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[Story] Attitude meets Arrogance – S01 E78

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Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 78

Ciara’s POV

I stood there shocked as she walked towards us ..There was no two way about it, she was very beautiful…More beautiful than in the photos I have seen on Google…

Yes, don’t judge..I had to know who I was up against….

At the way Jordan stared at her, I was sure he wished she would drop something so as he could return it…

I suddenly felt his hand slip away…Did I let go of his hand or did he??? He begun walking towards her….i could feel a sharp pain in my chest as She shamelessly threw her arms around his neck and begun acting all emotional…

“I have missed you alot my JoJo…” She sobbed…

JoJo??? What a silly nickname…

“If you only knew how much I have missed you…”

Sweet heavens, I wanna throw up…She spoke in a high class way and yet so gentle…I could sense a deep longing in her eyes…

“Jordan who is this???” I asked and finally Jordan remembered he had a wife…

“Ooooh Ciara!!!!” He pulled back… Yes, welcome back to reality fool…

“So who is this girl who is so cossy my husband???” I rolled my eyes, my arms crossed on my chest…

“Ciara meet Beatrice, Beatrice meet Ciara…” He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly…

“I am Ciara, his wife…” I moved closer to Jordan and pressed myself closer to his chest…

All the attention was on us but I didn’t care…I wouldn’t let a little selfish witch take my man away from me unless I am not Ciara…

“Is this not the same Beatrice who left you stranded on the altar and ran away with your bodyguard????” I acted all shocked as I played with Jordan’s hair…

“I can explain, I didn’t……” She begun explaining herself but I interrupted her, “Dear how shameless can you be??? I must say you have alot of guts…You deserve an award…”

“Ciara, that’s enough….” Jordan whispered into my ear but I didn’t care…He should be mad, he should kick her out of the party.

. This whimpy girl humiliated him, insulted his ego as a man and he is fucking defending her…

“Don’t tell me to keep quiet…I am just talking to her…Trust me when I lose my nerve, I will burn this house down..” I warned him between closed teeth..

“So why are you back??? Are you here to talk to my husband??? As you can see, he is taken…”

Talking to her, made a storm of rage inside me…I just wanted to pounce on her and beat the hell out of that pretty face…

She begun staggering and the next thing she has fallen on Jordan’s arms…Jordan pushes me aside and takes her into his arms….

“Jordan she is pretending….She just wants to get you back…” I yelled…

“Shut up Ciara…How can you be so heartless???? Can you see she is unconscious???” He yelled back at me…

I can’t believe he yelled at me because of that woman….At one point she meant the world to him and maybe that feeling never went away…

“Jordan, how can you be so stupid??? She will leave you again and again…”

“Ciara????” He raged out that I flinched,”One more word and I will forget you are my wife..Sebastian call the doctor and tell her to come to my room…”

“Jordan, walk out of this ballroom with her and it’s over between us…” I said as tears filled my eyes…

“I am sorry….”

I felt a slash on my heart as he walked out of the ballroom with her in his arms…He chose her..For once I wish someone chose me…Why do I always have to be the second option???

The first tear broke and the rest followed in an unbroken stream…The cameras were flashing on my face as the paparazzis captured the most embarrassing moment in my life…

“Excuse me!!!!” I murmured and ran out of the ballroom…

“Ciara wait????” I heard Jaxon call out for me as I ran to the garden….

I tried to increase my pace when I felt a pair of hands on my waist and spinned me around….

Before I could even talk, he pulled me into his chest…

“Let it all out….” He rubbed my back soothingly as I cried on his chest….

“I need you to calm down for the baby’s sake….”

“He chose her….Nobody ever chooses me…” I stammered…

“Its hurts so much Jaxon that I can’t breath….”

“It’s okay, I am here for you….”He assured me as he pulled back….

