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Jodha akbar on zee world, Tuesday 28th February 2023 update

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Jodha akbar on zee world Tuesday 28th February 2023 update, Jodha says he came to us and accepted his mistake. We have to see what we can do now. Todar says we should attack. Jodha says no they still have shahenshah.Murad says she is right. I was there with them. I can beat them and they wont doubt me. Rahim says you have betrayed us once.

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Monday 27th February 2023 update

Jodha says he deserves a second chance Rahim. Johda says Rahim stay with your army a little away from us. Murad says they have given shahenshah poison and we have to hurry up.

Ruks recalls the slap and is mad. Hoshiyar comes and tells her about jalal. she says i have to go and save my jalal. Soldiers stop her and say you can’t go out.

Jalal says to hakim i have been poisoned but you don’t have to show it to anyone. Hakim says i need to find the herb that abates the reaction of this poison.

On the other hand, a hakim gives a locket to hamida, she handovers it to Jodha and says bind it on Jalal’s arm. Its upto you, you have to save the king of this realm. jodha syas i promise you he will return safely.

Jodha and rahim reach the camp. The man asks rahim why i Jodha here? Rahim says you stopped her letters so i had to bring her here. We will arrest her with Jalal here and take over in agra. The man comes to back to jodha and says how can i host you? Jodha says i wanna meet shahenshaha. they take her in. Jodha sits next to jalal. He is shocked to see her. He says am i dreaming? She says your condition and hugs him. jalal says have they arrested you? Jodha says no i know the whole game.

Jodha tells him everything, jalal is dazed. He says my own blood betrayed me. jodha says Murad is repenting and he brought me here. Mansingh comes in. jan nisar comes in too. Jalal says i know you are worried for me but my loyals are here. Jodha says i know they are, ammi jan sent you this locket. Jan nisar says he will get well soon now. jodha says i will go back to agra with him. Am i allowed to live here? Jan nisar says this is your regime. jodha gives jalal the herbs.

late at night, murad comes in. Jalal says ask him jodha to get out. I am ashamed to think that he is my blood, he plotted to kill me. jodha says forget what has happened we have to see the situation. He brought me here. Pardon him for me and salima begum. jalal says i will only forgive you because Jodha has asked me and salima has stayed loyal to me. Murad says please pardon me. Jalal says salim will be the king and you will always serve him. I hope this wont happen again.

Next morning, jalal and jodha walk out. jodha says in heart i shouldn’t tell him about ruks yet. Jodha says i will send rahim letter and we will leave today. Jalal says these betrayers shall be punished now.

Rahim says to his men no one should know we are here unless we have orders to proceed. They all hide when they hear a rider. A man says some people are concealed here, i shall inform jan nisar. Rahim says he saw us, he fires an arrow and kills him.

Jan nisar asks him man where are you going? He says this is a letter jodha has sent for someone. jan nisar takes it from him. Its a couplet that asks someone to come. Jan nisar says this poetry is stupid.
jan nisar says how is this possible how can the poison not work. The englishman suggests kill them both. jan nisar says to murad this is the only way to get you throne, we will kill them both tonight, Murad says you know what will happen? Salim will attack agra.

People will be with him. Murad says we should arrest them and take them to agra, salim wont be able to attack us.We will kill three on them together, Jan nisar says we will do as you direct.

Murad tells Jalal that they are about to kill you. you cant trust jan nisar we have to do something. Jalal says we are prepared. Jodha says i have sent rahim the letter. Jodha asks mansingh to get men prepared. And Murad stay among them. Jan nisar says i and my english men have prepared a celebration for jalal. Jalal says we will join.

Nisar tells his soldiers that Jalal doesnt know about our plan, we will attack him, Murad comes and says you said you will not attack him, what is this? Nisar says don’t worry, this news will not reach Salim, you will get throne, we will ask Salim to give his throne after everyone is calmed down after Jalal’s death, then we will give you that throne, if we take Jalal to Agra then he will become powerful again, Murad says you are right, he leaves, soldier informs Nisar that we have seen forces near our den, Nisar says we don’t have much time, we have to attack Jalal tonight only.

Ruks is shouting in her room that i wanna go from here, Hamida comes and says Jalal and Jodha are in danger and you are making issue here, eat food, Ruks says i am worried for Jalal, i want to go from here.

Hamida says if you want to do something for Jalal then pray for them and you can do that in this room only, she leaves, Ruks says all are saying Jodha’s words. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.