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[Story] Attitude meets Arrogance – S01 E69

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Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 69

Ciara’s POV

I think I am falling for Jordan..It wasn’t planned but everytime he is close to me I feel like the world has stopped on its axis. For the past two weeks I have realised I don’t hate him anymore..

I don’t regret meeting him…If it’s possible I yearn to be married to him with my soul and heart..

Do I want a divorce???.Heck no, I want him to be my last..

We have been acting like this loving couple and although we agreed not to argue or fight anymore I am falling for this lie…

Jordan please don’t divorce me, be my last…

I was in the fashion studio doing final touches on Jaxon suit and as usual I would keep looking around for Jordan…For the past two weeks am used to him keeping me company as I work.

I didn’t know he could make me laugh alot…Please show up Jordan, I am lonely without you…

Just as I was thinking about him, I heard footsteps behind me..Ciara act like you don’t care…

I turned around and tried to fake a smile but deep inside my heart was dancing gwara gwara

“Jordan you are here….”

“I brought you some hot cocoa. I know you love coffee but I don’t want you awake all night.” He smiled…

What a kind soul???? My Jordan…

“You didn’t have to but because you have I will have it so as you don’t feel bad…” I pretended not to care…

“So my fashion designer, what can your assistant do today???” He asked his arms wrapped around my waist…

Please don’t kiss me or kiss me…I wanna rip that T-shirt you wearing and plaster kisses all over your body

. I wish I had hazel eyes..Those lips,i wanna kiss them…

“Ciara??” He snapped his fingers dragging me from those crazy thoughts.

“What are you thinking about????”

“Are you working out alot these days??? You look hot..” I blurted out loud..

“Did you say hot????” He seemed shocked..

“What??? it’s hot in here right??? We should turn the AC on am burning…” I begun fanning myself..The truth is when he held me, I felt breathless…

I wanted to float like the midnight air…

“It’s not hot. What happening??? Why are you sweating???” He asked in a concerned tone..

“I am now shivering. Lets have cocoa before it’s gets hold…”

We both sat down and begun drinking our coffee silently. I could see him looking at me from the corner of my eyes…

Please stop looking at me, I can’t resist getting lost in those eyes….I would forever want those eyes to be the first thing I see when I wake up…

“Ciara, you are so talented…Look at the groom’s suit and the bridal gown is better than those in vogue magazines…” He complimented and I am sure my cheeks were pink or is it red. I can’t explain…

My heart was pounding fast and I felt shy like a teenager after receiving her first kiss..Control yourself Ciara it’s just a compliment…

“But you and I are alike…You make beautiful houses and I make beautiful clothes…We are the creative husband and wife…”

“So what can I help you with today???” He asked…

“I am done with everything…But I can use your company and silly jokes…” I chuckled and he joined in, “I thought you hated my company…”

“Hate is a strong word Mr Marcias..Anyway do you think the groom’s men and bridesmaids will look superb on their suits and dresses…I don’t want it to be an epic fail…” I could nervousness kicking in…

Jordan took my hands and I thought he would squeeze them tight or give me a word of encouragement but instead he brought them to his lips and placed a gentle kiss upon them..

“Do you feel better now??? My wife got this. She never makes mistakes with fashion, she is an icon…” I could feel something flutter in my stomach..

“Thank you, Jordan I almost forgot about something I was to discuss with you. It’s important..”

“I am listening…I hope I didn’t offend you…” I could feel worry in his tone..

“No, actually the flawless and fearless want to start a fashion house and we need you to help us with the artitectural part…”

“So what’s your budget??? You know alot of things have to be bought, it depends with the location, we need contractors, to create a plan and the more the money the quicker the place will be up and running…” He explained in emphasis..

“We will have 25 million since all of us are contributing 5 million each. We need the place running in like seven months…” I replied…

“Ciara do you have the five million??? You have been out of work for quite sometime…” He spoke softly, squeezing my hands…

“The girls will loan me the 5 million and then I will repay them. They don’t mind…” I looked away embarrassed.

I hope he doesn’t think I am a failure.. He is a billionaire and am a fashion designer with peanut salary and big dreams..

“You will send me the proposal in my office…” Those were the only words he said..

I continued doing what I was doing before he came as he went on and on with his silly jokes..

“I am so sleepy…” I yawned and looked at the watch. It was 2 am in the morning..

“Jordan let’s go to bed, I can barely open my eyes. .” I groaned…

Just when I was about to start complaining of how sleepy and tired I was, he swept me off my feet and carried me bridal style…

“Admit that you wanted me to carry you, lazy ass???”He teased and I just rested on his chest.

He made me realise in his arms is where I was accustomed to be..

When we got to the room, he placed me gently on the bed and went to the bathroom..I was feeling quite hot and so I went into the closet and changed into a pair of shorts and a crop top…

“What???” I asked him when I realised he was scanning me from head to bottom..

“You don’t where those lingeries anymore. I miss them especially the red one…Or did you give up teasing me??” He wiggled his eyebrows at me and I smiled shyly looking away…

“Don’t be a naughty boy Mr Marcias. She is out of bounds…” I pushed him aside only for him to pull me back to him..

“What wrong with me admiring my hot wife???” He whispered to my ear and I could feel butterflies in my stomach. I was happy and the same time sad…Sad that I would die if he is not by my side after seven months…

“She doesn’t want to be admired…” I drew back and got into bed…

A few minutes later, I felt him so close behind me his arm around my stomach.

“I hope you don’t mind…”

I placed my hand on his and smiled sheepishly. I wanna turn so bad and kiss you like my life depends on it..

Jordan’s POV

Every day I feel more complete, more bewitching and one thing is for sure I can’t leave without her…

Nowadays I can see a glow in her eyes when she looks at me.

. I love the way she shys off when I compliment her. Is she falling for me???That I am not sure of but I hope so.

I don’t want to divorce her. Please Ciara, say you love me..Even if it through a letter or a sign language…

With her so close beside me I feel like home…I pray to the heavens that this to be my forever. Let her eyes be the first thing I see when I wake up…

It was the second last day before the wedding and everything in the house was chaos..

“Jordan, here is your breakfast. Downstairs is a mess and I know it would have been hard for you to have your breakfast..” She placed the tray on the table lamp and came to help me with my tie…

“How will I live without you after seven months if you keep spoiling me like this???”I asked to see if she would give me a sign she doesn’t want a divorce..

“Eat up your breakfast, I will have my bath now…” She smiled and got into the bathroom..

When I was done with my breakfast ready to leave I remembered something. I needed to write my wife a five million cheque. A Marcias doesn’t borrow loans especially my wife.

It will really break my heart if my wife has to work at the mercies of others..Her husband is the most successful CEO and he will do anything to make her a successful business woman too..

I quickly wrote the cheque, placed it on her table lamp and left before when I heard the bathroom’s door knob shuffle..

I wanted to drive off very fast but Jaxon needed a cheque to pay the wedding planner.

I know you wondering if he forgave me???Yes we talked it through and saw it fit if everyone stayed on their lane. All in all it is always bros before anything.

But when it comes to Ciara, I will always put her first. I was done talking to Jaxon ready to get into my car when I heard Ciara calling me…

Please heavens, I hope she is not mad. I just wanted to help her out…

I turned around to face her ready for my wrath,”Cia…”

My face warmed as she crept closer and wrapped her arms around my shoulders.

“Thank Jordan, it means alot…”

She kissed me on the cheek and went back to the house. There and then my brain shifted to airplane mode…Dear God let’s this story never end…