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Cup Of Faith Daily Devotional 15 October 2022 – Beware Of Political Deception (2)

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TOPIC: Beware Of Political Deception (2)

BIBLE TEXT: “Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The time is near.’ Do not follow them.” – Luke 21:8

In his article titled Nigeria and Deceptive Politics, Bamidele Ademola Olateju declares that ”there is a moral paradox at the heart of our food-for-vote democratic process.” According to him, there is something very wrong in our value system.Thieves and suspected drug barons who turn politicians spend their loot and ill-gotten wealth on campaigns to win elections.

They laundered looted money into the system to deceive and convince the masses to trust in their leadership and governance. Competition for votes from the struggling masses, who are still beset by bread and butter issues, compel our politicians to lie and abandon issue and idea-based politics to giving ‘riceties’-the distribution of common staple foods, chiefly rice, to the poor in exchange for votes. This is done wearing the cloak of deception such that the politician is presumed to be nice, caring and generous.

Don’t we have every cause to worry about the increasing political deception,dishonesty and monetization of campaigns? It is obvious,as commonly said,that nothing goes for nothing.The sponsors who spend on behalf of these politicians are not Salvation Army. They expect to reap big when their candidates win.

Given the rate at which we accept money,rice, printed shirts and assorted baits; we are destined to trail behind in development. There is no short cut on a Palm tree, we cannot eat our cake and have it. We will continue to Milan our fate and trail less endowed nations when all we care about is now, when all we care about is the tarring of our stomachs instead of roads and the infrastructure of our palate and intestines instead of critical infrastructure. Given our desire for instant gratification, there is no incentive for an aspiring local government chairman, governor or president to tackle the urgent problems afflicting our communities, states, and the nation.

Today’s stomach-driven campaigns are fixated on the logistical effectiveness of rice distribution to the exclusion of actual manifestoes and developmental issues affecting the electorate. Issues and development have become a secondary concern where possible or even a rarity. According to Olateju, ‘riceties’ has become the preferred brand of deception favoured by politicians. With an amoral middle class showing total indifference and complete apathy, politicians advance misleading versions of themselves to the masses. Voters want to believe what they are seeing, what they are hearing, and accept what is being shared. Everybody wants to “chop” their own and that is why we are where we are and who we are.

Beloved of God,the time of ignorance is over. Let us heed Jesus’ warning. Let us watch against deceptive politicians who parade themselves as Moses but who are indeed Pharaoh.The type of a leader we need now is Moses, not another Pharaoh.


I pray for you today

  1. May you not cheaply and voluntarily sell your birthright in Jesus’s name.
  2. You will not fall into the error of compromise
  3. The Lord will remove the cloak of deception from deceitful politicians
  4. He will turn the tables to our advantage
  5. It shall get better for you and for this nation

So shall it be in Jesus name. Amen.

Enjoy your weekend.


Yours in Christ,
Revd Dr. Bayo Sola Aremu
Church pastor
Yaba Baptist Church
Sabo-Yaba, Lagos

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