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[Story] Demon's Diary – S01 E1045

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Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 1045


The other 3 Real Pellet State disciples glanced at Xie’er who stood on Liu Ming’s shoulder in surprise. Seeing that it was just a ghost creature spiritual pet of the Pseudo Pellet State, they quickly looked away.

At this moment, the golden cockscomb mark on Xie’er’s forehead suddenly flashed, and a dazzling golden light shot out.

Seeing this, Liu Ming was overjoyed. After Xie’er advanced to Pseudo Pellet State, the golden cockscomb light was much more dazzling than before.

The next moment, all the golden lights converged into a thick light beam that shot at the black light curtain. The black mist melted like ice encountering fire. The effect was even greater than the enchantment-breaking weapons of the 4!

The Nature Work Sect’s honest-looking young man gave Xie’er a surprised look. He glanced at the golden cockscomb mark.

The others were as surprised as the honest-looking young man, but this was good to their side, so they also continued to channel their attacks.

Under the support of Xie’er’s golden light, the black light curtain dented at a speed visible to the naked eye.

5 inches, 4 inches, 3 inches…

Finally, the black light curtain shook violently, breaking open a 1 meter hole. The black air around the hole tumbled as if trying to close back the hole.

“Run now!”

The honest-looking young grunted, then he flew out of the hole.

The other 2 followed behind closely. Liu Ming retrieved Xie’er and looked back at the fortress, then he went through the black light curtain.

Just as his body flew out of the hole, the hole recovered with a “poom“.

As soon as the four of them escaped from the Ghost Burial Array, they didn’t dare to stay and immediately scattered in different directions.

When breaking the Ghost Burial Array, because this array isolated the spiritual power fluctuations and the ghost army was attracted by the shocking attacks from inside, no one found that they had escaped from it.

In the blink of an eye, they escaped the besiege of the ghost army.

However, just when Liu Ming was relieved, he suddenly felt a throb as if he was being stared at by some kind of giant monster.

“Try to run!?”

A loud shout came from the sky. A mighty spiritual pressure shocked the 4 of them.

The next moment, a giant claw shadow the size of an acre struck from the top on each of their heads. The 4 ghost generals manipulated the flags in one hand while grabbing in the directions of Liu Ming and the others.


Liu Ming’s eyes flashed. As long as they escaped within a certain range, these Celestial State ghost generals would not be able to chase after them since they had to maintain the array. Even if the pursuers were at the Real Pellet State, they would not pose a threat to them at all.

He immediately made a gesture. His figure blurred and turned into 4 phantasms that ran in different directions.

As a soft eh sounded, the giant crimson palm that chased Liu Ming stopped in midair for a moment. Afterward, it turned into 4 and pressed at the 4 phantasms.

What Liu Ming wanted was this pause!

A loud bang!

Before the 4 huge palms could fall, the four phantasms transformed by Liu Ming had already flown out of the attack range.

In the Illusive Demonic Pupil’s illusion, he had already simulated countless battles with Thunder Beastkin. Facing the giant palm of the Celestial State cultivators, he could adapt with ease!

The disciples of the other 3 sects were also the best among their peers. As they had prepared for it, they dodged the strike of the 3 ghost generals without taking damage.

Immediately after, Liu Ming waved one hand, and a purple sword light flew out from his sleeve. He rode on the purple sword light and dashed for hundreds of meters.

The other 3 also used their own means to dash in 3 directions.

At the same time, inside the Taitian Fortress, the old man surnamed Fang and the other 3 could not see the specific situation of Liu Ming and others outside the Ghost Burial Array, but they channeled the aspect phantasms at the same time without hesitation. The powerful attacks made the entire Ghost Burial Array tremble with colorful lights again.

Above the array, the green-haired ghost general with bone armor looked at the 4 escape lights that were drifting away, a brutal look flashed across its eyes. A human junior ran under his nose, how could it not be furious. Its figure moved as it was about to pursue.

“Ke Man, stop! Protect the array first!” The green-faced old man’s voice sounded in the ears of the green-haired ghost general.

They barely held the array under the continuous attacks of the human cultivators in the fortress. If 1 of them left, the Ghost Burial Array would be breached.

The ghost general with bone armor finally stopped.

After this moment of delay, Liu Ming and others had turned into 4 light spots and disappeared into the distance.

“These 4 people must have a plot to escape from the Taitian Fortress. Is it okay to just let them go?” The ghost general with bone armor said a little unwillingly.

