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[Story] Attitude meets Arrogance – S01 E80

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Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 80

Jordan’s POV

There she was in my arms looking so fragile…

How could I not consider my actions or words????

“Please love wake up, don’t leave me!!” I stuttered and Jane just shook her head…

“Dude stop being a fool…We need to get her to the hospital, I think she needs medical attention…”

How could she be so calm while I was freaking out??? I could literally feel like someone was squeezing my heart out…

Without her, there was no point of living…I felt destroyed seeing her in that state…

“How are you so calm???” I asked…

“Have you seen you??? You look like you could die of a heart attack…Take her to the car and I will pack some clothes for her…” She replied dryly…

“Can you at least tell me what’s happening???” I stammered as tears threatened to stream down…

“Should we do this right now???” Jane palm slapped her forehead..

“Yeah, I wanna know what is ahead of me and know if I have the strength to persevere…I don’t wanna lose her…”

I swallowed down hard the now developed lump of tears in my throat…

“She has hyperemesis gravidarum and it’s so delicate…She could lose the baby if under stress and I think right now you are the stress with this b*tch who I know she is praying she miscarriages…Darling it won’t happen…” She rolled her eyes and Beatrice while pointing her finger at her face….

What???? She was going through all that and she didn’t see it fit to tell me…I thought we were one…

She just confessed she loves me, why did she not trust me???

“I will also come with you guys in the hospital…” Beatrice stated and Jane almost pounced on her…

“No missy, you gonna take your tiny body out of this house…When she comes back, she needs to find her room clean…” Jane sneered…

“But…” Beatrice tried to say something but I interrupted her,” Jane is right…You should leave…”

“For once we are on the same page…” Jane commented and I just shook my head..

I took Ciara into my arms and begun walking towards the door when Beatrice hugged me from behind…

“I don’t want you to leave…” She sobbed..

Is this girl okay???? The love of my life is lifelessly held my arms and here she is been a baby….I wanted to shout Oh please you look pathetic when she was pushed away from me that I staggered…

“Little b*tch sit your ass down if you don’t want it to get nasty…I will squeeze your eyeballs out in a minute…” Jane pushed her against the wall and she flinched…

“Let go Marcias….” She ordered and I nodded…

She seemed to be in a bad mood and I didn’t want to be on her bad side….

When we arrived in the hospital, she was immediately taken to the emergency room…

“I am so disappointed Jane, I told you to take care of her….” The doctor who had come to the house the other day shook her head at Jane…

“How is my wife??? Will she be better???” I stammered…

“So you already know…I can’t promise anything now but pray she doesn’t lose the baby..” She said sadly before getting into the emergency room…

I could feel guilt creep inside me…It’s all my fault, I was so mean to her tonight…I embarrassed her Infront of everyone and didn’t care about her feelings…If anything happens to the baby I will never forgive myself…

I slowly sat on the floor and pulled the knees to my chest..I firmly held onto my legs as tears trickled down my cheeks…

God save them please!!! Don’t take my baby away from me…I can’t go through the pain of losing a loved one again…I can’t withstand it…

“If anything happens to Ciara, it’s all your fault…” Jane cussed out before walking away…

I have never been the type to pray but now I was desperately lifting my eyes up to the heavens…

Minutes later, Jane came back with Chloe, Mason and Sophie…

“Bro are you okay????” Mason knelt beside me and placed his arm around my shoulder…

“She is pregnant and I didn’t know it…She didn’t give me the chance to be there for my baby…” I raised my voice unintentionally as squeezed my legs so tight…

“We tried to convince her to tell you but she didn’t want to…” Mason said in almost a whisper.

“What???” I dropped his arm from my shoulder and stood up from the floor…

“So you want to tell me you all knew about it????” I yelled and they all nodded embarrassingly…

“Mason I am your brother, Sophie I didn’t expect this from you..Chloe even you??? I can understand Jane but not you guys…That’s is my kid…” By now my heart was pounding like madness…I was infuriated, I was filled with so much rage that I could explode…

If I lose that baby I will never forgive them ,they took away my chance to be with my baby…

“We couldn’t go against Ciara…” Sophie stammered…

“Shut up,” I snapped at her, “Your loyalty should always be with me..”

“Jordan calm down,” Mason tried to place his hand on my shoulder but I slapped it away, “Don’t act brotherly now…”

I am gonna make sure my temper rains down on them like hailstorms…

“Jordan, stop acting all sainty…Tell them you were kissing that Betty b*tch when Ciara walked on you guys. How you insulted her and here we are outside the emergency room…” Jane yelled at me..If eyes could burn I would be ashes by now .

