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Age is just a number, Thursday 20th October 2022 update

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Age is just a number Zeeword
Age is just a number Zeeword

Prachi comes blaming Aarya to walk on the footsteps of her mother. Aarya is now behind her husband who is rich and handsome both. She pushes Aarya to leave the house. Aarya says she feels pity of Prachi who curtains the acts of her husband, it’s because of women like them that hundreds of girls are exploited. Prachi didn’t take Aarya seriously and tells her to leave their house.

In the jail, Vaidika lay on the floor thinking about Sahil. Her fell prisoner lady comes out of her bed and kicks Vaidika’s belly. Vaidika was abrupt in her reaction and wrestles against the lady warning her to try and move away from her child. She will protect her child to every extent. She asks who she is. The lady now shouted in defense.

The inspector comes inside to part Vaidika away from the lady. Vaidika blames that the lady kicked her belly, someone must have sent her here. The lady inspector sends the other prisoner to be shifted to another jail. Vaidika thinks she will bring Sahil’s child to life.

At Agarwal house, Bari Amma hangs Sahil’s photo on the wall besides Anjana’s. She says Vaidika is a cursed lady and ruined her family. Puneesh thinks Bari Amma doesn’t realize Sahil was killed not by Vaidika, but by him. And it is only a beginning. Bari Amma decides that she will bring Ved back into his father’s house.

Vaidika sat on the floor of the lock up. She recalls how she confessed her love to Sahil at his last moment. She opens her eyes and thinks she must find a way to get out of here, she realizes Sahil needs her. She then pray to God for help. A jailer come to offer Vaidika her cell phone to make a call. Vaidika dials Sahil’s number. Sahil answers her call, but the phone was soon cut.
The police had found a body and carried into the ambulance. They discussed that he must have fallen from a height.

Puneesh comes to Prachi who was tensed how she will manage the business after Sahil. Puneesh offers her any help she would need. He then shares with Prachi his wish to have a child of their own. He says its must be God’s wish that Prachi can never conceive; he suggested to adopt a child but she never agreed. Prachi asks Puneesh to find a way, she is ready to do anything for him. Puneesh takes Prachi into a hug and says she found a way.
Vaidika sat in a corner while other prisoners had food. Deepak comes to Vaidika and says she must run away from the jail, it’s the only way to get out of here. Vaidika asks him for some way. He shows her a bottle of medicine, she must give this to everyone here so that they faint. Vaidika wasn’t ready to take such illegal step. Deepak says Vaidika must think about her family, her live and what’s being wronged. Vaidika says she knows she is innocent, if she runs away illegally then everyone might consider her the culprit.

She knows Sahil is alive, there is a planning against him. If he returns, her innocence will be revealed. She will get those responsible, punished for sure. Deepak tells Vaidika that dreams like hers are impossible in real life. Vaidika was determined to make it possible the way she wants to. If even she has to opt a false way for justice, what’s the difference between them.

Vaidika asks the lady inspector where she found it. The lady inspector says her team found it outside Kanpur on a grassland. She says she can only give one favor to Vaidika, she can release her for 48 hours to find her love and proofs. Vaidika asks why she wants to give this favor? The lady inspector says she regrets not being able to support her brother who also loved an elderly woman, but Sahil and Vaidika’s love story is one of its kind.
Vaidika returns home in a veil and finds everything had been searched. She was tensed and calls her family. Her neighbor Isha opens the door and says Nani is here with her. Vaidika was relieved that she had supported her family but they tell Vaidika that Aarya and Ved weren’t here.

Nani knew nothing about Aarya and Bhoomi had taken Ved.
Vaidika comes to Agarwal house holding a gun. Puneesh opens the door. Vaidika held him at gun point and asks about her kids. Aarya comes there. Vaidika was shocked to see sindoor, mangal sooter and bangles in Aarya’s hands. She asks what this all is. Aarya introduces herself as Mrs. Puneesh Tiwari. Vaidika was taken aback, and holds Puneesh by collar.

