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[Story] Attitude meets Arrogance – S01 E88

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Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 88

Those words make me emotional Everytime I hear them…Ethan was my world and I would lay my life for him…

“Love you too…Let me change into something nice then we will go downstairs…”

I turned ready to walk into the closet when Hope entered the room whining…

“Mom, Mia is driving me crazy with that croaking voice of hers…Who told her she can sing??? I want some beauty sleep????”

Meet Hope, my daughter…She thinks she is a princess who deserves everything to be done her way…But what can I do when her father has chose to spoil her???

“Baby girl,” Jordan picked her up, “You can sleep on our bed until you get your beauty sleep okay???”

“Yes daddy, is it okay mommy???” She faked a sad face…

“Hope, Mia is like a sister to you…Don’t say her voice is croaking, she is older than you…” I spoke softly before getting into the closet….

When Ethan and I walked into the kitchen, we found Jaxon and Troy making chocolate milkshake…Actually Jaxon was making the milkshake and Troy was on the counter reading a novel…

“Jax????” Ethan run towards Jaxon and they did this weird greeting they have….

“Hey buddy??? Want some milkshake before chocolate pancakes are ready???”

“Yes Jax, I thought you would never ask…” Ethan helped Jaxon make milkshakes as they talked about his latest song…

Troy got down from the counter and hugged me, “Aunt I didn’t want to wake you up but I really crave for some chocolate pancakes…” He said softly…

Troy is sort of a calm, lovable kid…All he does is watch TV, read novels and drown his head in books…My Ethan well: notorious, a bully, hyper and loves playing football more than doing his homework…If it were up to him, he would be somewhere playing football…

“Okay, get the bowl and I will get ingredients…” I placed a soft kiss on his forehead….

Jaxon and Ethan were busy cracking jokes as Troy and I were making pancakes when Mia and Ariana walked into the room arguing…

“Mia, I will take your phone away…” Ariana cussed out…

“C’mon Aunt, we are the 21st generation kids parents don’t take phones from us anymore…” Pashmina retorted behind them…

“Louder for the people at the back Pash…” Ethan yelled…

I shook my head at Ethan and continued with what I was doing…

“Jaxon, talk to her????” Ariana ordered but Jaxon just shrugged,” I will not interfere with your issues..right princess???”

“Yes dad…” She smiled and ran to him for hug…