her and asks if she calmed down Pakhi. Anu says she did, but Pakhi is not in a position to understand. Pakhi in her room writes a letter reminiscing Vanraj and Pakhi’s words.

Anupama tells Vanraj that he can speak to Pakhi if he wants to. He says he will wait till her anger calms down. She apologizes him for rudely speaking to him outside in front of everyone. He says she was right that he shouldn’t have scolded Pakhi, his daughter is sad because of him. She says their daughter; when children are young, its easy to explain them, but when they are teenagers, its difficult to understand them and make them understand, but they are parents and they have to understand her; she knows Pakhi did a mistake, but they should evaluate the situation. Kavya enters kitchen and seeing them asks if Pakhi is fine. Vanraj asks her to go out. Kavya thinks if Anu heard her and Rakhi’s conversation and is complaining against her. She walks out. Vanraj asks Anu to call Pakhi down for dinner. Anu says let her calm down first, she will check on her regularly. He says thanks and picks up hotbox to help her. She says helping is good, but Baa may not like it and walks away taking hotbox.

Family sits for dinner. Bapuji asks if Pakhi will not come. Anu says let us leave her alone for sometime and asks N andini to sit while she serves everyone. Kavya asks if she can help. Baa asks her to have her food and let everyone have food peacefully. Rakhi asks Kavya when is she becoming her choti/younger samdhan. Baa taunts her to stop talking while having food or else dhokla will stuck in her throat and she may die instantly. Rakhi says she didn’t know she is worried for her. Baa says she is worried for Kinju baby as she may not able to celebrate her sasur’s birthday if she dies now. Mamaji jokes. Anu fills plate for Pakhi. Vanraj adds chutney and says Pakhi will not have dhokla without it. Rakhi taunts she enjoying, she means food.

Anu takes food to Pakhi’s room thinking her daughter is scolded a lot today. She doesn’t find Pakhi inside room and finds her letter instead. She reads it, shouts Toshu ke papa/Vanraj, runs down, and shows Pakhi’s letter to Vanraj. Family asks where did she go. Vanraj asks them to stop and reads letter that she is leaving house without informing her parents as she is unable to accept their divorce; she loves them, but they don’t love her anymore; mummy doesn’t care for her anymore as she got a new daughter in Kinjal bhabhi and papa got Kavya, hence nobody needs her and everyone scold her when she speaks and don’t understand her at all, etc., so she is going away from everyone’s lives; she is sorry for the problems they are facing because of her, she loves them both and goodbye forever. Family shatters hearing that. Toshu calls Pakhi and finds her phone at home itself. Anu and Vanraj run out to find Pakhi. Toshu says even they need to go and asks Kinjal to call Pakhi’s friends. Kavya says even she will call a few friends. Bapuji calls Anu’s mother to find out if Pakhi came there. Baa prays god to protect her grandchild. Dolly says Pakhi is very short tempered and may harm herself in anger. Rakhi calls commissioner. Vanraj and Anu search for Pakhi at her usual outing places. Toshu searches neighbor’s houses. Rakhi offers water to Baa and assures her that everything will be fine.

Vanraj and Anu then reach a garden where Pakhi visits often. Vanraj cries saying he couldn’t take care of his daughter for even 16 days while Anu took care of her for 16 years, she had come to home with a hope, but he didn’t understand her feelings, she was angry and he couldn’t understand the pain in her again. Anu says its even her mistake as their fight had a deep impact on Pakhi and they didn’t understand their daughter’s mind; they are equally responsible for both good and bad. She shakes him and says let us go and find Sweety. He stands senselessly. She gets him into car, fixes his seatbelt and herself drives.

He asks from where do mothers bring so much courage. Samar calls Nandini. Baa Samar fights with her, but loves her more than that. Rakhi says she spoke to commissioner and he will help them search Pakhi. Bapuji thanks her. Rakhi asks not to be formal as she knows how it feels when a daughter leaves home uninformed; when Kinjal left home, she experienced a 1000 deaths.

Baa hugs and consoles her. Rakhi says nothing will happen to Pakhi. Anu continues driving car and searching Pakhi. Pakhi’s s shadow is seen. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.