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[Story] Attitude meets Arrogance – S01 E89

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Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 89

Jaxon and Ethan were busy cracking jokes as Troy and I were making pancakes when Mia and Ariana walked into the room arguing…

“Mia, I will take your phone away…” Ariana cussed out…

“C’mon Aunt, we are the 21st generation kids parents don’t take phones from us anymore…” Pashmina retorted behind them…

“Louder for the people at the back Pash…” Ethan yelled…

I shook my head at Ethan and continued with what I was doing…

“Jaxon, talk to her????” Ariana ordered but Jaxon just shrugged,” I will not interfere with your issues..right princess???”

“Yes dad…” She smiled and ran to him for hug…

Time really flies…All our kids are all grown….

Ariana and Jaxon have two kids:Troy and Mia, Chloe and Mason have only Pashmina and Sophie well she has a two year old baby girl Bella…

“I will go crazy…” Ariana walked out of the kitchen, throwing her hands in the air and we all just laugh…These kids can sometimes drive you crazy…

“Pash you texted me???” Chloe yawned….

“I need some cash for fuel, my car is low at gas…” Pashmina replied dryly….

“What??? I thought you are in trouble…You couldn’t have come to my room…” She begun yelling at her…

“I didn’t feel like it…You know #bored #i don’t wanna come…” Pashmina rolled her eyes…

Chloe lost it and when she was about to slap her, Mason walked in…This kitchen is always the center of drama…

“Baby girl,” He hugged Pashmina, “Here is twenty thousand….Why bother your mom when you got me??? Now get to college…” He kissed her on the forehead and Chloe almost exploded in rage…

“Thanks dad…” She kissed him on the cheek, made faces at her mother before walking away…

The Marcias brothers were really spoiling their daughters…

“You Marcias brothers will be the ruin of these girls ,twenty thousand??? She is just going to school…” Chloe reprimanded Mason who didn’t seem like he cared…

“She is my daughter and i’ts my money….”

Chloe groaned and walked away….


Sebastian and his wife together with their daughter Sofia and Jane and Max together with their son Amy had come for the monthly family lunch which was been held at our mansion…

They were both one year younger than Troy and Ethan…

The couples were busy having fun at the garden as I went to check on the kids…Ethan is very notorious and you can never sit still when he is around..

Amy was playing video games, Ruby and Mia were playing with their dolls in their room…Ethan as usual was playing football at the backyard with Troy seated on the chair watching him as he read a novel…

It seems they were fine, I could get back to the garden…

“Ethan, why can’t you be like Troy??? You always either notorious or playing football…”Jordan yelled behind me and I could see Ethan clench his teeth…

I did like when Jordan did the comparison shit on my son…

“Dad, chill….I don’t even like novels…Work without play makes Ethan a dull boy…” He winked at his dad who seemed to get more furious by the second…

“Have you done your homework???”

“No dad…”

“Drop that ball and get in there and do your homework…” Jordan ordered and I could see tears in my son’s eyes…

No, he was been too harsh on him…He was still a kid…

“Ethan continue playing my son, you will do your homework tomorrow…It’s a weekend…” I smiled at him and he just nodded…

“And you Jordan Marcias we need to talk!!!” I dragged him far from the backyard….

I was about to give him a piece of my mind when Troy held his hand…

“Uncle, can I get more novels to read????”

“Okay Troy, I will get you some later…” He beamed and when Troy walked away he became mad again…

“Ciara, you are spoiling Ethan…You are pampering him alot…I feel like you love him more than Hope..” He said in almost a whisper…

“Jordan Marcias yell at my son again and God help me…You won’t like what I would do…” I warned between closed teeth…

“He is also my son…All I want is him to focus on his studies…I want him to be the heir of Marcias company and how will he be when he is not studying??? He should be like Troy…”

“Don’t play comparison shit with my son…Troy can also be the heir of that company or even Pashmina….So please for the love of God don’t be harsh on him, he is still a child…” I thundered and walked away to the garden…..