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Broken Bonds On Zee world, Wednesday 8th March 2023 update

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Broken Bonds On Zee world Wednesday 8th March 2023 update, Harsh says Rishi, let’s do a competition. If I lose I will tell you how your aai and I became friends. He says I am not interested. Harsh says I thought you’re like your mom. She would always participate. Maybe you’re like your dad. Rishi says I am like my aai, not my dad. Now tell me what is it? Harsh says it’s lunchtime and your aai isn’t home. Come help me.. He takes the vegetables to the table. Rishi says so is this the competition? Harsh says sometimes we get very angry like at aai, sister. Rishi says I never get angry on aai.

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Tuesday 7th March 2023 update

He says but others, right? Let’s play an imagination game. Let’s imagine these vegetables are the people we get angry on. The more anger, the more cutting. The one who cuts the most will win. I am the angriest at my maths teacher. She has scolded me a lot. He cuts the vegetables and says out out out.. He says now I get angry at my dad. He cuts another one.

Rishi picks a vegetable and says Amol, my friend.. He cuts the carrot and shouts out out out.. Harsh smiles. Rishi picks another and says society kids, they hurt me a lot. Out out out.. Harsh says keep cutting. Let all the anger out. Rishi recalls what the kids said and keeps cutting. Rishi thinks about Goklay and takes the anger out but cutting another. Rishi thinks when he was locked in the store and cuts more. He thinks about Kuldeep calling Shubhra a thief and selfish. Rishi recalls Kuldeep slapping him and cuts more. Harsh says are you more? Rishi says no there’s more anger. I am very angry on papa. Harsh says imagine this tissue box is your papa. Take out all your anger. Rishi tears it apart. Harsh says done? Do you feel better? Rishi says a lot lighter. He smiles. Harsh says very good. The secretary calls Harsh and says your next client is here. Harsh says give him juice and tell him I am coming in half an hour. He says where is Shubhra?

Scene 2
Shubhra says to Mr. Desai thanks for the orders. For raw material, can you please help me? No one is giving it in advance. I will not face any problems. Harsh calls her but she cuts. He says keep your phone on silent.

Harsh says to Rishi let’s make sandwiches. Rishi keeps cutting. Harsh says these sandwiches are of love. He cuts with love and makes the heart. Rishi says we will make hearts with bread as well. Desai says if we have to invest can’t we make it on our own? Don’t waste our time. We can’t help all 10 designers who come here every day. We can cancel your order if you can’t manage. Shubhra says no please, I will manage. She leaves. Shubhra says I will any way out. She looks at the time and says it’s too late. Harsh session was over a while ago. She calls Harsh but his number is out of reach.

Scene 3
Roli and Chandrani come in the house in new attire. They dance around the house. Chandrani says that’s quite an update. Roli hugs her. Phirki is shocked to see them. She says what have you done didi? Samaira says to keep the main door open. Phirki opens the main door. Samaira texts her men’s main door is open. Make them scared for life. Chandrani says Phirki to bring a glass of water for us in English.

Scene 4
Shubhra imagines Kuldeep saying are you done? Did you try? You can’t do anything. You can only run the house. You can’t make money. You can’t deal with the world outside. Samaira says bow down to me for money. Samaira says she wants to go home. Rishi will be standing there with hopes. How will you tell him his aai lost? Samaira says learn to accept that you can’t. Shubhra feels bad. She sits there. Harsh comes out and sees her. He says, madam.. Good evening. You made me a babysitter. You took so long. I thought you’re an independent mature and responsible mother. But you’re so irresponsible. Shubhra says I am sorry. She walks upstairs and falls.. Harsh holds her. He says nothing happened. Relax. You look tensed. He says let me help you your slipper is broken. Shubhra says my foot didn’t. I can help myself. She runs upstairs. He says you’re disturbed. Shubhra says let me go.

Harsh says you need to share your problem> I find a solution to the problem. There’s no problem that can’t be talked out. Tell me what’s the problem? Shubhra says there’s no solution to every problem. I don’t know what to do. I feel like nothing is in my control. He says were you going to say Rishi the same? Do you think how will he feel? Shubhra says I know how to treat my son. You called me an irresponsible mother. Do you know what can I do for my kids? He says I said. I didn’t mean it. I am sorry. Kids, husbands are all in their places but one should love their own selves first. Rishi also wants you to live for yourself. Shubhra says we only met twice and now you’re telling me how to treat myself and my kids. Thank you for taking care of Rishi. I will clear your bill per hour but don’t after me. I don’t need you. He says I like independent people.

