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Age is just a number, Thursday 3rd November 2022 update

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Age is just a number Zeeword
Age is just a number Zeeword

Sahil asks what Maya did for them both. Vaidika instead change the top and says they must go to inform police.

Sahil says Raghav is himself in police, they must find Maya by themselves. He sense that Raghav is upto something on New Year.

There, Raghav leaves Maya ready to die on the New Year.

Sahil and Vaidika had reached the godown. Vaidika recognizes Maya on the chair with her back at them. The come forward. Vaidika was terrified to see a dummy on the chair instead. She wonders where Raghav would have taken her otherwise. Vaidika gets a call from Maya, it was Raghav. He says he knew they would reach him. Sahil questions where he is. Raghav says Maya doesn’t has much time, at midnight her body would melt into fire. Maya cries and pleads Vaidika for help. Sahil cautiously looks around.

Raghav shows them the cylinder, the gas has spread across the room; it only needs a spark now. Vaidika and Sahil run outside in panic.

Aarya brings Guddu aside and asks why he seems so tensed at New Year. Guddu says he was worried for her mother’s reaction. Aarya assures Guddu that Sahil will handle the situation, she really trusts him. Guddu holds Aarya’s hand and says he wish she trusts him the same way. Aarya says this is why they are going to live together. Aarya says she has a surprise for Guddu which she won’t be able to give in front of everyone. She bends forward to kiss his face. Guddu hugs Aarya.

Raghav leaves Maya as she continue to plead him for her life. Vaidika and Sahil reached the godown. It was two minutes to midnight. Maya shouts at them to leave. Sahil jumps in to turn the cylinder off. Vaidika and Sahil untie Maya’s topes. The lighter had clicked open. The three were left in a shock. Suddenly there was a blast.

The reporters ask Raghav how this blast took place. He fakes a cry that his wife was also inside. One of the reporter asks who seems to be behind this. Vaidika comes from behind and blames that Raghav attempted to kill his wife Maya Avasthi and left the cylinder open. Raghav says he loved his wife dearly, Vaidika is accusing pointlessly. Sahil comes from behind. Raghav was shocked to see Maya. Sahil tells Raghav one of his planning went wrong, they noticed the address behind him in the video call. The journalists now question Maya but she was terrified. Vaidika tells the press that Maya got fat because of child birth, and this man harassed her and even attempted to kill her.

Maya served this man and his family for 20 years, and gave birth through artificial insemination. Sahil says one must always respect women, they give birth to them, worry for them as mothers and sisters as well. The mob of reporters charge over Raghav and takes him to police station. The press assures Maya behind with her. Maya cries and thanks Vaidika. Vaidika tells Maya to go home, she will be there soon. Vaidika now thanks Sahil for saving her friend fighting his own life. Sahil replies anyone would have done so. Vaidika tells Sahil not everyone does this, he is special. Sahil accepts behind special. He now holds his hand wishing Happy New Year to Vaidika. There was firework in Kanpur.

The next morning, Sahil walks down the road regretting to forget his bike. It was cold and he wish to find a rickshaw. Soon, he hears ringing of anklet. Sahil was afraid and looks around in the buildings. He begins to walk again the hears the voice again. He was stopped frozen, then shouts that his name is Sahil Agarwal, whoever is there must show up. Soon he looks up onto a tree and runs to hold a girl in his arms as she fell off the tree. The girl straightens up and looks into Sahil’s eyes, then gets off him and takes a wooden rod to beat him. Sahil stops her and asks if she is drunk? The girl says she knows self-defense well, her name is Pankti.

A gang of goons gather around. The girl throws soil into their eyes and run away. The goons catch Sahil and says he always save her. Sahil tries to run away but one of the goons hold a gun saying now Tej Pratab will deal Sahil himself.

Sahil was captivated by the goons at gun point.
In Agarwal house, Vaidika was tensed as Sahil’s phone couldn’t connect. He must have gone to a friend, as he is still 24 in his mind. She sometimes forget how young he is to her.

The goons chased Pankti but couldn’t find her across the road. Pankti says God saved her from rats like him. She disgraces them of being old school, it also seems they are underpaid. She is a superfast aero plane while they only move at turtle’s speed. She slips off the tree.

Aarya was looking for her lipstick in the room. Mandagini comes in the room and shows off her new pink lipstick, it’s her favorite color. It was brought by her brother and she has whole right over it. Guddu comes in and says he brought this for Aarya.

Mandagini complains that Guddu never brought any lipstick for her. Guddu finally says she can keep it. Mandagini replies she has already taken the lipstick and leaves. Guddu explains to Aarya that Mandagini sometimes behave strangely; they have never been rich enough to afford expensive lipsticks. Aarya says it’s alright, they can sacrifice this much for their family and she learnt this from her mother. Guddu thanks Aarya for understanding all this.

Sahil was in the godown where Pankti was brought. She asks what he is doing here, then understands it seems her father sent him here. Sahil warns her to stay silent, he has been caught in the situation because of her only; his Bari Amma is worried for him and his house lady cares as well. It’s because of Pankti that this mess was created, she must have fun in this five star place with rats and smell all over. The goons come to take Pankti along.

The goons bring Pankti to a house. Tej Pratab comes downstairs. Pankti argues with him.

Nani tells Bari Amma that she called Sahil but he didn’t pick up the call, he wasn’t attentive of her call. Vaidika says Sahil must be busy with friends. Nani says Vaidika must try to remind Sahil about his past. She points that all men are alike, she must learn from what Maya’s husband did. She convince Vaidika that Sahil neither remembers Vaidika nor her kids. Vaidika was irritated of her mother’s conservative talk.

Sahil breaks into the house of Tej Pratab. He complements the set up and says it seems like some shooting is going on. Pankti signals the goons not to touch him anymore. She then asks Tej Pratab to let Sahil leave, he has nothing to do with all this. Tej Pratab allows Sahil to leave.

When Sahil had walked out, Pankti warns Tej Pratab that she only conducted a sting operation against his abuse of her mother, next time she will unveil his complete report to media. Tej Pratab says now his daughter has turned unbearable. He sends his men to bring someone. A young man comes in, Tej Pratab says Pankti will marry Rohit today. Everyone clap but Pankti slaps a goon instead.

She clearly denies marrying Rohit and warns going to extreme extent for it. Sahil was waiting outside the house and watched the whole scenario, then decides to help the heroine in this filmy scene. Tej Pratab says Pankti will marry this man now.

Pankti decisively says she won’t. Tej Pratab goes inside to bring Pankti’s mother outside. He then holds his wife at gunpoint. Pankti protectively comes to save her.