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Age is just a number, Wednesday 9th November 2022 update

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Age is just a number Zeeword
Age is just a number Zeeword

Mandagini calls the family downstairs to see what she has shopped. Guddu tells Mandagini that even groom’s family has to gift to a bride. Nani comes to inspect all the shopping and finds it all a cheap one. Guddu asks Mandagini why she bought all the cheap things for Aarya.

Mandagini argues she can’t let him loot everything for Aarya. Vaidika tells Guddu that gifts are only for Shagun, what matters is the love and intentions. Sahil also sides Vaidika. Aarya asks Guddu to improve his mood now. Sahil sends them to get ready for the Haldi ritual.

Vaidika was getting ready for the function in the room. Sahil comes to the room and helps her tie the pin of her blouse. He tells Vaidika that she might assume he is crossing his limits, but he feels a strange connection between them. He promises nothing such will happen again, I am sorry. Vaidika sobs while he turns to leave. When he has left, Vaidika says Sahil is feeling their deepened relation. She was thankful to God and wish to be able to tell Sahil they are spouses. She thinks may be Sahil isn’t any more shocked to hear this.

During the function, Aarya takes Vaidika to dance with her. Sahil also insists on Vaidika. Pankti and Vaidika dance together. Sahil join them and comes to dance with Vaidika. The family join the dance.
After the Haldi ritual, Sahil goes to wash hands. She thinks she knows what she must now do. She comes to Pankti and asks her about her medicine. She tells her to check if she forgot in the washroom.
Pankti comes to washroom.

She and Sahil open the door together at the same time, and slip in the washroom together. Sahil watches them with each other. Pankti comes out and complains to her mother for deliberately sending her inside. Her mother says she knows Pankti won’t do anything for herself. Pankti says Vaidika is Sahil’s wife and is sacrificing herself and her love; how can she interfere in their matter?

Vaidika stood in front of the temple and prays for the strength to be able to tell Sahil that they share such a pious and deep relation.

Pankti’s mother swears her to forward her relation with Sahil.

Pankti argues that Sahil is someone else’s husband, how can she claim him. She will never come between them or their wedding; they are the people she respects a lot. She comes to Vaidika and says Sahil is affected by Vaidika once again, it seems Vaidika can now think about telling him the truth. Vaidika says she also thinks the same. Pankti was excited and tells Vaidika to hurry and go and tell Sahil all the truth. Vaidika walks towards Sahil’s room and decides that today she will tell Sahil what they are to each other. She comes to the room where Sahil already stood distressed. She places her hand over his shoulder. Sahil asks Vaidika to solve a problem for him; she might not mind him asking as he is clueless. He says when he first met her, he lived at her as a tenant… he confirms Vaidika

if there was something special between them before he lost his memory. Vaidika replies yes there was. They were interrupted when Mandagini comes in to introduce some guests with Vaidika. She says she invited a few guests for her brother’s Sangeet, they will have to serve them well now. Vaidika asks her to take the guests downstairs. Mandagini instead takes them downstairs to serve the guests well; but tells Vaidika to speak to him after Sangeet.Vaidika thinks it’s important for her to tell him about their relation. She will now be able to tell him how special their love story is.
Mandagini tells Aarya and Guddu to meet their family well, they might not get such a chance again. The lights were turned off. Pankti announces a special dance performance by Vaidika and herself. Sahil couldn’t take his eyes off Vaidika while she and Pankti performed. A few flashes from the past hurt his head. Vaidika slips during the performance, but Sahil hurries to her rescues. He assures he is always with Vaidika and will never let her get hurt.
Mandagini also announces a special programme for Guddu and Aarya, and recollect their childhood in a video. Everyone was happy to watch the childhood photos of Aarya and Guddu when the photo of Aarya’s molestation in the bar plays. Sahil was enraged, he turns the video off and questions who created this video? Mandagini blames them to cover Aarya’s character and she can’t let her brother marry such a girl. Aarya begins to cry and says she didn’t do all this. The guest ladies question Mandagini how can they marry Guddu with such an ill character girl. Vaidika clarifies that it was someone’s planning against her daughter. Bari Amma says she is well aware of that accident, she claims Vaidika to be a pious lady and her daughter is her shadow. The guests weren’t ready to marry Aarya with Guddu. They take Mandagini along. Sahil shouts at them to stop it, he clarifies that this is Aarya’s past. She gathered courage and decided to marry Guddu now. They can’t let any girl live peacefully in the world. Guddu interferes that Aarya told him about everything, he has no problem with her past and he wish to marry Aarya. Sahil says weddings work with truth and belief. Mandagini must in fact feel proud of Aarya’s truthfulness. Sahil tells the guests that they need to bring a change in the society and be a part of this wedding happily or leave. Mandagini and the guests decide to stay.
Guddu comes to the room. He recalls Sahil’s words that marriages work on truth or belief. He thinks he doesn’t have the courage like Aarya but can do this through the letter. He is sure when Aarya finds out he no more works in an office but drives a taxi, she will possibly forgive him. Mandagini comes to Guddu and says when Aarya will leave him tomorrow, Mandagini will meet him right here. Guddu says Mandagini must be grateful that a girl like Aarya is going to be a part of their family. He questions Mandagini if she intended to degrade Aarya by that video? Mandagini complains Guddu for being dubious of his own sister.

After Guddu has left, Mandagini reads the note he left. She thinks this letter will bring a twist in his marriage now.