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Meet in love zee world, Tuesday 26th July 2022 update

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Babita asks Meet what will she do if Meet Ahlawat forgets her, will she find someone else.
Manushi forces Tej to hit her and runs out and makes him follow her. Babita asks Meet Ahlawat is love is so week that first chance you get you forget it.

Meet in love zee world Series
Meet in love zee world Series

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Monday 25th July 2022 update

Manushi rushes to everyone, Tej hits her with the vase, Manushi faints, Meet rushes to her and Meet Ahlawat rushes to Tej, and calms him down. Raj asks Ram to call doctor quickly. Everyone gets scared.
Raj takes Tej with him and calms him down and asks Meet Ahlawat to look after Meet and Manushi, Meet Ahlawat picks Manushi to take her to room.

Masum says to Babita, Tej is mentally unstable and its good he has returned but practically its not safe, what just happened is very dangerous and I think we should send him to mental asylum. Babita says Tej goes nowhere, this is Tej’s house too and if anyone has problem they can leave, I won’t stop anyone.

Doctor checks Manushi, and says she is badly injured make sure she is stress free and happy. Meet looks at Manushi. Raj says to Meet we are with you ,all will be fine. Meet says to Raj, can Manushi stay here till she is fine, because no one is home and also how can I send her Rajasthan and doctor has asked to take care of her, I know I’m asking a lot but how can I leave my sister alone, Raj says you don’t need to say all this, Manushi slowly looks at them. Raj says Meet you can keep her here until she feels better but I think Meet Ahlawat should decide if he is fine with letting her stay, Meet says okay.

Tej hiding under table and says don’t hit me stay away, Meet Ahlawat says no one will hit you come sit peacefully and gives him water, Tej keeps crying, Meet Ahlawat wipes his tears and makes him comfortable, and makes his bed. Meet walks in. Tej falls off to sleep, Meet calls Meet Ahlawat out.

Meet Ahlawat walks to Meet and asks how is Manushi, Meet says she is badly injured and doctor has asked to keep her stress free, so can we please let her stay till she feels better and Raj has asked me to discuss with you, so whatever you say, Meet Ahlawat remembers calling hotel and enquiring about Manushi and Tej, and they confirming it and says if I can take care of my brother so can you take care of sister and don’t worry I am not affected by her presence and good we met her because it helped me move on and so do whatever you feel like. Meet says thank you.

Manushi hiding and listening to them says thank god, my risk worked but is it true that Meet Ahlawat has moved on because now I have to play big game so that he falls again for me.

Hoshiyar dressed as farmer to Masum and says get ready with all this because in my village we have to work, also all your plans are failing and I’m scared that Mummy will give all property to Tej, Masum scolds him, Hoshiyar says forget greed lets go back, Masum says I will forget greed now go get coffee for me, Hoshiyar leaves. Masum says Hoshiyar is right I have to do something because first time mom asked me to leave because of mental brother, I have to do something to make my position strong and better

Meet Ahlawat wakes up, and walks to Meet in kitchen, Meet asks whats wrong, Meet Ahlawat says me and Tej would sneak out and eat sweets and icecream, it was fun, try it, Meet says you are right its fun, Meet Ahlawat says without Tej all was so empty here, and we always missed him and lost our happiness, Meet teases Meet Ahlawat and applies ice cream on his.nose to cheer him up, Meet Ahlawat chases her to apply ice cream, Meet scares him that if he applies ice cream she will apply more on his and that will ruin his skin. Meet Ahlawat says okay. Meet keeps her bowl down, Meet Ahlawat pulls her to apply ice cream but it gets on his arm, Meet starts laughing and says you will never win.

Babita on phone says I need some break because new year was hectic so please pick few projects only and disconnects phone. Manushi walks to Babita and start messaging her head. Babita turn back. Manushi says take rest I know all the pressure points which will help you to give relief and thinks you will be easy target for me in this house.

Anubha walks inside Ahlawat’s house and shouts Manushi’s name and tries to take Manushi with her. Meet following Anubha tries to stop Anubha. Anubha says don’t come in between and says I don’t know you were staying here why didn’t you die before coming here and ask Meet to leave her says I know why she is staying here. Meet says try to understand she is not well. Manushi sees floor cleaner, rushes towards that and drink it. Meet rush towards Manushi and stops her. Everyone gather listing to noise. Manushi says let me die mom is right and try to drink again. Meet says what are you doing stop it and ask Ragini to help her to vomit. Babita says to Anubha you shouldn’t have done that she is your daughter. Meet walks down and says doctor said Manushi is fine and ask Anubha not to trouble her more and she will stay with me until she is fine. Police walks in and says we found out that someone in this family forced Manushi to commit suicide. Babita says you know this is Ahlawat’s mansion how dare you accuse us. Police says we are just doing our job. Raj says there is some misunderstanding. Police says call Manushi we will talk to her it’s a case of commitment of suicide and if you don’t corporate we can arrest you all. Raj says she cannot come so I’ll take you yo her. Ragini says to Babita I think so Masum is behind all this after all she don’t like Meet and Anubha so she might have called police to arrest them.

