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[Story] Attitude meets Arrogance – S01 E83

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Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 83

Jordan’s POV

I could barely feel my fingers from the massage I was from giving Ciara….

It had become a habit of mine to massage and bathe her since she could barely even reach her knees. It was the much I could do for her..

Her belly was growing bigger and bigger by the day…

She was now seven months pregnant which was by God’s grace….She has been on and off hospitals and nothing seems to change . She is more pale, more weaker but full of enthusiasm to meet her beloved son and hold him in his arms…

The persisting headaches, the unbearable abdominal pains, the nausea and vomiting were nothing when it came to this fearless mother to be…Never look down on mother’s my friends…

But if it was possible for a man to carry a child inside him then I would have been more than willing to and take the pain from her

After fearing God, fear mothers…They can be very dangerous and persisting when it comes to their children….

“Jordan????” She shook me vigorously….

“Yes love, do you want to go to the bathroom???” I yawned…

“No, I am craving some watermelons and apples fresh from the garden…” She said in a calm tone…

“What???” I slid her head from my chest and sat upright on the bed…

“Yes, I feel hungry and want fruits….”

“The last time you wanted some dried fish and you made me drive all around town at 2am looking for them which for you information you didn’t even eat…”

I squeezed my eyes with my fingers the moment I realised I spoke in almost a loud voice…I was exhausted, I had an early meeting but thanks to her cravings sleep is gonna be a word I read from the dictionary…

“I am sorry baby.

. ” I tried to hold her hand but she drew it back…

“You promised you won’t get tired…” Tears dripped from her eyes…

“I didn’t mean to yell at you baby, forgive me…If you want, I will get the fruits from the refrigerator….” I spoke in a soothing manner think I would convince her but all in vain…

“I want fresh watermelons and apples from the garden…” She said in a commanding tone and got back to bed…

“Where do I get them at 3am????” I cried out…

“Figure that out….” She pulled the duvet over her head…Great, just great…She gets to sleep and what do I get???A roadtrip that I didn’t ask for…

I headed downstairs and found Jaxon in the living room watching football and he gulped a glass of whisky down his throat…

“Rough night???” I slumped on the sofa next to him…

“Yeah, the baby is finally asleep but the cries were like torture to my ears..I need my own time…Why are up at 3am, what does she want this time???”He asked…

“Fresh watermelons and apples from the garden….” I sighed only for him to laugh at me, “That was the story of my life an year ago…So where are the car keys??? We should go for a drive before they drive us crazy….” He chuckled…

“Let me get them…Only God knows how sleepy I will be during the meeting with the Chinese investors tomorrow…” I shook my head at the thought of that…

We got back home at 6 am and guess what I didn’t get the apples and watermelons…When I got to our room, your highness was sleeping soundly…

As I had predicted, I was deadbeat tired during that meeting…It was like people were lip syncing and blabbing gibberish…I can’t wait to get home and sleep if that is even possible…

Never have I ever slept in the office but today I couldn’t help it….I cancelled all my appointments and spent the rest of the day sleeping on the sofa like a depressed man without a home to go to…

I was always looking forward to going home but nowadays when the darkness creeps in I get worked up knowing no sleep for me…

When I got home everyone had had their dinner and people were in their room…I had slept comfortably in my office that I hadn’t realised it was 11pm at night…

I headed upstairs into my room and found her highness reading some romantic novel…

“Why are you home so late????” She asked, her face waiting like a question…

Can you at least wait I loosen my tie and freshen up???

“Late meetings in the office…How is you and the baby???”

“Dirty and exhausted…We need to have a bathe and a relaxing massage from daddy….” She smiled, rubbing her belly.

. “Right son????”

“Okay….” I replied in a bored tone…I know I should be supportive but am human too…I get exhausted…

After bathing her, I gave her a full massage before changing into my pyjamas….

“Where are you going???” She asked the moment I sat on the bed…

“Obviously I wanna go to bed…” What a stupid question…

“I don’t feel like you should sleep beside me tonight…The baby and I want the bed to ourselves, take the couch please…” She said with a straight face…

What kind of madness is this??? I need to have some sleep or else I will go crazy…I can’t sleep on the sofa in the office and come home and sleep on the sofa too…Sweet holiness, where did I go wrong????