“Promise you will take care of yourself….” He cupped my face trying to wipe the streaming tears with his thumbs…

“I can’t promise…Maybe I am paying for not fighting for us…it seems he is not over Beatrice…” My tears begun to steam down at a faster pace…

“Don’t say that, I know he loves you…And if he doesn’t appreciate you I am here for you…No more tears from you…” He wiped my tears and hugged me once more when I saw Ariana looking at me in rage….

“If I am not mistaken, would I be wrong to say Jaxon you are the reason Beatrice is back????” She cussed out as I pulled apart from Jaxon…

“How dare you Jaxon, you still love her don’t you???” She questioned Jaxon, who just remained silent

“Ariana is not what you think….He was just comforting me….” I tried talking sense into her…

“Just shut up, how do I know this was not your plan so as you two can finally be together…I won’t allow it…” She moved closer to me and now we were nose to nose,”I won’t give him up easily…”

“I don’t want your man Ariana, stop being immature…” I snapped at her and she pushed me back…

“What happening here???” Jane asked as her, Sophie and Chloe ran towards us..

“Ask your bestfriend, she is trying to take my man…” Ariana snarled more than she spoke..

“Don’t you think I would have done that long time ago??? He was mine first…” I replied rudely and she was ready to pounce at me when Jaxon held her back, “That’s enough Ariana….”

“Marcias brothers it seem they have a habit of getting back to their exes…” I couldn’t blame Ariana for being pissed at me….I know the feeling of your husband choosing your ex over you….

“Ariana please let me explain!!!” I tried to reason with her but she couldn’t hear it…

“Shut up husband snatcher!!!!” She pointed her finger at my face and I almost snapped when my bestfriend came to my rescue…

“Ariana one more word and I will forget you are pregnant…” Jane warned threatening to hit her as her hand was hanging in the air ..

“How dare….” She begun screaming, slapping Jaxon….

“What’s wrong????” Jaxon asked worriedly…..

“I think the baby is coming…” She groaned…

“What???” We all asked in unison….

“Yes, please I need to get to the hospital…Jaxon hurry up or I am gonna eat you alive…” She screamed…

“Okay…Chloe go get the car, I will carry her to the parking…Sophie go pick the baby bag from our room and Jane don’t leave Ciara alone…” Jaxon instructed as he took Ariana into his arms…

“I can’t believe you are still concerned about her and I am almost giving birth…” She begun slapping the poor man…

“Sophie let’s go get the bag…” I stated and begun walking past her when she held my hand…

“Where do you think you are going???” She wiggled her eyebrows…

“To take the baby bag of course…”

“No, you are going to your room and make sure that Beatrice doesn’t take your man plus Ariana is so mad at you right now…” Sophie explained her view and in a way she was right..

“Okay…call me and update me…” I requested and she nodded before hugging me…

I walked upstairs with Jane beside me giving me morale support since I was tensed as f*ck…I have never been scared all my life…Even my dad has never scared me this much…

“Babe, I will wait for you in Sophie’s room…You got this…” She squeezed my hand but I didn’t feel any better ..

As I walked towards our room, I felt weak on my knees…I had this weird feeling that things wouldn’t go my way…

I was about to knock on the door when it flung slightly open…

“How are you feeling??? you scared me…” Jordan said softly as he took her hand and brought it to his cheek…

“Your wife is a temperamental one…” She chuckled and he joined in,” Let’s not talk about her, so what brings you here????”

“I came to say I am sorry…” She sobbed…

“Sssssh!!!! Don’t cry…..”

Come on Ciara, you can do this…Just fake a smile, get in and pretend you are okay with him helping her…It can’t be that hard…

I took a step forward ready to get in when Beatrice said something I wish she never did…

“JoJo I am so sorry, i wish you knew the emptiness I felt without you

. I still love you so much…”

I didn’t wait for him to reply before I ran to Sophie’s room. I didn’t have the courage to listen to what he had to say. What if he says, he missed her and loves her too so much. What will happen to me and the baby????.

I could feel the abdominal pains beginning to squeeze the strength out of me…

. .