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Meet in love zee world, Wednesday 6th July 2022 update

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There will be no update for Tuesday 5th July 2022 on meet in love since zee world keeps repeating old episodes. Raj says to Babita after happening so much you brought Meet back with all the ritual I won my heart. Babita says I did what for my son happiness. Raj says I’m not saying you are typical mother in law but its all good. Babita says when our kids were young we use to talk about there liking for toys then we buy but during Meet Ahlawat’s marriage nothing was asked to him, you know this, I understand his pain if he say or not, my son use to deserve far better girl then her but still I ask Meet to reduce her pain, change her dressing sense so that she become what ny son want and today finally I saw him happy and he is happy because of Meet’s effort, when he accepted her then why can’t I accept her. Raj says that’s why I’m your fan and hugs her

Meet in love zee world Series
Meet in love zee world Series

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Monday 4th July 2022 update

Manushi looks at car get’s excited says did my father in law send it for me. Kunal says come sit and open door for her and keep her luggage in trunk and leaves.

Everyone at dinner table. Masum eats Kachori says its so healthy and yummy it’s amazing. Raj looks at kachori and try to pickup. Babita says you can have it. Raj gets in shock says are you sure. Babita says you can have two kachori wait let me give you, I have made this healthy and nutritious for you and I have cooked Rajma and raita for you. Raj says that’s my favourite. Babita serve Raj rajma and ask Sunaina to give raita to Raj. Duggu walks to them and says to Isha your phone was ringing a lot in room. Isha shouts at Duggu says then did you brought are you out of mind. Masum says to Isha what happen is everything alright. Isha says I could have checked in room and her phone rings. Raj says it might be urgent. Isha says it’s telly marketing people who are troubling me. Sunaina says to Isha don’t stand sit and have food. Meet says to Isha you have your dinner I’ll block that person till that time and take her phone. Isha snatch her phone back feom Meet says it’s okay I kept it on silent. Ram says is this way to talk to Bhabhi. Isha says I’m sorry and get back to dinner. Raj says to Babita it would be more tasty if it had a little bit black salt. Meet says wait I’ll bring for you and goes to kitchen.

Meet call Mani Kaka then remember he is not well so start searching for black salt, says I think so it’s finish now only one step I have.

Raj waiting for salt. Babita says why is she taking so long. Sunaina says wait I’ll go and check. Masum points at Meet and says to Babita she went out to buy salt. Babita looks at Meet coming from outside with black salt. Meet walks to them says here is your black salt. Babita says you went out this late to buy salt. Meet says it was finished so I went our and bought it. Babita says respected family women’s don’t go out this late alone to buy things. Meet says but in Shahbadh is use to go and buy things. Babita says this is Chandigarh and we have staff to buy things it’s not your job to go out in night and buy things. Meet says Kaka was not well so I thought of buying it. Raj says to Babita leave it, she didn’t know. Masum walks with salt says it was available but your favourite daughter in law didn’t know where it was kept and hand it over to Meet and says you won’t say anything because Ahlawat’s have tendency to give lot of free hand to there daughter in law but dad how can I accept my dad was waiting on dining table for salt, still you will call her idol daughter in law who doesn’t know where all the spices are kept. Raj says Masum my child. Masum says I’m not hungry anymore and leaves. Babita says to Raj what Masum said wrong it’s been lot of time since she is here but don’t know where all the things are kept, for this a person need interest which I cannot see in her, she have no responsibility for this house, for this time I’m actually with Masum and leaves.

Ragini stops Masum and says I have an headache please make me some tea. Masum says I’ll ask some servant to make. Ragini says Kaka is not well right now Meet told, so please find it. Masum says okay and start looking. Ragini ask what happen you didn’t find out. Masum says yes wait I’ll send mom. Ragini says you are daughter of this house since young and don’t know where things are kept no problem with that, Meet is new here and have other works to do, do job take care of us, so it’s not an issue if you don’t know where all the spices are kept, you are older then her and you should help her to teach whatever she doesn’t know, it’s not good to get angry on small things consider her as your younger sister and teach her things and leaves. Masum says why does everyone keep me lecturing.

Meet syas to Raj aunty is right I should know everything, I’ll try it won’t happen again and learn this as well with other things. Raj says to Meet your thoughts are devine but I’m scared if tomorrow water is not available then you will bring a river from outside in house. Everyone laugh.

Next morning. Kunal and Manushi reach destination. Manushi gets out and says it’s so shady where is your bunglow. Driver give Kunal a letter says it’s from your father. Kunal open it and reads it says there is a message for you from Dad. Manushi says read it. Kunal reads it and says for now you are wife of Kunal but to be our daughter in law you have to give an exam, he is only sole of my property so I want to make sure you married him for love not money, you can come to our mansion only when you prove you are an idol daughter in law till that you have to live here. Manushi shouts what the heck. Kunal take her luggage and ask Manushi to come. Manushi steps in cow dung and gets angry. Kunal says it’s on your foot too. Manushi gets upset on Kunal and says first your family took time to accept me and now sent me here in this dirty place, this is not happening I’m not staying here. Kunal says this is how my dad is he is so strict, but I won’t let you do all this we can live on are own screw his money and property let’s go. Manushi stops Kunal and remember how she was thrown out of her own house and thinks I have to pass this test and says to Kunal I cannot seperate you from your father and I love you not your money and it’s just for few days. Kunal says are you sure can we live here. Manushi hesitatingly says yes. Kunal thinks just one more day then I’ll runw away with your jewellery.

