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Age is just a number, Wednesday 2nd November 2022 update

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Age is just a number Zeeword
Age is just a number Zeeword

Vaidika replies to Nani that she will leave her love lose, if he returns to her he belonged to her; if doesn’t then he was never hers. She tells Bari Amma that may be there relation doesn’t remain as strong as it was earlier but they will be together anyway.


She wipes her tears and says he has loved her so much in a few years that she can spend the rest of her life with it. Bari Amma prays for their couple and love. Life plays strange games, but still she believes Sahil and Vaidika will unite one day again.

The girl in Sahil’s arms straighten up and runs the opposite direction. Sahil finds the earring of the girl.
In the news, Deepak watch a news about an MNA Tej Pratab who harassed his wife and his daughter after disclosing the truth flew to Kanpur. Bari Amma hears the news, the cup slips off her hand. Nani teases Bari Amma if she is again hiding some sin?

In the kitchen, Sahil tells Vaidika about the New Year party. He was excited, then shares with Vaidika that it’s his first new year without his mother. He wish Bari Amma and Prachi grant him the permission. Vaidika assures they all want him to stay happy but Sahil grants the credits to Vaidika who brought all this positivity. He offers Vaidika to be his team, so that they can plan the New Year.

Deepak opens his eyes to find Mandagini bent over him on his bed. Deepak cautiously sits up and protects himself. Nani was passing by and comes inside, Deepak hides behind Nani and explains that this girl attempted to force herself over him. Mandagini poses being innocent. Nani warns Deepak that if he again breaks a girl’s heart, she won’t spare him easily. Mandagini clutches his collar and says they will look good together, she will soon enter into Deepak’s heart like his bed.

It was night. Bari Amma allows Vaidika to celebrate the New Year just like they did. Sahil requests them for his photos of the time he can’t recall, he wants to re live all those moments. Sahil takes Ved into his arms, and asks Vaidika to bring photos of Aarya, Vaidika and their relatives Guddu and Mandagini as well. Vaidika smiles in approval.

Guddu proposes Aarya for marriage in the corridor. He says he can’t bend on his knees but wants to tell Aarya he liked her the day he met her at her place. He knows less about love, but he wish for a girl like Aarya in his life. He wants to have a fifty-fifty relation with his wife, whenever he thinks about marriage he only see her face. Aarya was speechless.

Guddu asks for Aarya’s opinion about this relation. Aarya clarifies that in her experience, marriage is only a trap. What’s the guarantee that there won’t be problems in their relation; she is afraid. Guddu says it would be unfair to claim something without giving him a chance. Aarya says she wants to know the person well, before she marries him. There is something she wants to do before marriage.

Sahil and Vaidika were busy in party decorations. He bends closer to Vaidika while her hair flew to his face. Sahil picks a rubber band, gathers Vaidika’s hair to tie them. Vaidika’s spine straightens consciously. Afterwards Sahil tells Vaidika that her hair would no more disturb her.

Aarya and Guddu come downstairs and says she wants to speak to her. She calls everyone to gather in the hall as she has to make an announcement. Vaidika was concerned what the matter is. Aarya says she and Guddu like each other. Sahil stands up, startled. Aarya says Guddu has proposed her for marriage. Nani furiously scolds Aarya. Aarya clarifies they aren’t marrying now. For marriage, it’s important to know each other. Vaidika demands a clarification. Aarya says they have decided to live together under one roof for a few days, before deciding to marry. Before Vaidika could charge, Sahil appreciates Aarya and Guddu’s decision and says it sounds really cool. A number of couples share a live in relationship these days; he grants them the permission at once. Vaidika argues how he can permit them? Sahil says it’s his opinion, and he sides Aarya and Guddu in their wish.

Vaidika was angry and leaves into her room. Sahil tries to stop Vaidika. Sahil tells Aarya that it’s because of Vaidika’s age. He and Aarya belong to same age group and understand what Vaidika doesn’t. He assures that he will speak to Vaidika about it and goes into the room.

Vaidika was in the room and curt over Sahil. Sahil comes in the room and accepts that Vaidika has all the right to scold him, or be mad at him. He holds his ears in apology, then carries a wooden rod to Vaidika allowing her to hit him anywhere but his head. He hits Vaidika at once, pushing her to the bed post. Both look into each other’s eyes, Vaidika’s dress tucked in his shirt. Sahil removes it, then requests Vaidika not to be angry at Aarya and Guddu.

They can speak about the matter. He says he wish to enter New Year happily. He says he really feels a strange connection with Vaidika. Vaidika smiles.
In the party, Sahil announces a special performance for the guests. He and Vaidika dances on Mitwa. Everyone claps for the couple. Sahil requests everyone to be seated. He tells Vaidika there is a reason behind all this, and a surprise for her. Maya and her husband stood at the entrance. Vaidika says it feels they are meeting after years. Maya looked confused and points towards a letter in the bouquet. Her husband says they have to leave within 10 minutes, they have to go somewhere else as well.

She gives the bouquet especially to Vaidika. Ved comes to take the bouquet but Vaidika doesn’t give it away. Sahil takes Maya’s husband aside insisting him to stay for a while. Her husband calls Maya as well. Maya thinks only Vaidika can save her from the trouble she is in. Vaidika was worried for Maya, she goes to check for the letter but Ved had already brought it to Sahil. Sahil reads the note, I am in danger.

At home, Raghav beats and harass Maya. He questions if Vaidika can marry someone half of her age, why he can’t marry another girl. He takes off his belt to beat Maya but someone holds the belt from behind. It was Sahil and asks what he wants to prove by physically harassing a weak lady. Maya tells Sahil that since her son was born her husband changed over completely, he is drunk every night. He even took to the party tonight so that Vaidika isn’t suspicious. Sahil clutches Raghav’s collar and says body shaming is a crime in Sahil Agarwal’s dictionary. Raghav carries a wooden rod and beat Sahil badly with it. Mahek stood helpless.
Vaidika comes downstairs looking for Sahil and Maya and her husband.

There, Raghav throws Sahil out of the house and takes Maya forcefully with him. Sahil who was badly hurt on his leg tries to stand up. Vaidika reach there and insists on Sahil to come to doctor. Sahil tells Vaidika that Maya’s husband has an extramarital affair and is blaming Maya.

He is body shaming Maya now. Vaidika was in a disbelief that Raghav can think so, Maya is a mother of a child and can’t hold a figure of 20 year old. They must save Maya from that man, Maya has done a lot for them both. Sahil looks shocked asking, we both?

Raghav turns the knob of a gas cylinder in the store room where he had tied Maya to a chair.

He tells her that within half an hour, as the clock struck 12 there would be a spark from the device and the room will catch fire.