Chandrani and Roli say Saaam we are getting late. Chandrani says she will take so much time to get late. Phirki opens the gate. Samaira says I am so sorry. I am ready. Let’s go. Oh let me get my phone. Samaira asks Phirki to get her phone. Phirki walks slowly. Chandrani says can’t she walk? Roli go bring it. Samaira waits for the goons. Roli brings the phone and says let’s go. Samaira says thank you. Samaira says let me get car keys. She asks Phirki to look for it. Chandrani sits down to wait. Roli finds the key. Samaira says let’s go Biji. Samaira gets a call from Kuldeep. She says let me tell him we are going.

Chandrani and Roli get on video call. Kuldeep is shocked to see them. Roli says we are going for shopping. There is a personal shopper. Samaira aunty told me. Kuldeep says where is she? Samaira says I am here. Do they look good? Chandrani says I am looking to continue to the same hairstyle. Samaira says in her heart where did they go? If they don’t come my plan would fail.

The robbers enter the house. They ask everyone to stand still, Kuldeep says Biji? Sam? Who is it? Kuldeep is worried. The kidnappers grasp Roli. Kuldeep screams. They ask Phirki to bring all the jewelry. Chandrani says don’t be scared. Samaira says please leave my daughter. take everything. She gives them a lot of money. Samaira cries. Samaira says Roli nothing would happen. Mama will save you. Chandrani picks a bat and starts hitting them. They hit her back. Samaira comes in front of Chandrani.. She’s shocked.

Another one grabs Roli.. He throws a knife towards her. Samaira comes in between and gets stabbed.. Siren blares.. The goons say the police is coming.. Let’s run. Samaira faints. Roli hugs her and says I am fine Samaira aunty. She sees blood. Samaira says my Roli is okay.. I saved my daughter. Don’t worry I will be fine. Chandrani holds her. Samaira faints.

Scene 2
Sanjana says I am sorry Shubhra. If I knew he was this disgusting I would never send you there. Shubhra says you didn’t know. I exposed him. I don’t know what’s next. Sanjana says something will work out. Shubhra says I don’t know how to run this house in this fast-paced world. It’s so much time since I came back but I am still running the house on savings. Rishi says aai. I made something for you. Shubhra says bring it. Sanjana says everything would be okay.

Rishi brings a faced sandwich to Shubhra. Shubhra says you made it? Is it me or you? He says neither of us. This is my new friend Harsh. Shubhra is shocked. Rishi says Harsh said we have to be smiley like this. He taught me a lot of things. I feel so much better. I am not even angry. Shubhra is very happy. Rishi makes her eat the sandwich. She says Sanjana aunty let me bring you one as well. Sanjana says you chose the right path for him. Shubhra says his smile gave me a new hope. I won’t give up.

Scene 3
Kuldeep comes home. Roli says papa first the goon kept a knife on me.. I ran. He threw a knife towards me but cool aunty saved me like a Wonderwoman. Rishi says is it hurting a lot? Samaira says my daughter is okay. What else would I want? Kuldeep gives her a painkiller. Kuldeep says I won’t go to the office until you are okay. Roli says you don’t have to stay with her. She’s super cool, she doesn’t need anyone. She’s very brave. Kuldeep says let me call the police. Samaira says in her heart if he calls the police they will find out it was me. Samaira says don’t call the police. What they took wasn’t precious. I saved what’s precious for me. Roli. Our Biji. They are both safe. It’s your birthday tomorrow. I don’t want to spend that time in the police station. Kuldeep says thank you. Samaira says she’s not just your Biji or Roli. They are mine as well. Kuldeep says I am sorry. You take a rest. I will be with you all night and take care if you. Chandrani takes Roli to her room.

Kuldeep asks Chandrani do you still think Samaira can think bad for Roli? She kept Roli above everything. Love changes people. Samaira has changed. You should change your perception of her as well. Samaira says plan successful.

Chandrani comes to Roli. She’s making her drawing. Chandrani says card? Roli says I have to make one card for Samaira aunty. She did so much for me. Chandrani says you will give a get-well soon card to Ravan aunty? Roli says I think we are wrong. If she was Ravan why would she save me? I won’t call her Ravan aunty anymore. She’s a wonderwoman. Chandrani is shocked. She says in heart I thought Team Sita would stay here to defeat Ravan but she’s in her team now. What is happening.

Scene 4
Shubhra comes home. She says I arranged Harsh’s fees. But balance is so low. How will I pay for the next sessions? I can’t stop them. I have seen such a big change in Rishi with one. I have to hold them until I get an income. Rishi comes home. Shubhra says high.

She says here are your session fees. I won’t be able to do it for a few days. He says may I know the reason? Shubhra is silent. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.