“You don’t care about us…You want me to sleep uncomfortably…You said you will always be there for us…” She began crying….Darn it, this pregnancy is making her emotional…

“Fine I will sleep on the sofa….” I lifted my hands up in surrender…

“You are the best….” She squeezed my hand and went to sleep…

Angrily and ranting cursing words my nose, I tried getting into a comfortable sleeping position on the sofa when she called out on me…

“My love????”

“Yes???” I sat up from the sofa excitedly..

“You know I love you right????” She bit her lip excitedly and I could feel my heart flutter in my chest…When she bits her lips, I feel weak on my knees…

She misses me….I know she wants I go down on her and then after that she will request I go back to bed…

“Yes my love..What do you want honey????” I smiled seductively….

“Can you go sleep in the guest room, I don’t know why I feel irritated and angry seeing you..And please switch off the lights on your way out…” She smiled and got back to sleep…

What and where now???? I could feel rage burning my whole body…Calm down Jordan…Only two months….

I walked into the closet changed into a pair of blue ripped jeans, a white V-neck shirt and black desert boots….

When I walked into the living room to grab the car keys, I found Jaxon and Mason having some whisky….

“Where are you going????”Mason asked…

“She doesn’t want me in the room…”

They both writhed in laughter and couldn’t help but join in…

“What happened to you guys????” I asked…

“Chloe is mad because I forgot book her an appointment in the beauty spa..” Mason shrugged…

“As usual, baby issues….Ariana wouldn’t let me touch her since she is afraid the baby might wake up…” Jaxon shook his head…

” I guess our wives married us, we didn’t marry them…They are lucky we love them or else they couldn’t have heard the end of the Marcias brothers….Anyone wants to go out???” I raised am eyebrow at them…

“I thought you would never ask…” Jaxon lilted…

We were busy drinking and talking about our wives at the bar counter in Club Laxii when my phone started buzzing…

Damn it was Ciara…Before I could even answer it, Jaxon’s and Mason’s phones begun buzzing too..Their wives were also calling….We will not hear the end of this…

“Hey my love????” I answered the phone call..

“How irresponsible???You are supposed to be by your pregnant wife’s side but you decided to go God knows where…If you don’t come home right now, forget sleeping in this room forever…”

She hanged up…

“I am in hot soup guys…” I scratched my head…

“I am doomed, I have been banned from my room for a week…” Mason cried out…

“Ariana has said she doesn’t want to see me…” Jaxon shook her head, taking a shot of tequila…

“Let’s go home guys before our wives throw our clothes out…We married crazy not wives…Especially me Sugar and spice whipped with crazy and attitude…”I retorted…

“Let’s go…” They said in unison….


Two months later…

I was busy massaging her feet when she begun screaming…

“Stupid fool, he is coming…” She yelled…

Now I am a stupid fool…

“What??? Who is coming???…”.

“Shut up and grab the baby bag..We need to go to the hospital now…” She bit her lips, grabbing the bedsheet on both sides….

What we are having our baby??? Yes!!!

“Hurry up Jordan, the contractions and the water might break soon….”

There I was running around in circles…Should I change first, calm the others or grab the baby bag?????

“Jordan, hurry up or I am gonna give birth here…” She said between closed teeth….

Calm down Jordan…You can do this…. I helped her stand from the bed, took the baby bag and slowly begun walking her out of the room…

“Jordan, I don’t think I can walk…”She cried out and tried to sit on the floor…

“C’mon you can do this my love….”

“You are not the one feeling what am feeling so just shut your ass up…”She bit my t-shirt…

Finally everyone was here…Jaxon helped me to get her to the car, Mason went to get the car and Chloe, Ariana and mother ensured everything needed was in the bag pack…Ariana and granny had to be left home to look after Troy…

“Jordan are we there yet????” She squeezed my hand, groaning….

“Be strong my love, we are gonna be in the hospital soon…” I tried soothing her..

“My water just broke Jordan…I am gonna give birth in this car I swear…” She begun slapping my chest, “Please rub my back!!!”

