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Garba Shehu, co-travellers know Nigerian terrorists, must stop inciting global communities again IPOB – Powerful

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The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), led by Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, has taken a swipe at presidential media Aide, Mallam Garba Shehu over his recent call on the International community to tag IPOB as a terrorist group.

Emma Powerful, the Media and Publicity Secretary of the IPOB in a release signed and obtained by DAILY POST on Thursday night, regretted that Garba Shehu was displaying ignorance by his clueless demand.

He alleged that the presidential aide had been touring around the world, lobbying and begging them to declare IPOB a terrorist group, saying that people around the world do not need to be told who terrorists are as they already know them.

Powerful also stated that Shehu has been making a fool of himself and the All Progressives Congress-led administration before the international community thinking that the western world does not know what IPOB stands for. The group reminded the presidential spokesman that from the inception and formation of the pro-biafra group, the world knows that IPOB is a self-determination movement with the singular objective to achieve freedom for the Biafran people.

He adduced that the Fulani terror groups have razed many communities in Nigeria without the President Muhammadu Buhari-led federal government challenging them, regretting also that the Fulani herdsmen which it rated as the fourth deadly terror organization in the world have wiped out villages upon villages without the APC government lifting a finger and had blatantly refused to join the international community to designate them a terror group that they are.

According to the IPOB’s Media and Publicity Secretary, “to add to this is the obvious fact that all the terror groups in Nigeria maiming, killing and burning down communities are masterminded by the Fulani.

“IPOB operates in over 100 different countries and they know what IPOB stands for. None of those countries has ever declared us terrorists. Garba Shehu’s cries cannot change their conviction about IPOB. This crocodile cry is showing the world how complicit Garba Shehu and his government are in the plights of the citizens in this hell-hole called Nigeria.

“Garba Shehu and his co-travellers declared bandits terror groups to deceive the western world so they can declare IPOB a terrorist organization. Unfortunately, the western world knows them and how they were sponsoring Fulani terrorists to destroy many villages and communities and rename them with Fulani names”.

Powerful also urged the Presidential spokesman to, instead of moving from one country to another to lobby for the declaration of IPOB as terror group, he should seek help from the western powers to organize a referendum for the indigenous People in Nigeria to decide where they want to be; whether in Nigeria or stand on their own.

His words, “He should stop making a jest of himself and Fulani people and Buhari government because the western world knows them more than they know themselves, the truth must set Biafra free because, the civilized countries know the root and immediate causes of the numerous deaths being witnessed presently in Nigeria”.