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Age is just a number, Friday 28th October 2022 update

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Age is just a number Zeeword
Age is just a number Zeeword

Vaidika and Sahil sat in the midst of the forest. Sahil says no power in this world can part them now. He brings about her medicines from his pocket as its time. Vaidika was startled. Sahil goes to bring water for her. Vaidika thinks about her best times with Sahil and place her head over his chest.

At home, Aarya shares her worry with Bari Amma she feels really strange. It’s so late, they must have returned by now. Nani assures that they will be fine until together.
Sahil and Vaidika sat near the fire, covered in blankets. The goons ask them about a young couple passing by. Sahil poses to be an old man and signals towards an opposite direction. Vaidika slips and Sahil at once supports her. Both share an eye lock. Vaidika’s bracelet was tucked into Sahil’s necklace. Sahil

assures Vaidika he will always protect her, and never risk their life. He asks Vaidika for a promise that she won’t take stress and hurt their baby. They hug each other. Sahil and Vaidika walks deeper into the forest. Usha’s goons were looking around for Sahil and Vaidika. Bhoomi was determined to find them from anywhere. Bhoomi finds Vaidika’s bracelet on the floor and realizes they were somewhere around, then sends their goons to look for the two.
Sahil and Vaidika spot the goons around and turns to the opposite side. They realize being caught. They find a nearby straw hut and says anymore struggle would be dangerous for her health, and even the goons are finding them. He insists upon massaging Vaidika’s feet and says all her pains are his. He says her Sahil is always with her. Vaidika runs her arm out of chill. Sahil finds a blanket around and covers Vaidika with it. He then goes to light some woods for bonfire and helps Vaidika sit around it. Vaidika holds Sahil’s hand and notices it was hurt with a bruise. She takes him under the cover of her blanket in a hug. She confesses that Sahil is the biggest gift in her life, her faith and an answer to her prayers. She never wants to lose him. Sahil tells Vaidika he can sacrifice his life for her. There is nothing in this world who can undo them. He wish to live with Ved, Aarya and their junior together. There was a wooden swing which both enjoy together, praying as they watch shooting stars in the dark sky.
The next morning, Vaidika and Sahil wake up. They think the goons must have left by now and decides to walk ahead. They hear footsteps very close to them. Sahil was punched hard on his face. In the godown, Usha tells Sahil she would revenge him of her son’s death. Bhoomi says she loved him crazily but now she will do what no love would have done ever. She considers Vaidika a reason for all of Vaidika’s sufferings. Vaidika asks Bhoomi not to be insane. Sahil says Bhoomi always knew he loved Vaidika and he will continue to do. But he is now happy, Bhoomi isn’t worth bringing up his child. Today Bhoomi has proven she never loved him. Bhoomi orders her goons to beat him until he is completely silent. Vaidika pleads and cries for the goons to stop. Bhoomi clutches Vaidika that she is crazy, first in love and now in hate. After today, her life would be turned into a dark night that will never witness a dawn. Usha stops her goons and says Sahil must be hurt even more. The goons position Sahil towards an iron machine. Sahil weakly asks Vaidika to smile, if it’s the last moment of his life he wants her to be strong and smiley. His heads fall as he was already badly hurt. The goons run to push Sahil’s head with the wall of iron machine. Sahil fell on the floor.

Sahil had just bent down when Guddu comes there with his suitcases. Bari Amma observes closely a young girl heavily embellished joining Guddu. She complains to Bhoomi for leaving her back at the door. Usha introduces them as her son and daughter. She brought up Jackie for years, and her children even have a right over this house. Vaidika thinks she must bring Sahil out of this state, else Usha will begin to own this house. Sahil walks inside, Bhoomi following her. Usha tells Mandabini to live well here.
In the room, Ved was happy to find all the toys, then hugs Bhoomi calling her the best mother. Bhoomi says she missed him a lot. Ved was excited to goes to tell the family about her return. Vaidika comes to the room and finds the toys scattered over the bed. She warns Bhoomi to stay away

from Ved, as she isn’t Ved’s mother. Bhoomi asks why is Vaidika fearful if she has such confidence. If she realizes she can part Ved from her like she parted Sahil. Vaidika says she is aware what she and Usha did to Sahil, but she is sure Sahil would never forgive her by heart.
In the room, Guddu turns to change his clothes. Aarya just came in busy with her cell phone and was about to hit Guddu. Both fell down on the bed. They stand up abruptly. Aarya says this is her room. Guddu says her brother Jackie told him to get to second room on first floor. Aarya argues if he is illiterate and doesn’t know counting, this is first room. She tells him to go and find refuge somewhere else.
Bhoomi boasts that like they made Sahil believe himself to be Jackie, they will convince Sahil that Bhoomi is his love of life and his companion. Vaidika clarifies to Bhoomi that Sahil will surely return to her. No matter how much Bhoomi tried, even death couldn’t part them. And this truth will never change that Vaidika, not Bhoomi, is Ved’s mother or Sahil’s wife. This time, God wants to rewrite their love story. No matter Bhoomi tries to gift this bundle of gifts, the truth will remain the same.

It was night. Vaidika asks Ved to get to sleep. Ved asks Vaidika for a lullaby when the goons had kidnapped him. Vaidika smiles and lay with Ved to sing “Do Nainaan”. There, Sahil was disturbed during his sleep. He wakes him in his room disturbed, then comes into the corridor tracing the voice. He wonders how he can come into her room without any hesitation, why he is attracted to her with such intensity. Ved had fallen asleep. Vaidika at once realizes Sahil stood at her room’s door and straightens up. Sahil at once apologizes as he must not have come to her room. Vaidika stops Sahil. He withdraws his hand from her grip. He clarifies to Vaidika that he isn’t Sahil, his mummy told her he is Sahil’s twin brother. He is extremely sorry for not being able to control himself, but he never intended to come to her room. Sahil turns to see Vaidika crying but walks away. Vaidika thinks she can’t fell weak and must get her Sahil back anyway.
Usha watch the jewelry, she says she knew Bimla was extremely ruthless and couldn’t be trusted at all; now this whole treasure belongs to her son Jackie now. Nani comes there and hushes Usha out of the room with her broomstick. She and Bari Amma hold hands against Usha.

Vaidika dresses up Ved for school. Ved insists to wear it from his Papa. Sahil comes to the room while Vaidika was convincing Ved that Papa is busy. Ved runs into Sahil’s arms. Vaidika watch Sahil dressing up Ved for school. He says Ved is now ready for school, and tells him to go downstairs; today Aarya will drop him to school. Ved runs downstairs. Sahil backs up and was about to step over Vaidika when she supports him with her arm.

They share an eye lock, Vaidika was hopeful while Sahil was at once apologetic. He says he wants to speak to her, he doesn’t understand what’s happening to him. He is completely attracted to her and wonders why he feels so helpless in front of her. He was unable to sleep last night and continued thinking about her only. Vaidika says his heart knows what their relation is.

When the emotions are so intense it doesn’t matter if a man is attracted to any woman. There is a difference between their age, but does it matter to him?