“Hmph, even if we send someone to chase now, it’s too late now.” The green-faced old man said.

“Looking at the direction they went, it should be to the 4 cities of the human race. Xuan Yang, immediately informs the guys who besieged the 4 cities of this situation and let them send someone to deal with these 4 human race juniors.” The ghost general with red eyebrows smiled coldly, turned its head and said to a ghost captain in red heavy armor beside.

It agreed, took out a palm-sized black square object and launched a symbol to it. A black light array lit up.

The ghost general with bone armor looked at the directions they escaped, then it took a deep breath and focused on stabilizing the Ghost Burial Array.


Over a low mountain more than 10,000 miles east of the Taitian Fortress, a purple sword light galloped from a distance. It stopped, and Liu Ming’s figure appeared from it.

Liu Ming turned his head and looked in the direction behind him with a hint of contemplation. He waved and retrieved the Bitter Wheel Sword, then he rushed toward the Golden Light City in a black cloud.

The Taitian Fortress and Golden Light City were far apart. The last time he departed from Golden Light City to the Taitian Fortress took about 2 days, but this time he rushed all the way, so it only took 1 day and 1 night to fly more than half of the distance.

When the black cloud flew over a low mountain, suddenly countless black lines shot out from the mountain below, covering him like raindrops.

In the black cloud, Liu Ming’s face turned grim. He waved and released the Bitter Wheel Sword. It flashed and turned into a purple sword wheel, blocking in front of him.

A piercing metallic sound burst out. The dense black lines were crushed by the sword wheel.

Above the mountain below, 2 black escape lights flew out and stopped 300 meters in front of Liu Ming. There were 2 ghost captains. One was burly and was wearing a thick black armor; the other was wearing a black robe and holding a black umbrella.

“Purple flying sword, it should be this person!”

The ghost captain with black armor glanced at the Bitter Wheel Sword and said coldly.

“Hmph! Just a mere human junior in the Pseudo Pellet State, they actually dispatch us together? It’s just in time that I can flex my muscles. You don’t have to do anything.” Another burly ghost captain looked at Liu Ming contemptuously. A black light flashed, and a 3 meters long bone spear appeared. A bone-piercing yin qi gushed out from the spear.

A loud shout!

The burly ghost captain stomped its feet fiercely, and he charged toward Liu Ming like a black arrow.

Liu Ming calmly patted the soul-recovering bag around his waist with one hand, and Xie’er wrapped in a golden light flew out in front of him.

The burly ghost captain saw that it was just a ghost creature of the Pseudo Pellet State, it snorted coldly. The bone spear burst into black light. It shook its arm and launched dense black spear shadows.

Bone Scorpion crossed her pincers, and the golden cockscomb mark shot a golden light beam at the spear shadows.

The ghost captain with black armor who was standing in the distance was watching the battle with its arms folded, but the moment Xie’er emitted the golden light beam, it was utterly shocked.

Before it could react, there was a burst of sizzling sound!

As soon as the pitch-black spear shadows touched the golden light, it vanished into thin air.

The burly ghost captain’s eyes also widened several times at the moment when the golden light appeared. It roared and retreated as if it met its nemesis.

Right at this moment, Liu Ming appeared behind him elusively, then a 30 meters long purple sword light rolled out!

The burly ghost captain could no longer move in mid-air. In this critical moment, it spat kht a black-white round disc in front of it.

The disc spun and released black-white mist, which condensed into a house-sized black-white vortex. A strong suction tried to devour the purple sword light.

Liu Ming’s face was expressionless. He shook his arms, and 2 more than 30 meters long black mist dragons charged into the vortex.

With a muffled sound, the black-white vortex suddenly trembled, losing half of its brilliance.

Immediately afterward, the purple sword light transformed by the Bitter Wheel Sword slashed down with a crackling thunder.


The black-white vortex and the strange disc behind it were slashed into 2.

The purple sword light continued to swirl around the burly ghost captain, slashing it into a few segments. The black armor broke like decoration!

They fought each other for only a few seconds, then the Real Pellet State ghost captain was killed instantly.

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Ready To Fight Back

Liu Ming tumbled out for dozens of meters before stabilizing his body. He spouted a few mouthfuls of blood with a pale face.

The Celestial State ghost general was surprised. It didn’t expect that the Pseudo Pellet State human cultivator, who had taken its almost full blow, only spat out a few mouthfuls of blood.

Its face turned solemn. It waved and grabbed at the space above Liu Ming.

