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[Story] Attitude meets Arrogance – S01 E81

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Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 81

Ciara’s POV

I walked into the kitchen to make some baby shake and found Jaxon making his favourite chocolate milkshake….

“So how is the baby elephant doing???” He joked and I slapped the upside of his head…

“Do I look fat to you????”

“You said it not me…” He raised his hands dramatically…


“I love the glow in your face…You look happy and it makes me happy…I told you he loves you…”

I couldn’t help but blush…Was it that obvious that I was happily in love???

“And thank you for being there for me…Who would have thought we would have fallen in love with different people???” I shook my head reaching out for the blender when I felt his hand on mine…

“Missy, I will make you the baby shark…Just sit on top of the counter and tell me anything…” He wiggled his eyebrows and I shrugged…

He lifted me on the counter and begun making the baby shake…

“So how are you right now??? Do you still have those killer headaches???”

“Yeah but Jordan is always there and he makes it bearable…” I looked at my fingers shyly just by the mere thought of Jordan…

“Awwwh, someone is in love…” He wiggled his eyebrows and took some chocolate milkshake from his glass with his fingers and applied it on my cheek…

“Do you remember the Maasai mara getaway, when I took you to that forest, when we went out without Jordan consent that he almost exploded??? I was stupid in love, who could have imagined Ciara could be with my brother and I would be cool with it..How time changes…” He shook his head smiling…

“But they were good memories…We had fun when it lasted and right now we are having our own families…I am glad we are close like before…” I smack his arm and he just smiled..

“Here is your baby shake, your highness….” He handed me the baby shake and sat beside me on the counter,”I want you to always smile…No matter the pain, you got this..That baby is so lucky, he will have you to himself..I hope you won’t ignore us…”

“I will never do that…So how is Ariana, is she still mad at me????”

He placed his glass on the counter and took my hand, “We weren’t doing anything wrong…It was just a friend been there for a friend..She will come around…”

We stared into each others’ eyes for a while before it felt all awkward and he pulled his hand away like nothing had happened…

“So when do you plan on seeing and holding the baby??? Since they were discharged yesterday you haven’t come to see them…” Jaxon asked after a long silence..

“I will soon…”

“I wish you see his eyes, it’s like seeing me in him…I can’t wait for him to grow up and then we can play football , go to the park Damn being a dad feels amazing…For the record you will also be a good mom..” He winked at me and gulped down the remaining chocolate milkshake from the glass…

“So here you are!!!” I heard Ariana chuckle from behind and I trembled…I didn’t want to argue with her..

“Jaxon, can you help me down??? I think it’s time I go rest…” I requested and he nodded, carrying me from the counter and placed me gently on the floor,”Take care of yourself…”

I smiled and walked past Ariana like she wasn’t there where I felt her hand on my wrist, “Ciara can we talk???”

“About???” I turned around..

“I was temperamental about the other day and I am sorry…I know I said mean things to you and Jaxon was there for you as a friend…I should have been supportive…”

“It’s okay…”

“So when is auntie Ciara ready to hold baby Troy in her arms???”

“Even right now…” I beamed and she outstretched her arms for a hug…

“Thank you…” I whispered as we hugged and she just nodded as Jaxon winked at me..

“I am glad you are okay…”

“My love this is unfair, I am just away for some few hours and your are giving hugs without me…” I heard Jordan complain behind me…

Jaxon walked towards us and placed his arms on my shoulder and Ariana’s after we pulled away from each other..

“Don’t be selfish brother…She is still our in-law…Right baby elephant???”

“No, I only belong to my husband…” I dropped his arm from my shoulder and ran to Jordan who hugged me gently…

“How is my love doing???”

“She missed you…” I pulled his face close to me and kissed him so gently…

“Can you go to your room???” Jaxon shouted and we just laughed…

We later turned around to face them and found them also kissing..”Can you also get a room???” I shouted and Jaxon covered their faces with his hands and they didn’t stop..

“How are you feeling??? is the headache still there???” Jordan wrapped his arms on my belly and rested his chin on my shoulder…

My back felt nice been squeezed by his chest..

“Yes love, I am much better…Thank you..”

“So Ariana how is baby Troy???” Jordan asked the moment they stopped kissing…

“He is asleep…”

“I can’t wait to be a dad too, he will never leave my arms…” It made me feel lucky hearing those words come from Jordan’s mouth…He is gonna be a very good dad, no the best dad..

