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Cup Of Faith Daily Devotional 20 October 2022 – Christian Participation In Politics

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TOPIC: Christian Participation In Politics

BIBLE TEXT: “…The authorities that exist have been established by God…For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good…They are God’s servants…” – Romans 13:1&4

Christian participation in politics has been a subject of discussion for ages. In some circles, there seems to be an assumption that politics is inherently defiled, and that political activism is inappropriate for those serious about the gospel. This view fits into what Grudem, a systematic theologian calls the “Do Evangelism, Not Politics” approach to civic engagement. Adherents of this view suggest that Christians should exclusively focus on sharing the good news and discipling others following Jesus’s commands in Mat. 28:16- 20.

However, upon closer examination of the Scripture, this objection fails to account for a broader perspective of politics. It does not consider the responsibility of Christians as stewards of God’s blessings and opportunities.

In today’s text, the Bible teaches that government is appointed by God. Paul describes the governing authorities as “ministers of God” who are responsible for administering civil justice. Although God is sovereign, he chooses to use human governments to carry out his will in the civil sphere. Thus, the important role of government is one reason why Christians should engage and participate in politics. Originally, government was God’s idea, and Christians should think about it and engage with it in a way that is consistent with its God-ordained purpose.

The Bible contains numerous examples of God’s people engaging in politics as part of a holistic approach to ministry that meets both spiritual and temporal needs.
For example, Joseph and Daniel served in foreign administrations and used their influence to implement policies that benefited the society. Likewise, Queen Esther used her influence in the Persian government to save the Jewish people from a state-sanctioned genocide (Esther 8).

In the New Testament, Jesus engaged in holistic ministry, caring for the physical and spiritual needs of people. Paul also advocated a comprehensive approach to ministry.
The exhortation to engage in “good works” as in Gal. 6:10 and Ephesians 2:10, has public significance and is, therefore, inescapably political. Decisions made by those serving in government positions have a substantial impact on people’s lives. Consequently, a Christian worldview recognizes that the “good works” of believers must include politics, an area with massive implications for missions and evangelism.

Beloved of God, politics occupies a significant place in society. It is an unavoidable and central area of Christian concern. Since government and its laws are an inextricable part of our lives, Christians ought to leverage their influence for the advancement of laws, policies, and practices that contribute to the flourishing of our community, state and nation. Therefore, Christians have a biblical obligation to engage in politics and the political process.


I pray for you today:

  1. May the Lord make you a good leader.
  2. He will raise you for this time and for this season.
  3. The Lord will create space for you in governance.
  4. Your seat will not be occupied by another man.
  5. Go and take possession of your inheritance.

So shall it be in Jesus name. Amen

Have a nice day.


Yours in Christ,
Revd Dr. Bayo Sola Aremu
Church pastor
Yaba Baptist Church
Sabo-Yaba, Lagos

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