A buzzing sound came from mid-air, stirring up a gust of wind. Strands of black crystal lights emerged and condensed into a giant black axe the size of a house. It trembled slightly and struck from the top of Liu Ming.

A sharp and heavy spiritual pressure burst out, and even the nearby space was twisted and distorted. Circles of waves could be seen with eyes.

The spiritual pressure instantly acted on Liu Ming, causing his body to sink abruptly. He felt like his muscles and bones were about to burst in the next moment!

Liu Ming was startled. He was about to make a move when a white light shot from the direction of Golden Light City, hitting the black axe swiftly.

Black and white lights suddenly burst out in all directions. Liu Ming was the closest to the blast center. He wrapped himself with black air to protect himself from the blast.

At this moment, he could barely see clearly that in the white light was a white jade ring only about 3 meters in size. It was steaming like it was alive.

It was a magic weapon!

On the west city wall of the Golden Light City, the old man surnamed Yao was standing against the wind and facing the Celestial State ghost general from a distance.

The old man surnamed Yao launched symbols, and the white jade ring burst out white light with a snap, bouncing off the giant black axe.

A white light erupted from jade ring and wrapped Liu Ming.

Liu Ming hurriedly launched a symbol at the damaged corpse in black robe, then it returned in a golden light.

Inside the golden light was a pale golden talisman, which was the yellow turban soldier talisman.

Liu Ming had long been skillful in using the yellow turban soldier talisman as a substitute. It really played a role today.

The next moment, Liu Ming was carried away by the white jade ring. The ghost general couldn’t stop it in time.

“Thank you Elder Yao!”

On the city wall, Liu Ming put away the yellow turban soldier talisman, turned around and bowed to the old man surnamed Yao.

The old man surnamed Yao looked away from Liu Ming’s hand, waved his hand slightly, and then looked out of the city.

In the air outside the city, the ghost general in silver armor frowned and did not continue to pursue. It waved and retrieved the giant black axe into its hand.

At the same time, the ghost army that besieged Golden Light City also slowly retreated with a few long horns.

The old man surnamed Yao saw that the ghost army outside the city was temporarily retreating, he breathed a sigh of relief. He turned around and was about to ask something when a gray light flashed down. A gray-haired middle-aged man appeared. It was Elder Wei.

“Brother Yao!” The gray-haired middle-aged man greeted the old man surnamed Yao, then he turned his eyes to Liu Ming.

“Greeting to grand elders.” Liu Ming bowed immediately.

“I remember your name is Liu Ming. You were dispatched to Taitian Fortress some time ago.” The gray-haired middle-aged man looked at Liu Ming with a hint of doubt on his face.

“It’s me indeed. This time, I was ordered by Elder Peng to report something important to grand elders.” Liu Ming said respectfully.

Although the old man surnamed Yao and the gray-haired middle-aged man had some vague guesses in their hearts, they were still shocked by the words.

Now the entire Golden Light City has almost completely cut off contact with the outside world, and it even lost contact with the Taitian Fortress. Although they also wanted to send disciples to break through the besieged, they failed for various reasons.

“This is not the place to talk. Follow me.” The old man surnamed Yao released a white light and carried Liu Ming toward the tower in the center of the city.

The gray-haired middle-aged man quickly instructed a few Real Pellet State deputy elders on the city wall, then he also followed in.

“Isn’t that person just now Liu Ming?” Among the disciples guarding the city, someone quickly recognized Liu Ming.

In the past 5 years, Liu Ming has been regarded as a well-known figure in the Golden Light Army, so many people recognized him.

“Wasn’t he dispatched to the Taitian Fortress? How could he be here?”

“Did he escape from Taitian Fortress?” The surrounding cultivators were discussing.

On the other side of the city, Hao Yue Tongzi and the middle-aged man surnamed Gu looked at each other with doubts, but now that Liu Ming was brought away by the other elders, they of course couldn’t tell as well.

“Why did Junior Fellow Apprentice Liu come back…”

Above the city wall, Min Rong, the former captain of the seventh squad, watched Liu Ming and the 2 Celestial State grand elders walk into the main tower, and muttered to himself.

Under the lead of the grand elders, Liu Ming went straight to a secret room in the main tower. The old man surnamed Yao flicked his sleeves and cast a soundproof enchantment.

“Okay, it’s fine now.” The old man surnamed Yao said.

“How is the situation at the Taitian Fortress now?” The gray-haired middle-aged man asked impatiently.

