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[Story] Attitude meets Arrogance – S01 E90

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Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 90

Ethan’s POV

I angrily hit the ball and it ended up on Sofie’s face.. I felt angry at dad…At times I feel like he doesn’t love or understand me…

Mom loves and supports me…Dad has to understand I am not a nerd like Troy.

I hate reading, I hate school…I love playing football and being notorious…Being normal and nerdy is boring…

Sofie begun crying and Troy ran to her…He gave her a handkerchief but she slapped it away…

Mean girl, how can she do that to my brother???

“Sofie, you don’t throw my brother’s handkerchief like that….” I warned her…

“Ethan it really hurts…I will tell your mother…” She threatened me but she doesn’t know mom will always take my side…

“I am sorry but you are the one who didn’t watch where you going…Next time be careful..”

Melodramatic queen…

“Ethan please apologise to her…” Troy pleaded with me…I knew he liked her and that’s the only reason I apologised.

“Sorry Sofie…” I said dryly….

“Can I get your handkerchief to wipe away my tears???” She smiled…

“Use Troy’s….” I shook my head and walked away…I can’t put up with her melodrama…

Minutes later, Troy walked to me all sad…

“What did that melodramatic queen do???”

“She pushed me away and didn’t let me wipe her tears away…She even stepped on my handkerchief…” Troy stuttered and wore his glasses…

“I know you like her but she is not worth it…Nobody treats my brother like that…” I squeezed his shoulder…

“I think she likes you because you are notorious…” He faced down…

“I don’t like her, I can’t even stand her..I would never betray you…It’s always bros before girls…Always and forever…” I smiled at him before hugging him…

“You promise???”

“I promise Troy….I can never hurt my brother…”

THE END……………………………….