Meet on phone says I’ll do your delivery tomorrow on time and keeps phone says there is not much time left for my collage exam, now I have to take time for studies too along with job and chores. Meet Ahlawat walks in says come on get up start studying. Meet thinks how did he know about my exam now he won’t let me do any work.

Meet in her room says I don’t have time for my exam I have to manage time for my job and study along with chores. Meet Ahlawat walks in says what are you go study. Meet says how you know that. Meet Ahlawat says what happen with you in at dining table got to know how much you know about kitchen. Meet says wait why are you getting so sweet to me, you use to fight but helping now. Meet Ahlawat says I’m trying to help my family and they both goes to kitchen.

Meet Ahlawat says to her with help of chachi I labelled all the container so that we can know about spices. Meet says that is my job but why are you focusing on this. Meet Ahlawat says I have low knowledge about kitchen so I’ll have knowledge about kitchen and what you say food dosent know is it cooked by boy or girl so lets concentrate and tell her about spices and eats wrong spice by mistake. Meet syas this is different spice and mocks him. He says you are mocking me but I arranged everything for you.

Manushi in her room says rich house girl live with jewellery but in this poor house these jewellery will get bad, once I go to my in-laws house then I’ll wear jewellery all day. Kunal see her keeping jewellery from window and says now I want this keys then I’ll solve all your problem but before that I need to teach her a lesson.

Meet says this is oregano. Meet Ahlawat says I’ll tell you this is used for seasoning. Meet says I know every well I have delivered many pizza. He says then why didn’t you stopped me. She says lets move forward nad she start telling her aboyt every spices and says lets segregate things then I’ll take your smell test by blindfolding you and he start his test. They both having fun and teasing eachother. Meet says don’t make fun we don’t have time and they start keeping all tye spices at there place.

Manushi keeping her luggage. Kunal ask where are you let’s go out. Manushi says yes I’m very hungry. Kunal walks in and give her wood says I’m hungry so fast go cook food im hungry. Manushi says I never cooked in my house what I’ll do with wood and throws it. Kunal says I know you cannot do that’s why I said no to test, but cooking with wood is a test and to pass test we have to do this. Manushi take wood and go to cook.

Meet Ahlawat says you know all the position of spices now do revision I have to go to dad for some important work and leaves. Meet says focus to remember everything, how will I manage time for studies in between job and chores, if I’ll tell them they will be worried, I’ll study when Meet Ahlawat will sleep.

Manushi trying to cook food get’s fed up says I cannot do this, I cannot light fire properly and smoke is going in my eyes. Kunal says if you need to pass test and impress Dad you have to do it. Manushi goes to Kunal says lets keep a maid she will work for few hours and leave your dad won’t notice her. Kunal says he is spying us and show her CCTV. Manushi gets worried. Kunal says my dad is strict he is watching you. Manushi says 24hours. Kunal says yes that’s why he installed them. Manushi says why didn’t you tell me earlier, wait here I’ll cook food for you and go.

Isha gets call from unknown number she gets scared and picks up says hello.

Manushi cooking food and looking at CCTV. Kunal says please do fast. Manushi says wait and burn chapati says already mon and Dadi troubled me a lot and now Kunal and his father came in between of my money, why aren’t they accepting me. Kunal looks at keys says I need only one chance and ask is food ready. Manushi says yes.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat playing ludo. She mocks him and says I’ll win. He says do you think your brain is fast, it’s not like that. She says from this I remember my friend Pragi from Bhopal is preparing for UPSC exam and about her partner who supports her dream and her father is no also no more. He says that’s interesting story I want to know more. She says you can watch this show on ZeeTV.

Meet in bed think’s he might be sleeping now I should go and study, try to get up. Meet Ahlawat wakes up because of her movement. Meet says there is no curtain so I was and try to turn. Meet Ahlawat keeps his hand on shoulder says why aren’t you slept yeat. She why are you up still you know owl do this job, if you are not owl then sleep. He says if I’m own then what you are. She says I have different problem, no curtains were there. Meet Ahlawat what is your problem from curtain. She says stop arguing and get back to sleep we have work tomorrow. He says you are right you also go to sleep if you need anything then don’t says to me good night and they both get back to sleep.

She checks if he is asleep and thinks I study repeating things that can disturbe him so I should go oyt and study. Meet outside studying and see shadow on wall says who is this and follows it and pray it’s not a thief. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.

READ NEXT: Meet in love, Friday 8th July 2022 update

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