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Age is just a number, Thursday 10th November 2022 update

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Age is just a number Zeeword
Age is just a number Zeeword


Pankti comes to Vaidika and insists on Vaidika to tell Sahil about everything. Vaidika says these moments are extremely important for her and Sahil; it will be the beginning of a new life for Sahil and Vaidika. She wants to take Sahil to a special place; it’s a Dargah a little farther from Kanpur.

Every time there love suffered a problem, they went there and regained their love. She will tell Sahil in that Dargah today about their marriage. Pankti smiles at their thinking.

At night, Vaidika and Sahil walk towards the Dargah. Vaidika tells Sahil that he will get his answers here today. Vaidika silently prays that she only wish Sahil isn’t stressed and doesn’t lose his mental sanity. Vaidika tells Guddu and Aarya to pray for their relation in this Dargah. Guddu apologizes for Mandagini’s

behavior. Vaidika says Guddu fought for Aarya today, he has proven himself to be a very good person for Aarya this way. Sahil asks Vaidika why it feels this place is extremely important. Vaidika insists on him to come inside, he will remember everything.

In the Dargah, Sahil gets flashes of the past memories. Vaidika asks Baba if it’s a special day. The man says its 100th anniversary of Peer Baba’s death. Vaidika seeks blessings for her daughter and son in law. Baba blesses Sahil and Vaidika’s couple as well. Guddu asks Aarya if she has any problem marrying him. Aarya says she has no problem, he must forget what happened and focus on their wedding tomorrow. Guddu thinks she must have got the letter but doesn’t want to discuss it.

Sahil comes to the gallery and recalls some flashes from his past in the Dargah. Vaidika comes to him with a thread. Sahil appears disturbed and doesn’t speak to Vaidika. Vaidika wish nothing goes wrong, Sahil is regaining his memories already. There was an announcement that here, everyone’s wishes come true. Vaidika comes to the cooking section.
Sahil walked across the Dargah.

In the cooking section there was a blast due to false cylinder use. All at once, there was blood shed around. Aarya and Guddu run looking for Vaidika. Sahil also runs around to look for Vaidika. The management distributes list of deceased. Sahil wasn’t ready to accept that Vaidika can die as she was pregnant. He was relieved when he doesn’t find the name of Vaidika in the list. Sahil wanted answers to his questions. There in the management section, Vaidika requests to announce Sahil Agarwal’s name. She wasn’t ready to let them announce her own name. She was explaining her condition to the management. Sahil comes there and hears her ask the management to find her husband Sahil.

He repeats husband? Vaidika runs to hug Sahil. Sahil confirms if its really true that he is her husband? Were they married? Vaidika replies yes. Sahil was left in a state of shock. Vaidika says she is Mrs. Vaidika Agarwal, his wife. Sahil confirms if Ved, and the unborn child… Vaidika says they are their children. Sahil was in a disbelief and says he now understands why he feels so special for her. Vaidika says their story started six years ago, later on they fall in love. Sahil fought a whole world, even her for their love. Then one day, they married each other only because of Sahil’s faith.

Sahil questions Vaidika why she kept this hidden from him. Vaidika says Sahil’s life was endangered. The doctors claimed Sahil must not be stressed. Sahil questions how Vaidika can pause their unique love story.

Vaidika says she loves him dearly, he can’t understand how she spent each moment but she was sure she will regain their love. And now Sahil had started feeling their love and connection. She hugs Sahil, then says if ever in life she has to select between life and Sahil she will select him. She exists because of him. Sahil says their relation belongs to both of them. He promises she will never have to hide or forget their love. Today, this Dargah will witness a new era of their love story. He kiss Vaidika’s forehead. They share an intense eye lock, then hug each other.

Aarya calls everyone into the hall upon their return. Sahil hugs Bari Amma, Nani was happy that finally Sahil and Vaidika are united. Bari Amma was happy that today her family is complete.

Prachi says she is happy that today is Vaidika and Sahil’s new beginning, and tomorrow Aarya and Guddu will get married. Vaidika says she was sure it is going to happen, and God made it possible through a special person like Pankti. They must thanks Pankti because of whom we got out Sahil back. She thanks Pankti for giving her the courage that it was possible, it’s because of her only that Sahil’s love for her invoked again. Pankti was happy to be a part of their special love story. She tells Sahil that he saved her through mangal sooter, but she knew only Vaidika ji could be his real life partner. Sahil

says Pankti isn’t as crazy as she appears. Nani takes everyone’s attention to Aarya and Guddu’s wedding. Sahil was excited to do this wedding himself, he tells Vaidika they will do Aarya’s Kanyadan together.

Pankti’s mother thinks she can’t let her daughter suffer what she did, she will do something. It’s equally wrong for Sahil to sideline her daughter after the mangal sooter and Sindoor ritual. She must take some huge step now to save her daughter.
In the room, Bari Amma and Nani sat together happy that everything is fine now. Nani says she lost a lot of episodes of her TV dramas all because of the chaos going on in the house. Vaidika comes to the room and notice both ladies were lost deep into their TV serials. She then advices them about a subscription.

The next morning, Vaidika comes downstairs to find all the décor completed by Sahil already. He gifts a saree to Vaidika complementing and kiss her forehead. Mandagini was standing behind a curtain, fills a letter into an envelope and says Vaidika must know the truth of her son in law to be. Someone drags her from behind. Mandagini held a shoe over the veiled lady, but the lady removes her veil. It was Usha who silences Mandagini. Usha tells Mandagini her punishment was complete and now it’s time for them to punish these. She won’t spare Sahil and Vaidika now.

Mandagini tells Usha that Vaidika told Sahil about their truth. Now they are marrying Guddu to Aarya, but she won’t let it happen. She will tell Guddu’s whole truth to Aarya that Guddu drives a taxi now. Usha questions Mandagini if she has lost her mind. If Aarya knows about Guddu she will leave him. Once she is married, they will enjoy spicing the matter up. They will teach them good lessons once this wedding is done.

Vaidika interrupts the drum beating and says groom’s family brings the drummers. Sahil and Nani boast that it’s their daughter’s wedding. Pankti says they will take Aarya’s Baraat. Aarya comes dressed up as a bride. Aarya comes to Vaidika and says she also wants a new age marriage.

Her wedding can also be a cool one and she wants drummers on her end as well. Vaidika agrees and joins Sahil in dancing. Guddu’s Baraat arrives. Nani sends Vaidika to welcome them. Bari Amma, Prachi and Vaidika reach the main door to welcome the groom. Vaidika stops Usha who was in veil. Mandagini says she is a special guest who came from a distant place. Vaidika welcomes her as well.

Aarya and Guddu sat in the mandap together. The wedding rituals had begun. Pandit ji asks who would do the Kanyadan, she has no father. Sahil claims to be her father by the relation of heart. He and Vaidika together will do the Kanyadan.

Vaidika was weepy and sits for Aarya’ Kanyadan. Sahil was emotional as he recalls his good times with Aarya. Vaidika was upset. Mandagini and Usha stood hand in hand.