I could feel my hands begin to open and close with quickening breaths…I wish Beatrice never came back…

My anger was trapped in my chest and it was choking me…

“She is the one who kissed me!!!” I barked,”I love Ciara so much and If I knew she was pregnant I wouldn’t have been careless…”

I hadn’t realised tears had begun trickling down my cheeks again…

“What changes??? You walked out of the party with Beatrice in your arms. If anything happens to the baby or her you are responsible . Always know that…” Jane yelled almost at my face and I felt like my head was going to explode…

It’s all my fault, I am a useless husband…I let a mere foolish feeling from the past blind my feelings

“Jordan you are a heartless arrogant man…” Jane continued to throw insults on my face and I allowed them to get to me…

“Shut up!!!” I screamed and squeezed my ears tightly with my hands,”I know it’s my fault but stop saying it…” Her words had begun been a torture to my ears…

I felt Mason’s hands on my shoulders before he hugged me…

“It’s okay Jordan…Calm down…”

“It’s my fault Mason, I am the reason my wife and baby are in there…” I couldn’t hide the agony in my heart anymore…

I allowed my tears to flow not minding who saw them…

“I need a moment…”

When I got into the bathroom, I rested my hands in the sink as I bent my head…

I was ashamed to even look myself at the mirror..Damn you Beatrice, why did you come back??? All you do is cause me pain…

I took out my phone which was now trembling in my hand and swiped through my Ciara’s photos which in time blurred behind my tears…

“My love please be strong…Don’t lose it…I promise I will do better…”

I was about to put my phone back in my pocket when I saw an incoming call from Beatrice…

“Stop calling me…” I yelled at her and ended the call…

I screamed the pain out of my lungs, slamming the sink…

I don’t know for how long I stood, looking vulnerable Infront of that mirror..I didn’t care about those coming into the washroom and nobody dared to tell me to move from the sink..

“Jordan????” Mason slammed washroom the washroom’s door open calling out my name excitedly…

“They are both safe and they have been transferred to the ward…” He screamed into my ear…

“You mean I am going to be a father???” I lifted him of the floor….

“Yes and please put me down it’s getting weird…”

I placed him down and ran out of the washroom like a mad woman but stopped after I slammed the door closed…

What room is she in???

“Room 52…” He said the moment I opened the door..

I looked like a crazy man as I ran towards room 52…

“Mr Marcias, calm down…” I bumped into the gynaecologist coming out of the room..

“How are they????” I panted.

“Okay but delicate…I am glad you brought her here…It seems she is under stress and her high blood pressure was very high…She is sleeping right now but you can see her…”

Ciara’s POV

I woke up to the pungent smell of hospital disinfectant invading my nostrils..

The room was so silent apart from my heavy breathing..

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Jordan’s head beside my hand, his hand holding mine…

He was sound asleep

. I was happy that he was beside me when I needed him..

I felt the urge to caress his face as he is sleeping but the moment I tried to pull my hand away he woke up..

“My love you are okay…” His other hand caressed my cheek, “I am so sorry I was careless..Please forgive me…I didn’t mean to hurt during the party, I was a fool and I allowed a mere feeling from my past overpower my sanity…I am sorry…” He rested his forehead on mine and I felt a tear fall on my cheek..

“Jordan just leave…I don’t want to see you…” I whispered in a hoarse voice…I didn’t want him to leave..I just wanted to see if he is willing to stay no matter how much I push him away..

“I am not going away…” He buried his head on my neck, “I am not David or Jason…I am not leaving and am choosing you…No matter what you say I am not leaving…” I could feel hot tears on my neck…

I remained silent as tears streamed from my eyes..That’s what I wanted to hear Jordan..That you will stay…

“Just say you love me??? Please….” He whispered as he brushed his lips with mine…

I was hesitant for a while still not sure if I should forgive him about the kissing incident with Beatrice but my heart couldn’t hold onto my love for him any longer…

“Jordan Marcias, I love you so much…I have loved you for the longest time and I don’t want to divorce you…” I said excitedly as my heart fluttered uncontrollably almost drowning in joy…

“Do you know for how long I have waited to hear those words????” His voice came out embarrassingly breathless…

“You have heard them now…” I took his hand from my cheek and placed it on my belly, “We love you so much Jordan and no one not even Beatrice will tear us apart…” I could feel tears sting my eyes…

“So you forgive me for the other day??? For been a coward…I am sorry…” He pulled his head from my neck and looked deep into my eyes, “I will be here and will never leave..But why did you not tell me about our baby??? I would have been there for you..”

“I was scared that you would reject since it’s the product of that mistake plus I lied I was under family planning…”

“Are you crazy??? That’s the fruit of our love..Mistake or not, he is mine..It’s just feels perfect having it with you…I will be with you all the way…” He squeezed my hand tightly and kissed me…

A kiss that made me realise how much I had missed him..

When his lips parted from me, I pulled him back sending wild tremors along my nerves …

I love you Jordan Marcias…

I could feel my warm tears dripping on our lips…I was so happy…

“Surprise!!!!!” The whole family slammed the door open unexpectedly and distracted us from our kiss…

“Jordan,can you at least wait for her to give birth first???” Sophie joked and we both looked at each other embarrassingly…

“She is my woman…” Jordan brought my hand to his lips and kissed it….

. .