Everyone in Manushi’s room. Raj says to Manushi there is some misunderstanding with Inspector so what ever he ask you have to give right answer. Meet says tell truth to them. Inspector says tell us truth and no need to be afraid of them. Manushi point her at Meet. Inspector ask her name. She says I’m Meet Huddah. Raj says to Inspector you are taking this is wrong she is our daughter in law, she cannot do this. Inspector says let us decide that and know what Manushi says and ask her did she forced you to do suicide. Manushi says yes. Everyone in shock. Manushi says no she didn’t do that and ask for water. Meet give her water amd says no she is my sister she cannot think of doing that and I pointed towards her to ask for water was not putting any allegations and everyone present here is my family because of them I have roof no body did anything to me. Inspector says I have seen many cases in my life in which victim try yo hide things because they are scared but I have to keep this case open because sometimes we get news that victim is dead for now I’ll leave and if I get this complain then I’ll investigate deeply. Raj says if anything happen then I’ll call you infront now you can leave.

Inspector outside says I keep and eye on these rich family. Meet says you are right you should keep an eye and by saying this you opened my eye, it feels great that still there are honest officers like my dad who take her duty seriously. Inspector says your father is also in police what’s his name. Meet says his name was Ashok Huddah he sacrificed his life during his job, this is my in law’s house, my father thought us to always choose path of honesty, I assure you that you will not get any more complaint feom this house and I want to ask one thing can you tell me who called you. Police Inspector says we don’t share this news but you are from police family so I’ll tell you and show number in his phone. Meet checks the number and says mom and thanks her. Meet says mom called police. Anubha says yes I called them because Manushi cannot change and I feel that she is planning something big I’m scared she will break your house. Meet says she really changed after being ditched, she had her chance today to send all of us to jail but she didn’t, you were checking her. Anubha says no my child and I know her very well she cannot change and I think how did she let this opportunity go. Meet says come with me.

Manushi in balcony says you should hear Anubha because mom knows me very well, she was right I never changed and I came here with big plan for that I have to erase you slowly.

Meet takes Anubha to garden says look at this flower it cannot grow somewhere else because it’s in it’s fate just like my fate with Meet Ahlawat and you only say you cannot change your destiny, now me and Meet Ahlawat are more close to eachother and these all family members have accepted me so why I should be scared of Manushi, Manushi didn’t use to love Meet Ahlawat and now Meet Ahlawat is also stable he doesn’t care about Manushi.

Babita says to Meet I can understand what Anubha is facing because she ditched us too earlier but is this right calling police and we can also see she is guilty I have seen that when she brought Tej.

Manushi hear everything. Babita says your mom shouldn’t have called police this could ruin our reputation, ask her not to repeat this again and leaves. Meet gets message says to Ragini I have to leave for my job. Ragini says no worries I’ll look here. Manushi says you can go Meet and suffer on your bike and do your job I’m here to handle Ahlawat’s.

Raj, Babita, Ragini in garden. Sunaina walks to them and greet everyone. Sunaina says are you planting something, this means there is a good news tell me. Ragini says today were your ritual of new marriage so how did you came here. Sunaina says I was missing you all, I was feeling heavy over there and felt like run away from there so came here to meet you all but you didn’t told me what’s the good news. Tej run towards them. Sunaina come in Tej path. Tej stop after seeing her. Sunaina gets emotional. Tej wipe her tears. Sunaina try to touch him but he gets scared from her and run away. Sunaina says Tej is here and nobody told be why is he behaving like this.

Meet out for her Job. Meet Ahlawat nearby explaining something to his team. Meet sees Ahlawat’s board says this is Meet Ahlawat’s construction site he is with his colleagues and will feel insulted because of me I’ll do the delivery quietly and leave. Meet try to hide behind package. Meet Ahlawat see her. A man ask Meet to keep parcel and start leaving.

Meet Ahlawat walks to her and try to turn her. Meet says if you want you can ignore me I have no problem. Meet Ahlawat take her and introduce her as her wife to everyone. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.