I wish I had listened to mother when she insisted to be beside Ciara…Now I am here tensed not knowing what to do…

“Jaxon, drive faster…Or me and you are gonna be forced to witness a delivery in this car…” I yelled…

“I am trying, calm down dude….” He yelled back…

When we got to the hospital, she was placed on a stretcher and taken into the delivery room…There we were in the waiting room pacing to and fro since we weren’t allowed in there…

Thirty minutes later, the doctor walked to us looking worried…

“Is my wife and son fine????” I stammered…

“We have to take her to the operating room…Her blood pressure is extremely high. Mr Marcias there are some papers you have to sign…” The doctor retorted…

“Doctor they will be fine right????” My mother asked…

“Chances of saving both are minimal but we will try. Its very risky, we might lose her..But the mother wants we save the baby…”

She had no shame saying that ..

“How dare you let my wife to die????” I held her by the collar not caring if she was a woman, “She is in pain, she doesn’t know what she is saying…If she dies I am gonna sue this thing you call a hospital…” I raged….

“Jordan calm down…” Jaxon tried to free my hands from the doctor’s collar,”Nothing will happen to our Ciara and baby…”

“I will go sign the papers, make sure your brother is in check…” My mother suggested….

“No, I am going into that operating room…I won’t lose her…” I tried to follow the doctor but my brother’s held me back…


“Leave me alone, I want to go to my wife…” I cried out but all in vain…

“Jaxon take her out for some air, I will sign the papers…”My mother stated and went away with the doctor…

“You need to calm down Jordan!!!” Mason pleaded with me when dragging me out of the hospital…

“Leave me alone!!!” I yelled…

“They are going to be fine, have faith…”Jaxon tried to encourage me…

“Be fine???” I shook their hands off me, “Your wives had normal delivery…My wife on the other hand has been having complications since she got pregnant…If she dies, I will die too… What’s the need of living without my reason of living???” Tears streamed down my eyes as they both hugged me…

I casted my eyes to God, I needed his mercies more than ever now…Dear God save my wife and baby…

As I walked around the garden with my brothers beside me, I felt like I had whispered a thousand words to God and cried a million tears…

“Guys let’s go back…They should be done by now…” I commanded…

Seeing the fury in my eyes, they didn’t even try and oppose…When we got back to the waiting room, Sophie had slept on mother’s shoulder while Chloe paced to and fro…

“Chloe, what has the doctor said???” I stuttered…

“They haven’t come out yet….”

“Will they be okay???” I could feel a sob stuck in my throat…

“Let’s hope so…” She tried hard to seem okay but she was as hell worried as I was…

Darkness enfolded me,strangling my veins…My heart was cobwebbed with pain and brain tangled with grief….I was blinded by the tears in my eyes and the worry continued to abuse me…I can’t lose her…

“My son???” My mom walked to me and hugged me…The hug that I needed to assure me everything will be fine…

“Don’t worry our Ciara is strong…Have faith my son…”

“I am worried mum, I don’t want to lose any of them especially Ciara…”

“We won’t lose her…” She wiped the tears from my eyes and hugged me once more…

If that wasn’t enough, granny kept calling after every five minutes….

I sat on the bench, my head bent down and my hands on it…I couldn’t breathe, I was all choked up…They say God is merciful, where is he when I need him the most…

“Jordan, the doctor is here…” My mother patted my shoulder softly…

“Doctor how is my wife???” I stuttered, wiping the tears from my eyes…

“We managed to save them both but your wife has lost a lot of blood..” I staggered back but Jaxon held me…

“And our baby???” Mason stammered…

“He is okay but he is in the Neonatal intensive care unit..He has respiratory distress syndrome because of immature lungs but don’t worry it’s mild…” The doctor beamed…

“Mr Marcias you can go see your wife…And then one of you in turns can go see the baby…” The doctor said..

“Okay…” Finally my heart could beat normal again…I don’t know if I was happy or relieved….I felt grateful that my wife was still with me…

Having to dip your feet into the pits of death and still come out alive was no joke…

When I walked into the recovery room, there she was looking so fragile and pale…With an oxygen mask and a pulse oximeter attached to her finger…

“Be strong my love, our baby needs you…” I took her hand in mine, “Thank you for not leaving me…”

I could help but let my tears drip from my eyes, I was so grateful that she was still here with me…

. .