Aarya jerks Vaidika’s hand away from her husband. She says people change and she loves Puneesh now. Vaidika was about to slap Aarya but Prachi holds Vaidika’s hand in midair, warning her to stay away from her husband’s second wife. Vaidika calls Prachi shameless who allowed her husband to remarry her 21 year old daughter. Prachi says Aarya is happy with Puneesh, wasn’t Vaidika ashamed when she married an 18 years younger guy? Vaidika asks about Ved. Puneesh says Bhoomi and Ved have already gone to America. The court gave Ved’s custody to Bhoomi. Prachi tells Vaidika that Ved went with Bhoomi happily, and Aarya married Vaidika willingly.

Before Vaidika could speak, Aarya says she is now someone’s wife and wants to live with her husband forever. She takes Vaidika’s hand to drop her outside the house. Vaidika kiss Aarya’s hands and says she knows she is hiding something, she requests Aarya to share what’s the real matter. Aarya slaps the door shut over Vaidika’s face. Vaidika cries outside the house, and thinks about finding Sahil. This is Puneesh’s trap and only she and Sahil together can fight this situation.

Vaidika comes looking for Sahil as it was the place inspector pointed at. An old man peeks from behind the wall cautiously. Vaidika catches him but the man runs from the scene. A young man hits Vaidika’s shoulder, she turns around and recognizing the young man as Sahil. She was exhausted but still follows him. The young man turns to Vaidika. She backs up as it was someone else.

Vaidika was irritated that she can sense Sahil’s presence here. There are signals from inspector, then the old man running and hiding from her; then where he is. She sits on the side of a road crying. She then gather courage from Sahil’s encouraging words. He had wished to live together, in lives to come. She looks for the place the inspector mentioned.

Puneesh was speaking on phone to know how Vaidika

came out of jail. Aarya snatch the phone from his hand. Puneesh holds her by shoulders and claims she is his wife, he can even get moon to her.
Vaidika asks a male nurse about the man they found near the valley. The police told her he was brought in this hospital.

The nurse says the man is dead, he brought here to recognize the dead body. Vaidika recalls her memories with Sahil and thinks it can’t be Sahil. She still walked down the stairs. Vaidika enters the hall, the body had been covered with white cover. She recalls how Sahil took her vow not to let their love story fail. She removes the cloth off the body’s face with trembling hands. Soon, the cloth fly off the body by air. Vaidika cries hard, thankful to God that it’s not Sahil. She wonders where Sahil is then. She must find Sahil in next 48 hours.

Vaidika thinks about a Dargah they always visited. She prays that her heart isn’t ready to accept Sahil is dead, she wish to meet Sahil. Soon, Vaidika gets a call from a lady who spoke from the other side of the same Dargah. She tells Vaidika that Sahil is alive, in a Dargah at Lucknow.

Nani was sitting in the house of her neighbor and wonders who is she, where she came from. She has been dependent over her.

Nani opens a newspaper and finds some mud and flower petals wrapped in a paper. She comes to snatch it from Nani saying her son brought it from temple. Nani questions when her son was born. Usha replies curtly that they didn’t meet her doesn’t imply she has no son. She thinks they would soon be shocked to meet her son.
Vaidika reached Lucknow and tired, she takes a seat on a bench. A pamphlet flies to Vaidika which she tears out of frustration. But her attention was taken by Sahil’s photo on the torn piece.

Vaidika reaches outside the makeup room hopeful that the guy in poster is Sahil. She enters the makeup room and looks around. A young man enters the makeup room then for final touchup. Vaidika turns around. The young man had vanished. She could sense Sahil’s presence, and wonders why her heartbeat is racing. She wish its Sahil.

It was night. The fair had started. Soon, there was a voice on loudspeaker; discussing love. It was Sahil’s voice. Vaidika cries as Sahil says no power can undo love if it’s true.

No matter the whole world is an enemy, still true love always wins. The stage flashed lights as Sahil jumps as the lead actor of the stage show.