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My heart knows on zee world, Wednesday 27th July 2022 update

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Kalyani thinks she cannot let these men steal their hard earned money. Maushi (Shera as Anarkali) goes to teach the goons a good lesson, in spite of Kalyani’s resistance. Maushi instigates the goons and beats them badly. She speaks the tagline of Shera. Kalyani recognizes it. Maushi says she is Shera’s Mausi. Kalyani asks why she had not said anything earlier about it. Maushi says Shera sent her for their housekeeping and forbid her to tell anyone about it.

My heart knows series
My heart knows series

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Tuesday 26th July 2022 update

Kalyani says actually Shera had fallen in love with her, but she cannot think of anyone except Malhar. Maushi asks if he demanded her to reciprocate? She sends Kalyani and Godha. Avni tries to save their tempo. The goon was about to hurt Avni with a knife, but Anupriya reaches and saves them.

Sarthak elevates Pathak’s tension that Anupriya and Kalyani have yet not returned with their sarees. Avni further ignites the matter. Pathak announces they must begin the auction, there is no point in waiting. Ao Saheb requests them to wait. Pathak insists on Ao Saheb to sign the papers. Aao Saheb thinks she must stop the auction by any means. Aao Saheb films a live social media video with Pathak requesting the masses to help them save their house from illegal auction. Aao saheb threatens to upload the film on social media. Pathak was not ready to take any risks on his reputation.

Maushi drove the tempo. Kalyani was praises for her. She taps Maushi ’s shoulder, and Shera loses the balance of the tempo. It goes puncture. Anupriya was tensed. Kalyani gets an idea, and they all carry the saree boxes on their shoulders. Goda and Anupriya had given up. Maushi carries two cartons at once.

Avni gets a call that the tempo’s tyre was punctured. She was happy that Kalyani cannot bring the sarees here. She will make sure Kalyani does not reach here.

Sarthak assures Moksh he will take care of him, and Moksh will be happy with him. Moksh was annoyed that he wants his Ayi Fi. Sarthak sends Mr. Parthak to place the auction papers on the table there. Kalyani from the other side wets the auction papers. They turn to see Anupriya and Goda pull the saree cartons on a hand cart. Maushi followed.

Anupriya and Kalyani cheerfully hug each other. They tell Pathak ji they had completed the project, but sarees were stolen. Maushi says she suspects someone from the family stole the sarees. Ao saheb insults Pathak and asks how he will pay back for their insult. The next day, Mr. Pathak gives Anupriya the first cheque. He apologizes her for the misbehavior and increase their investment by 50%. Anupriya gives the cheque to Kalyani. Kalyani says this is Anupriya’s hard earned money. She hugs Mokshi, claiming him as her success. She looks towards Sarthak and says he broke one pot each, but now they are all useless. She breaks each of the pots from the pile.

Avni comes to the room and was determined to fine who this Anarkali Maushi is.

Anupriya was elated to sign the first cheques in her life. She presents the salary cheques to her workers.

Avni searches Maushi’s room. She was shocked to find hair wig, and men’s clothes underneath a few sarees.

Anupriya stops Sarthak and says she has a truth for him. She realized this truth very late in life. A woman neither needs a man nor marriage to succeed in society. She trusted Sarthak but he disgraced her. But now times call for equality, equal respect, and equal shares.

Avni recognizes the photo of Shera, and wonders if Shera is Anarkali Maushi.

Anarkali Mausi appreciating Anupriya for her thoughts. Avni comes near Anarkali and pulls out his wig, leaving everyone in shock…They all see Shera disguised as Anarkali. Avni tears sleeve of Shera’s blouse. Sarthak and Kalyani say Shera. Moksh asks Kalyani not to get upset with hero Shera and says he came for me. Kalyani says you had known that he is Shera. Avni asks her not to tell this and says it was Kalyani’s plan to bring Shera back as Anarkali. Anupriya comes to Avni and slaps her hard. Anupriya says woman like you don’t respect other woman and tells that she has bear to see how she trapped her son, but she will not bear if she says anything against her daughter. Aao Saheb says now we will expose you. Anupriya says clever man like Sarthak doesn’t know about her. Avni thinks if they come to know about Tommy. Shera says Tommy is with us. A fb is shown, Tommy runs from Avni’s goons and comes to Shera, when Kalyani and Anupriya are with him. Kalyani finds that Anarkali is Shera and scolds him. Anupriya tells Kalyani that they got the sarees because of him. Shera says he will leave, but first needs to find out whom Avni has kidnapped? Tommy says I feel that the captive man is Malhar. Kalyani is surprised and asks if my Malhar ji is alive. She gets happy. Fb ends. Avni tells that they are cooking up a fake story and tells that what is the proof that I have kidnapped Malhar. Kalyani calls Pawar and says for now, I have proof that you had kidnapped Tommy, who is here. Avni says they are trapping me and asks Sarthak to save her. Pawar gets her arrested and takes her away. Shera says just as you sow, so you reap. Sarthak says I need prove that Malhar is alive. Kalyani says we will get the proofs and tells that no power can stop us from reaching him.

Shera asks them to come with her and tells that he knows where Avni’s brothers are hiding. They come to a house. Shera breaks the lock. Kalyani says Malhar ji…I have come to you. Kalyani comes to the guy and finds someone guy trapped and captive. She says he is not Malhar ji. Shera frees him and makes him drink water. The guy thanks them and tells that he works for the same agency as Malhar and tells that agency sent an important message for his family that he is alive. Kalyani gets happy. The guy says I came to give this message to you, when Avni kidnapped me and kept me captive here. Kalyani asks did you meet Malhar ji? The guy says no.

They bring the agent/guy home. The agent have food and tells them that agency called Malhar to Goa to catch the terrorist. He says Malhar sir chose his duty rather than his family and went to catch the terrorists. He says if you want then I can tell you. He goes to room. Malhar is shown wearing a hoodie somewhere. Sarthak thinks where did he go? Shera finds him gone and tells Kalyani that he has gone. Sarthak says we shall inform Police. Anupriya says how did that guy go suddenly? Kalyani says I am going to Goa to search my Malhar ji. Aao Saheb says how will you search Malhar in Goa, as he might be staying indisguise. Kalyani says I am sure to search him and this time, I will return with him. Shera says I will also come with you, and we both will search him.

Malhar meets the terrorists and gets the bombs. The terrorists say you have done a good thing by joining hands with us, tomorrow everyone will see the explosion and will remember the day. Malhar thinks this nation’s law will punish you. Shera is all set to leave with Kalyani and asks Moksh not to forget him after his baba comes back. Moksh says you are my friend and I can’t forget you. He shows tiger sticker on his chest and says I will never take it out, as you are my friend. He hugs him and asks him not to harm anyone and not to get afraid of anyone. Kalyani comes with her bags. Anupriya says I am worried for you, I will come with you. Kalyani says who will take care of Aao Saheb here and says if I return then will return with Malhar ji. Anupriya says you have to return surely with Malhar. Kalyani hugs her.

In Goa, Kalyani enquires with the constable about Malhar Rane by showing his photo. Constable looks at Shera. Kalyani asks him not to look at him and says their face resembles just. A guy comes there and says Kalyani Rane. Malhar calls someone and tells that he got the bombs, diffusion in progress. The terrorist comes there.

Malhar asks someone to send team in all over Goa and other team here to diffuse the bombs, and to save human bombs. He says he was checking the bombs and it is ready to go. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.