“Trust me brother, it’s the best feeling ever…”

“It was good talking to you guys but me and my wife have to pack for our weekend getaway…”

“What???” I asked surprised and he spinned me around to look at him,”Yes my love we both need a break..And my son needs to rest and a change of environment…”

“Where are we going????” I asked excitedly only for him to kiss me…

“It’s a surprise…”

“Can I come??? It’s my turn to look after the baby and I need sleep too” Jaxon cried out…

“No!!!!” We both said in unison as Jordan carried me into his arms bridal style…

“Jaxon, I will teach you a lesson” Ariana tried to pinch his ear but he ran past us…


When I woke up, I was sleeping in a unfamiliar room that was very beautiful…I turned around to see if Jordan was lying beside me but I was all alone…

Are we in Maseka???? Jeez, I can’t believe I slept almost through the whole drive…Jordan must have been bored not having someone to talk after I dozed off…

I remember after the stop-over at Matiwa that’s when I begun feeling sleepy… But how can I forget the jokes he told, the songs we sung, the number of people we gossiped about before reaching at Matiwa…It must have been tiring…

I was happy to see my love genuinely smiling and laughing…He had this glow on his face that I have never seen before…

Beatrice is the one unfortunate to let such a rare gem go…He is the definition of a perfect husband, No he is even more than perfect if that even exists….

I slowly got out of bed and begun to look around.

. I slid a large glass picture window open and it led me to the balcony where I could see the ocean and feel the breeze…

It was soothing to the soul and the baby…

I slowly stopped smiling at the ocean and stared at my belly…

“Baby, how are you feeling???? It’s soothing right…It was your papas idea for us to come here…” I couldn’t help but smile as I rubbed my belly softly…I can’t wait to hold him in my arms, my baby boy, my world….

“And how are you feeling????” Jordan asked behind me…

“You are bad….” I faked a sad face the moment I turned to look at him…

There he was leaning on the glass picture window looking all handsome with a vest and grey sweatpants…

“What did I do????” He walked to me and begun stroking my cheeks with his hands…

“You left us all alone…I thought I would wake up and find your arm wrapped around me…” I looked away..

“Baby, I am sorry…But I had to make you breakfast…The doctor gave me clear instructions…Please don’t be mad…” I could feel him move closer and closer to me that there was no inch between us…

He slowly turned me so as I could face him and rested his forehead on mine…

“I don’t wanna ever lose you…”He covered my mouth with a fierce gentle kiss and I lost all sanity..

I could feel nausea crawling up my throat and so I pulled back…

“Jordan, I wanna throw up…” I ran inside and he followed me….He slid another glass window and we got inside the bathroom..

I knelt Infront of the toilet and there he was beside me…Holding my hair while rubbing my back…

Not only did I feel weak but also that I was throwing up the energy in me….I wanted to stop but couldn’t…It was like I was compelled to it…

I was all sweaty and in tears as I sat on the floor…

“I can’t do this anymore Jordan…It’s killing me…” I sobbed unceasingly…

“I know but I am here for you all the way…” He wrapped his arms around me and I cried on his chest…

“Make it stop Jordan…It hurts, it’s draining me…”

“Ciara baby, be strong for the being inside you…Our son depends on you, he wants his strong woman to fight…Come I will take you to bed….”

I drew back and wiped my wet cheeks but the tears didn’t want to stop…

“It’s okay baby…” He dropped the hands from my face, “If crying makes you feel better then do it…”

“Promise you won’t get tired of me???”

“What are you saying???? I will never give up on you…You mean the whole world to me my love..Come let’s get you to bed…”

He kisses the tears on my cheeks before standing up…He takes me in his arms and carries me to bed….

I could see he is trying to smile but the sadness in his eyes sold him out….

“Jordan, I will be okay…” I tried making it sound better as he tucked me in…

“Get some rest….” He turned around ready to walk to the balcony when I held his hand…

He didn’t want to look at me….

“Jordan look at me….” I pleaded but he shook his head…

“C’mon baby look at me please….” After much insisting he did…

There was tears in his eyes and his face was drained ..

“I am gonna be okay…” I said softly even thou I knew it wasn’t true…

“I don’t think I can stand seeing you like this…In pain, excess vomiting, headaches, unbearable abdominal pains….I don’t know if want this anymore…”

“What do you mean Jordan???” I asked in almost a loud voice…

“Maybe we should terminate the pregnancy…We can always get another one…I don’t wanna lose you…”

I felt a slash in my heart after hearing those words..Why is he giving up??? This is our son…

“I think you should leave Jordan…I don’t want to see you…” I threw his hand away…


“Just leave Jordan…Anyone who is an enemy of my son is my enemy…”

“Ciara,” He sat on the bed beside me,”Just look at you…You are all weak and drained….It’s only three months and I feel like I am losing you…What if this kills you???” He stuttered…

“Just leave…” I looked away..

I knew he was right but this is my son we are talking about…Since the first day I chose him and will always do…Even if it means losing my life in the end…

He tried taking hold of my hand but I drew it back….

“I just don’t wanna lose you… “

“I am keeping him and if you don’t want that it’s up to you…Now leave, I wanna sleep…” I turned the other side and pulled the sheet over my head…

“I am not leaving…I will be here, I will stay here…And if that’s what you want, for us to keep the baby then I will support you…Please don’t be mad at me…”

He kissed the sheet where my forehead was before I felt a slight slam on the door…