“Taitian Fortress was suddenly attacked by the ghost army a few days ago. Fortunately, the four elders in the city joined forces to initiate the Taitian Array, which barely repelled the ghost army… Now the entire city is sealed by the “Xuan Door Ghost Burial Array”. All the cultivators in the city, including the 4 elders, were kept inside. All communication signals in the fortress were cut off… In addition, there are 4 ghost generals in the enemy army…” Liu Ming briefly described the situation of the Taitian Fortress.

“Xuan Door Ghost Burial Array! No wonder…” The old man surnamed Yao said with a soft sigh.

When the gray-haired middle-aged man heard that there were 4 ghost generals, he also frowned tightly.

There were 2 Celestial State ghost generals outside the Golden Light City, and it was probably the same situation in the other 3 cities. The ghost army should have gone all out in uprooting the 4 major legions in one fell swoop.

“By the way, has Master’s Junior Huo Ye shown himself yet?” The gray-haired middle-aged man suddenly thought of something and asked.

“Grandmaster Huo Ye has never appeared, so after Elder Peng discussed with the elders of the other 3 sects, they decided to let 1 disciple of the 4 major sects break through the encirclement and rush to the 4 major cities… Elder Peng asked me to give this to elders.” A palm-sized round disc appeared in Liu Ming’s hand with a flash.

This disc seemed to be made of some kind of special metal. It seemed inconspicuous, but it exuded a mysterious aura.

The old man surnamed Yao and the gray-haired middle-aged man looked at each other in shock when they saw the silver disc in Liu Ming’s hand.

“Did Elder Peng have any words for us?” The old man surnamed Yao asked solemnly after taking a deep breath.

“Elder Peng said that the situation is now at the juncture of life and death. Only by using this method can the situation be reversed. The other legions will do the same.” Liu Ming replied respectfully.

“I understand what they mean. In fact, we already have this intention, but we have been worried about this third token.” The old man surnamed Yao took the disc from Liu Ming’s hand and said slowly.

The gray-haired middle-aged man also nodded solemnly.

“By the way, to initiate this ultimate mean, it needs 3 tokens. Each token has a corresponding special esoteric incantation. Elder Peng should have already arranged for it right?” The old man surnamed Yao thought about it and asked Liu Ming.

“Elders don’t have to worry, Elder Peng has already passed on the incantation to me.” Liu Ming said calmly.

“That’s good. You should rest for a while first. Later when we initiate it, we still need your help.” The old man surnamed Yao nodded and said.

Liu Ming agreed, walked to the corner of the hall and sat down cross-legged.


Outside Puppet City, where Nature Work Sect was located, it was also surrounded by tens of thousands of ghost army groups, which were much more numerous than Golden Light City.

However, the legion outside the city seemed to be a little chaotic at the moment. On the plain near the south city wall, there was the wreckage of a flying disc puppet several meters in size. Judging from the damage, it seemed that it had just been destroyed.

In a hall in Puppet City, the honest-looking young man in a yellow robe was tattered, and he also suffered some injuries. At this moment, he was sitting cross-legged on the ground. A slender, white-haired middle-aged man was standing beside him, releasing a white light to cover the honest-looking young man.

Next to the young man, there was an old dwarf man in a red shirt. Although his physique was weird, the aura emanating from his body was no weaker than that of the white-haired middle-aged man.

After a long time, the honest-looking young man opened his eyes. His wounds had mostly healed. He stood up and said with a bow.

“Thank you Elder You for helping. I’m fine now!” The honest-looking young man said.

“Okay, let’s leave the casual talk later. That guy must have something to let you inform us since you came here from Taitian Fortress.” The white-haired middle-aged man put away the white light in his hand and said.

“Yes, Elder Fang intends to use Xuan Sacred Puppet.” The honest-looking young man took out a hexagonal roulette.

Seeing this, the white-haired middle-aged man’s pupils shrank slightly, then he exchanged glances with the dwarf in a red cloth. They both nodded slightly.


Inside the secret room of a tower in Demon Subdue City.

“So that’s the case. Since Elder Shi also agreed to wake up the Bloodthirst Demonic Lizard, we will do it accordingly. There is no other good way besides this.” The beautiful woman surnamed Qi said with a sigh.

Beside him, the young man with long eyebrows in a black robe looked a little excited.

In front of them, a veiled woman stood with her hands down. Her chest was undulating slightly. She seemed to be out of spiritual power.

“Order all the Demon Vanquish Army’s disciples in the city to get ready. We will fight back in half a day!” The beautiful woman surnamed Qi ordered coldly.

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