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Age is just a number, Friday 11th November 2022 update

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Age is just a number Zeeword
Age is just a number Zeeword

The wedding rituals complete. Vaidika cries hugging Aarya. Sahil forbids them to cry but gets weepy himself. Aarya comes to hug Sahil who blesses her. Aarya now meets everyone. Mandagini hurriedly takes them to their in laws house. Vaidika sobs behind. Bari Amma tries to console Vaidika that she needs to be courageous, and being a daughter’s mother she must be happy as well.

Sahil tells Bari Amma she must do something to cheer Vaidika up. Bari Amma says she has already thought well about an idea. She wants to marry Vaidika in the very same Mandap with Sahil today. Nani was excited of her decision, Deepak says Bari Amma has acted miraculously as she never accepted Vaidika as her daughter in law ever. Bari Amma says she wants a repentance from her sins, Vaidika has always supported their family

and Sahil. She will respect Vaidika a lot. Vaidika now hugs Bari Amma. Pankti tells her mother she is extremely happy for them, they will be an inspiration that age or money doesn’t matter in love. Her mother silently thinks she can’t let them live together.
At night, Pankti’s mother was opening a bottle of poison and ready to gulp it. Pankti comes to the room. Her mother warns Pankti that if Pankti doesn’t marry Sahil tonight, she will gulp it up. Pankti cries that she is her only support in this world. Pankti pleads her mother that it’s a sin, she can’t separate Sahil and Vaidika. She questions her mother why Sahil only, she can marry any other man in the world. Her mother was stubborn, and says Pankti must be Sahil’s bride today else….
Ved comes into the room where Vaidika was ready in the bridal attire. Nani brings an idol as a gift for Vaidika. Vaidika complements that Vaidika looks beautiful, he considers himself the luckiest in the world to be able to see his parent’s wedding. Bari Amma comes with some jewelry, and says she got it for Sahil’s wife but never gave it to her. She always thought Vaidika was taking advantage of Sahil, but she now understands Sahil couldn’t have got a better wife than Sahil. Vaidika doesn’t let her to apologize or regret, as she and Sahil are together now. Usha stood outside the window and heard their conversation. Usha was curt over Vaidika as she sent her to jail and herself enjoying with that Sahil. Usha turns around and finds that Pankti’s mother had locked Pankti into a room. She then pours some poison in some water with an intention to fix her. She comes to Vaidika’s room. Bari Amma was angry to see her but Vaidika invites her inside. Pankti’s mother tells Vaidika she brought some Ganga’s water for Pankti’s marriage but wish to give it to Vaidika. Vaidika takes the water. Usha had decided that Pankti’s mother also holds an enmity with Vaidika and can prove to be her friend. Vaidika takes the water, Pankti’s mother wish her to drink her now. Usha also watch this. Soon, the water pot slips off Vaidika’s hands. She says it’s a bad omen. Pankti’s mother forbids Vaidika to step over it and goes to get some more for her. There, Vaidika wish nothing comes as a hurdle in her and Sahil’s wedding anymore

Vaidika was alone in her room. She was in tears and was thankful to God. Pankti’s mother was in the corridor, upset about her trick. Usha comes to drag her aside and agrees to her point of view. Sahil and Pankti must be together and God has sent her for this purpose. She share an idea with her and leaves. Pankti’s mother was thankful. Vaidika notices her room had been locked from outside. She goes to check and knocks at the door.

Sahil was in the mandap when the bride arrives in a veil. Everyone was happy to see her dressed up. It was Pankti under the veil. Prachi goes ahead to remove the veil but Bari Amma stops her. Pankti was tensed and wonders what sin her mother wants her to commit. She wonders what she must do to stop all this.

Pankti’s mother was silently apologetic

to Vaidika, but decides that her daughter is worth being Sahil’s wife not Vaidika.
Vaidika was knocking at the door of her room out of tension.

Mandagini brings Aarya and Guddu to a decorated room and says no one would now ask them to stay away from each other. Guddu and Aarya look into each other’s eyes. After Mandagini has left, Guddu comes to sit beside Aarya and claims himself to be the luckiest man in the world.
In the kitchen, Mandagini asks Usha about her plan further. Usha says they must let Aarya and Guddu come close to each other. Then Aarya would be heartbroken here, while Vaidika and Sahil’s relation would break there.

Aarya and Guddu get intimate.

Pankti’s mother watch Sahil sit with a veiled bride. She thinks the family will hate her from today onwards, but she accepts it for the sake of her daughter. Sahil and Pankti take the seven wedding rounds.

The Pandit announces the sindoor ritual. Sahil removes the veil. Pankti’s mother was shocked to see Vaidika under it. Sahil fills sindoor in her hairline and cheerfully tie the mangal sooter. The couple go to take blessings from everyone.
Pankti now stood beside her mother. She tells her mother it was a crime what she wanted, she could never have interfered in Sahil and Vaidika’s life. When the lights were off, she brought Vaidika from her room. Vaidika saved their life, she can never betray Vaidika. She deters to forget her mother like she left her father.
Sahil asks Vaidika if there is something that worries her. If someone is creating trouble for them again. Vaidika promises to tell him everything once she has spoken to a person.

Aarya asks Mandagini why Munh Dikhai so late? Mandagini tells her that Guddu’s friends wanted to come with gifts. The taxi drivers now come inside with boxes of gifts.

Guddu comes to accept their greetings and gifts. The neighborhood ladies also join them to congratulate Aarya. Guddu introduces Aarya with his friends who work as taxi drivers with him. Aarya was shocked to hear that Guddu is a taxi driver. She asks how he can be a taxi driver, he claimed to work in an office. How can these taxi drivers be his friends? Guddu says he told her that he is a taxi driver as he lost his job, and is looking for another good one.

Aarya was clueless and says she didn’t get any letter, how would she know. She questions if he didn’t consider talking to her about losing his job and driving a taxi instead. She shouts at Guddu for betraying her. Guddu explains to Aarya that he was afraid she would deny marrying him, he realized his mistake and wrote a letter for her. Aarya argues she didn’t get any letter. Mandagini and the neighborhood ladies all insult Aarya. The neighbors tell Aarya that marriages work with compromise, at least Guddu is earning something. They accuse Vaidika and Aarya’s character who always wander around men.

Vaidika questions Pankti’s mother how she even thought that she can part Sahil from Vaidika. Sahil is her husband. Does she even understand how disgraceful it would have been for Pankti if her plans were accomplished?

Pankti’s mother was stubborn and says she will never apologize Vaidika, what she considers as wrong is actually right in the eyes of society.